Ufology Handbook
2013 edition.
Robert Moore
Ufology Handbook
In the decades following their first
appearance in 1947, UFOs have established a solid hold upon the popular
imagination. Books, television, magazines, internet pages and newspapers detail
a dazzling diversity of sightings, from the latest astounding encounters to the
notable UFO events of yesteryear. In each quoted instance they seem totally
beyond explanation, their origin beyond understanding.
But is that truly the case? For all the
astounding claims made about them, the scientific community remains sceptical
of UFOs, as (it appears) are the governments of every major world power.
So, what is the truth about UFO's? The
best answer anyone can give at present is that nobody really knows for sure; in
that sense they remain a real-life mystery. However, there are many aspects of
the UFO phenomenon that are well documented.
In this booklet, the author attempts to
briefly outline the history of the UFO problem as well as its basic attributes;
hopefully answering the majority of questions you have ever wanted to ask about
this subject.
Robert Moore 2013.
UFOs; the historical perspective:
The birth of modern Ufology
UFO's in early history
The 1890'S American airship waves
Foo Fighters and Ghost Rockets
America and the UFO; an overview
Civilian UFO research
Official attitudes to UFOs in the UK
UFO basics:
UFO Basics
Defining the UFO
IFO Types
The who, what and when of UFOs
Who studies UFO reports?
Who sees UFOs?
Astronauts and UFO's
When are UFOs usually seen?
Alleged attributes of “True UFOs”:
Basic UFO Shape Aspects
"Soft" UFOs; the BOL connection
Reported UFO shapes
Alleged Surface Features
Internal motion
Alleged reactions and effects:
Biological reactions
"Oz Factor" manifestations
"Crop Circles"
UFO Entities:
The pre-contactee era (1947 to 1951)
The contactee era (1951-1960)
The CE III era (1955 to 1982)
The "Abduction" Era (1982 and
The typical CE III event
INDEX (cont)...
Common types of UFO Entities
The Abduction Experience; an in-depth
The quest for proof:
UFO photographs and films
Early photographs of aerial anomalies
Classic UFO photographic cases
Classic cinematic UFO Incidents
IFF's : Infamous flying fakes
UFO photographic cases in the British Isles
"UFO entity" photographs worldwide
“Angel Hair”
Direct physical UFO evidence
Recovered Implants & "Black Light" marks
DNA sampling
Crashed saucers
The UFO "cover up":
The wilder side; MJ-12 To "Area 51"
The government (or someone) is watching...
Recent trends in ufology.
UFO Theories:
1: The "radical misperception"
2: Exotic natural phenomena
mirage anomalies.
3 "Unconventional Technology"
4 The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
5: The Alternate Universe Hypothesis (AUH)
6: The Time Travel Hypothesis (TTH)
7: The Paranormal Phenomena hypothesis (PPH)
a: UFOs and "apparitional"
b: UFOs and the Collective
c: UFOs and
"Otherworldy" beings
Summary of the PPH
8: The living organism hypothesis (LOH)
The UFO as we know them today came into being around 2.59pm on Tuesday,
June 24th 1947. Kenneth Arnold (a fire control systems engineer) was flying his
private "Callair" aircraft over the Cascade Mountains in Washington
State, USA through a clear, turbulence-free sky, attempting to locate a missing
C-46 aircraft (a reward having been offered for its recovery). Puzzled by a
bright flash reflecting onto his aircraft, he looked around him for the source
of this reflection. As he did so, Arnold caught sight of a "diagonal
chain" of nine "mirror-bright" objects moving in a manner
"a saucer would if you skipped it across the water". It was on his
description of their motion (and not their shape, as many believe) from which
the expression "Flying Saucer" originates. Kenneth Arnold's sighting
was widely featured in the newspapers of the day, causing a minor sensation
throughout the United States.
In the wake of the publicity surrounding this seminal UFO report, many
other people came forward with "flying disc" sightings of their own,
some which occurred several months before Arnold's experience.
Observations of strange aerial phenomena have been claimed throughout
recorded history. There is much debate whether certain ancient religious texts
and myths contain references to "UFOs" (such as the vision of the
prophet Ezekiel featured in the Old Testament). There are many accounts dating
from Classical, Medieval and Renaissance times chronicling sightings of flaming
spears, burning shields, dark globes and ships seen in the sky. Similar aerial
oddities feature in diverse scientific journals throughout the 17th, 18th and
19th centuries. These events could be early UFO manifestations, or simply the
natural phenomena which still initiate spurious UFO sightings in our time.
There are also alleged pre-20th century accounts which are suspected hoaxes;
two notable examples being the so-called "Tulli papyrus", detailing
"circles of fire" supposedly seen in ancient Egypt in the reign of
Pharaoh Thutmose III (circa 1500 BC) and an account of a shiny disc purportedly
seen over Byland Abbey, Yorkshire, England, during the 13th century.
However the first instances of aerial phenomena comparable to modern
UFOs occurred in the United States during 1896 and 1897. Various newspapers recounted
nocturnal observations (mainly in the central region of North America) of dark
elongated forms carrying brilliant "searchlights", moving in an
erratic (by our standards) slow-moving manner. Similar "airship"
reports appear in other parts of the world thereafter; Britain experiencing
several such "waves" of sightings from 1903 to 1914. Those who took
these reports believed the airship was the secret construction of an American
inventor, who would eventually come forward once his craft had been either
perfected or patented. The media at the time featured the claims of various
individuals who alleged they had constructed it (none of which were ever
substantiated). Others entertained the possibility that the airship(s)
originated from the planet Mars. Others blamed the clandestine activities of
certain foreign powers (the Spanish and Germans during the American and English
airship "scares" respectively).
As far as aviation history is concerned, airships were on the verge of
being perfected in the 1890's, and became fully viable during the early 20th
century. There is no solid evidence that the 1896-97 reports were instigated by
any flying machine known to have existed at the time (although some believe an
airship could have been secretly constructed, somehow destroyed and as a result
lost to history). It is however known that a number of the American airship
sighting-claims are hoaxes. One notorious example of such a fabricated reported
is the claim made by Alexander Hamilton (and others), describing six "strange...
beings" hauling a calf aboard their vessel in Le Roy, Kansas in 1897 (the
report a prank, perpetuated by a so-called "liars club"). Some
suspected at the time that at least some incidents were observations of bright
stars or the planet Venus.
The next recorded instance of pre-1947 "UFO" phenomena
occurred during World War 2. Many pilots claimed observations of Foo Fighters;
silvery-coloured "spheres" or orange, reddish, white or yellow
"balls" of light which reportedly "paced" or "played
tag" with aircraft for protracted periods of time. Most of the records we
have of this phenomenon come from Allied (mainly American) aircrew, but similar
observations were also made by Axis pilots (the extent of which has yet to be determined).
The name "Foo Fighter" (used mostly by American pilots) possibly
relates to "Feu" (the French term for fire), and is thought to be
inspired by a sarcastic aside from the (then-popular) "Smokey Stover"
comic-strip; "Where's there's foo, there's fire". At the time they
were believed to be secret weapons developed by either the Axis or Allied
powers; however, no convincing evidence to support this assumption has ever
been uncovered.
In 1946 (just a year before "the" birth of the UFO)
high-altitude cigar or fiery spool-shaped objects were seen over the night
skies of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. These so-called "Ghost Rockets"
were often reported to explode in mid-air or "crash" into lakes. Some
alleged "ghost rocket" fragments were recovered on at least one
occasion but were found to be simple lumps of carbon! When assessed by the
Swedish Defence Staff, most reports could be explained as observations of
bright meteors or aircraft, around 20% of sightings could not so accounted for.
America, being the country where the concepts of UFO’s were conceived
was, as a result, the focus of many of the penultimate events in the subject’s
development. For almost thirty years various political and military bodies in
this country were concerned with assessing the phenomenon. America's conclusion
that they were probably explicable in natural terms and hence posed no threat
to anyone's liberty or airspace has markedly influenced the UFO policy of
numerous other countries.
The first appearance of the "flying saucers" in 1947 initially
caused the government of the United States notable concern, due to their
unknown origin and their (reportedly) superior flight characteristics. The
first UFO reports were investigated by the Air Technical Intelligence Centre
(ATTIC), based at Right Pattern Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio (due to this
department's brief of monitoring developments in aircraft and missiles by
foreign powers). With the "flying discs" appearing at the beginning
of the Cold War, there were genuine fears that they could be Russian devices
(possibly constructed with the aid of German rocket-scientists captured at the
end of World War II).
The early saucer sightings were deemed sufficiently convincing for ATIC
to request the establishment of a project to study them. As a result, Project
Sign was founded in December 1947. Sign was given a high "2A" priority rating and a
"Restricted" security classification (until the early 1950's, even
the very names of project "Sign" and "Grudge" were
classified information; both being publicly referred to as "Project
Saucer"). From the beginning, opinion within Project Sign concerning UFOs
was (often emotively) divided between those who thought the sightings were
natural phenomena, hoaxes and hallucinations and those who believed they
involved advanced aerial devices. In late 1948 (following a number of startling
high-profile sightings) Project Sign issued a top-secret "Estimate of the
Situation". This lengthy report detailed the case for an extra-terrestrial
origin for UFOs. These conclusions were subsequently rejected as
poorly-substantiated speculation by the (then) Air Force's Chief-Of-Staff
General Hoyt S. Vandenberg.
The study-project was swiftly reorganized as a result of this high-level
dismissal of its findings. Those within Sign who supported an extra-terrestrial
origin for UFOs were gradually reassigned elsewhere, and the project was
renamed Project Grudge early in 1949. Project Grudge was assigned the task of deflating the
“UFO craze” by attempting to explain all sightings reported to it and (through
the media) publicly demonstrate that "flying saucers" had no
objective existence. It issued a lengthy report in 1949 concluding that UFO's
were not a threat to either America or her allies, and that "there is no
evidence that objects reported upon are the result of an advanced scientific
foreign development...and constitute no direct threat to national
In late 1948, numerous observations of so-called "green
fireballs" were reported from the American state of New Mexico. Some
astronomers felt they were too green, large and bright to be conventional
meteors (their trajectories also being slower and horizontal than
“conventional” bolides). The fact that the sightings involved repeated,
localized observations of a phenomenon with near-identical attributes only
added to the uncertainty. Furthermore, when their trajectories were plotted
(and subsequently checked) no meteorite fragments were ever discovered.
To resolve the uncertainty surrounding the green fireballs, the USAF
initiated Project Twinkle in the summer of 1949, involving the usage of specialized
tracking-cameras to acquire solid evidence of this phenomenon. Although the
project had initially planned to use three cameras, only one actually entered
service (due to a lack of funding and manpower). Project Twinkle was eventually
cancelled in the middle of 1950 (due to military spending being prioritized for
the Korean War), the single fielded tracking-camera failing to record any fireball
events. However, the green fireballs were still reportedly seen in the New
Mexico area for (at least) several years afterwards. It was later suggested in
the early 1960's by astronomer D. H. Menzel that they may have been
"cometoids" composed of frozen nitrogen (explaining their colour and
the lack of recovered fragments).
It was at this time that Dr. J. Allan Hynek (then Professor of Astronomy
at Ohio Sate University) first became involved in the subject, acting as
astronomical consultant for the various USAF study projects. At first sceptical
of UFO reality (and, as a result, often the target of the ire of UFO buffs),
Hynek eventually reached the conclusion that some sightings had an
extraordinary origin, warranting more than causal dismissal. Following his
retirement in the early 1970's he became the subjects most prominent champion,
founding the Centre of UFO Studies in 1973. He played a major role within the
world UFO movement almost right up to his death in 1986. The organization he
helped established (now renamed the J. Alan Hynek Centre for UFO Studies in his
honour) still remains active, acting to stimulate interest in the UFO problem
within the scientific community.
By this time, it was apparent that most sightings could be explained
fairly satisfactorily as mistaken observations of such things as weather
balloons, the planet Venus and aircraft. However, despite their efforts, 23% of
Project Grudge's reports were classified as "unknowns". However,
Grudge believed nonetheless that
"all evidence and analysis indicate[s] that ..(UFO). .reports are the
result of: 1: Mis-identification of various conventional objects, 2: A mild
form of mass-hysteria and war-nerves, 3: Individuals who fabricate such reports
to perpetuate hoax or to seek publicity.. [and]..4: Psycho-pathological
persons". Following a decline in the number of UFO reports (which some
believed was the "flying saucer fad" running its course) Grudge
entered a virtually dormant state. Fresh UFO reports were (minimally) processed
through normal intelligence channels, and its records of past sightings were
placed in storage.
However, as the number of UFO reports began to pick up again in the
early 1950's Grudge (renamed Project Blue Book in 1952) was revitalized under the directorship of Captain Edward J.
Ruppelt. The USAF study-project reached its zenith during his administration;
conducting detailed and balanced assessments of the UFO sightings it
In January, 1953 fresh concern over UFO sightings resulted in the C.I.A
convening an evaluation committee, comprising of a panel of technical experts
headed by physicist Professor H. P. Robertson. After taking a week to examine
various items of UFO evidence, the so-called Robertson Panel concluded that UFO's did not pose a threat to national security.
Concerned over the possibility that large numbers of spurious UFO reports could
clog military intelligence channels in a time of crisis, it recommended that "UFO's were to be stripped of the aura
of mystery they had so unfortunately acquired". It recommended that an
information campaign be conducted to reduce the "current gullibility of
the public" regarding UFO reports.
Following the conclusions of the Robinson Panel, Project Blue Book
became less dynamic. Its staffing-levels and funding reduced, Blue Book's
investigations into UFO sightings became minimal, with many reports being
"explained" in a presumptive and arbitrary manner.
In 1966, with Blue Book savaged by protracted public criticism, the USAF
founded an independent short-term project, whose aim was to conduct detailed
scientifically-based investigations into a limited number of UFO events
(assisted by a wide range of scientific disciplines ranging from astronomy to
psychology). This program (staffed mainly by scientists) was headed by Dr.
Edward U. Condon and based at the University of Colorado. On the project's
termination in 1968 it concluded "that further extensive study of UFOs
probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced
thereby". The University of Colorado’s UFO project was typified by notable
in-fighting, controversy concerning the actual impartiality of those involved
and the fact that (despite its negative verdict and its policy of in-depth case
investigation) some 33% of the reports it studied were listed as
"unexplained". Following the publication of the Colorado project's
report into its activities (in what is usually termed the "Condon
Report") Project Blue Book was closed down in 1969. In 1977, France
established a body called GEPAN (which continued until very recently, albeit in a reduced form. Several
recent efforts within the ECC to found a Europe-spanning UFO co-ordination
effort floundered in the mid-1990's due to a lack of support.
Civilian UFO Research
There were many who were unhappy with the sceptical (even dismissive)
attitude towards UFOs adopted by Project Blue Book. This resulted in the birth
of a civilian study movement in the United States, devoted to conclusively
proving the reality of UFO's. During this era the two largest unofficial UFO
societies active were APRO (the Aerial Phenomena Research
Organization, founded in 1952) and NICAP (the National Investigation Committee for Aerial Phenomena, established
in 1956). Both groups are now no longer active. Given the UFO study movement
was born out of disaffection with official attitudes, it is unsurprising that
the 50's and 60's were a time of bitter verbal conflict between the USAF and
these various civilian UFO groups.
Since 1969, the majority of UFO investigation and research work has been
conducted by nonofficial study-groups staffed by civilian volunteers. In the
United States MUFON (the Mutual UFO Network), established
in 1967, gradually evolved to become America's dominant civilian UFO group and
is now currently the largest such UFO society in the world.
By the mid-1990's the United Kingdom was dominated by three large UFO
groups; BUFORA (the British UFO Research Association, established in 1964), Quest International (initiated in 1981 as YUFOS, the Yorkshire UFO Society) and Contact International (founded in 1967). Quest International however, ceased to exist as a UFO
group by the mid-1990's, thereafter taking the form of a colour A4 publication
called UFO MAGAZINE, which managed to
achieve (and sustain) newsstand circulation for almost a decade. This magazine
ended publication in March 2004 following the death of the journal's editor,
Graham Birdsall; although several internet-based magazines ("UFOData"
and "UFO Monthly") have been subsequently established by some
of those formerly involved in UFO MAGAZINE. UFOData
subsequently organised several large UFO conferences following its
establishment and demise.
By 1997 BUFORA possessed both a significant membership base and produced
an A4 colour-cover magazine entitled UFO TIMES. However, the
downturn of interest in the subject manifesting from the late 1990's onwards
resulted in BUFORA suspending its publication (thereafter utilising the group's
website as its prime mode of communication) and restricting membership to
active researchers and investigators only. While Contact International
also still exists, it has also experienced a degree of contraction; the
contemporary British "UFO scene" dominated by numerous small local
groups who widely utilise websites and Internet forums as their main means of communication.
Despite this trend, the United Kingdom is also host to the
publication Flying Saucer Review - a private circulation magazine which commenced publication in1955 and
remains in production.
In 1952 Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent a memo to the (then) Air
Ministry asking "what does all this stuff about flying saucers amount
to?" Basing their findings on the USAF study-projects, the Air Ministry
concluded that all UFO sightings were probably explicable as natural phenomena,
hoaxes and hallucinations. The United Kingdom has never conducted any long-term
monitoring of reports comparable to Americas Project's Sign, Grudge or Blue
Book. A memo written in the mid 1960's to the USAF stated that no serious
political pressure had been mounted in England to establish a Blue-Book style
project, due to the Air Ministry's policy of "play[ing] down" the UFO
subject. This is ironic, given that the Air Ministries' policy on UFO's was
itself based on the findings of Project Blue Book! In 1979 the late Earl of
Clancarty tabled a motion in the House of Lords for a Governmental study of
UFOs. This motion was defeated on the grounds that "there are a wide range
of natural explanations to account for such phenomenon" and that
"there is nothing to suggest ...[they]... are alien space craft".
The Air Ministry was replaced by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) in 1964.
Its view of UFO reports remained identical to that of its precursor. The MOD
(as the USAF) works on the assumption that virtually all UFO reports have
rational solutions. MoD-derived sighting statistics printed in 1969 shows
around 10% of reports listed as "Unidentified (Insufficient
Prior to 2009 UFO reports made through official channels (i.e. those
reported or originating from military bases, civil airports and the police) were
passed onto various "filter" military establishments, who then submitted
them to a MOD secretariat termed DAS, based in Whitehall,
London. British UFO sightings reported through official channels had always
been given a fairly low priority; DAS being the same department responsible for
complaints relating to low-flying aircraft. The MOD's interest in a UFO report was
only to determine whether the "object" observed posed an actual or
potential threat to Britain's security. Once it was apparent a sighting had no
"defence implications", investigation into it ceased. In regards to
unidentified RADAR contacts "penetrating" UK airspace, the Royal Air
Force (as all other air-forces throughout the world) are known to use
"various means" to identify them, including interception.
The precise structure of the government's UFO sighting evaluation system
remains shrouded in secrecy. However, it is almost certain that DAS passed
sightings onto so-called "Air Defence Experts" (MOD staff with
extensive knowledge of aircraft, meteorological phenomenon, RADAR systems, etc)
for evaluation. It has been further suggested that RAF Rudloe Manor (an
extensive facility in Wiltshire known to deal with low-flying infringements and
other matters) once played a significant part in the government's UFO
assessment activities.
UFO's are raised from time to time in the House of Commons; mainly in
form of Questions from Members of Parliament (M.Ps) concerning specific UFO
events occurring in their constituency. Sometimes requests from M.Ps to clarify
current policy regarding UFOs or the number of reports made in a given year are
forwarded to (and answered by) the Secretary for Defence.
In January 1995 an apparent near-collision between a Boeing 737 jet and
a wedge-shaped object approximately 14 km SE of Manchester Airport resulted in
an air-miss enquiry being conducted by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). They
were unable to discover a mundane solution for this incident, officially
concluding in the final report that "the nature and identity of this
object remains unknown".
From 1997-2000 a presently unknown military contractor was given the
task of formally assessing the UFO issue by the MoD. The final report
(codenamed Condign) - which involved
only an indirect assessment of the evidence - concluded UFOs were unlikely
to have an extraterrestrial origin. It further concluded that
"unexplained" reports were probably instigated by sightings of
natural plasma-like phenomena, which the Condign authors termed
"UAPs". These conclusions appear to have resulted in DI55
ending it's monitoring of UFO reports.
Attempts to determine the Government's past and present involvement with
UFO's were hampered by the considerable secrecy inherent throughout the whole
English "body-politic", prior to the Freedom Of
Information Act (2000) (FOIA). All official documents were
withheld for at least 30 years before being publicly disclosed. However as a
consequence of the FOIA and pressure from UFO researchers David Clarke and Gary
Anthony resulted in disclosure of the Condign Study in 2006, in addition to
numerous UFO-related documents and concise listings of recent sightings
reported to the MoD. As with all previous releases, the documents infer (as a
totality) that actual MoD policy and approaches to UFO reports reflected its
publicly-stated stance. One significant fact which emerged is that the MoD
generally ceased visiting witnesses after 1967; thereafter only conducting
indirect enquires into sightings. The MoD UFO sightings desk was formally
closed in 2009; doing as (in their view) some sixty years of monitoring reports
failed to uncover any evidence of them posing a threat to the security of the
British isles. All surviving MoD records relating to UFO have now been
submitted to the National Archives as a consequence of the Freedom of
Information Act.
To understand what a UFO actually is, one must first define both what
the term means and what human experiences it is applied to. "UFO"
is the acronym of Unidentified Flying Object, a term first popularized
by Edward J. Ruppelt in the early 1950's. "UFO" was intended to
replace the expressions "Flying Saucer" and "Flying Disc". These two earlier terms had (by the
50's) both become much derided by sensationalist media coverage and rendered
inaccurate by numerous sightings of non-discoid "objects". However
(despite Ruppelt's efforts) the expression "flying saucer" is still
used by popular culture even today. There have been many attempts to define the
UFO. One of the best was suggested by the so-called "Condon project"
in the late 1960's, which defined "UFO" as equating to;
"...the stimulus for a report made by one or more individuals of
something seen in the sky (or an object thought to be capable of flight but
seen when landed on the earth) which the observer could not identify as having
an ordinary natural origin..."
The fact that a plethora of differing phenomena are (probably)
"grouped" under this (and every) definition of a "UFO" has
resulted in extreme difficulties in determining the phenomenon's parameters.
The fact that such events always occur out of the blue (and usually leaves no
physical proof in their wake) has handicapped attempts to discover the nature
of the phenomena to a considerable degree.
To determine whether an UFO report can be deemed truly anomalous, it is
necessary to conduct an investigation into that incident; comparing the
"UFO's" attributes to that of various mundane phenomena. When this is
conducted (given the sighting-account contains sufficient information to permit
a reasoned assessment) it is discovered that around 80-95% of all reports are
explicable in terms of misperceptions of natural and man-made objects, hoaxes
and hallucinations. Such "false" UFO sightings are collectively
termed "IFOs" (or Identified Flying Objects).
However, around 5-20% of sightings also appear to be "True
UFOs"; reports that (even following an intensive investigation) cannot
easily be explained as misperceptions, hallucinations or fabrications. Most UFO
investigator or researchers (collectively termed Ufologists) use the term "UFO" as a general description
for all claimed sightings, whether explicable or not (hence the need to use
terms such as "true UFO" or "IFO" when precisely discussing
specific types of reports). Around 15% of all reports are too ill-defined to
permit a reasoned evaluation (important details such as date and/or duration of
observation being absent or poorly recalled). Such observations are referred to
as "Insufficient Information" incidents. Technically, they are neither
True UFOs nor IFOs, and are effectively set to one side in the (usually
forlorn) hope that further data concerning them will be eventually uncovered.
Defining the UFO...
To further the cause of UFO research, UFO (& IFO) reports are placed
into various (arbitrary) categories, based on either their reported distance
from the observer(s) or on the general nature of what allegedly occurred. The
system most often used in Britain today was originally devised by Dr. J. Allen
Hynek in the early 1970's and later amended during the late 1970's by British
researchers Peter Warrington & Jenny Randles. This system defines UFO
reports in the following manner;
- The term LOW DEFINITION (LD) is used to define UFO
reports involving claimed observations of a single pin-point of light, a
"cluster" of multiple lights or a poorly-defined (often
unluminated) shape - the term LITS (Lights In The Sky) also being utilised to
describe such events by many UFO investigators. On the other hand, UFOs
described as having a well-defined shape are classified as MEDIUM DEFINITION (MD) incidents.
- UFO events involving alleged
effects on a human, animal, machine or its surrounding area which cease
once the UFO leaves the sighting location are labelled CLOSE ENCOUNTERS
SECOND KIND (CE2) describes UFO events where alleged
UFO-originated effects on humans, animals, machines and/or the environment
reputedly occur and endure for some period following the sighting.
THIRD KIND (CE3) define UFO reports which also encompass
claimed observations of supposed UFO "entities". Additionally,
some researchers specifically define a certain type of entity encounter -
the so-called UFO "abduction" - or incidents featuring
notable psychic elements as CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FOURTH KIND
(CE4), although the use of this particular definition class remains
- Ufologists often refer to UFO events classified as CE1's (or higher)
as "High Strangeness" incidents, due to them being associated with more anomalous aspects than
LD or MD reports.
- INSTRUMENTALLY DETECTED (ID) events - sometimes treated
as a sub-category of the various other UFO "clades" -
relate to UFO reports involving a stimulus reputedly recorded or detected
by a device during the sighting; which can potentially range from a
camera to a RADAR scope.
It is estimated (on figures derived from various "opinion
polls") that 2%-7% of the British population (1.1 - 4 million people) have
observed what they believe to be a UFO. It is further estimated that only
around 10% of these witnesses report their sightings to a formal body and/or
civilian UFO societies. This would suggest that a total of around
100,000-400,000 recorded British sightings exist, held by the various bodies
involved in collating UFO data.
IFO Types.
Obviously, these substantial figures do not indicate that we have hordes
of alien space vessels flying overhead! As previously explained, of those
containing sufficient data to permit an investigation, 80-95% of any given
sample of UFO events turn out to be explicable. Many such reports involve very
basic text-book descriptions of various mundane phenomenon, so basic that they are
often identified by simply asking a few basic questions to a witness over the
telephone. Other IFO-based incidents are more complex, requiring a major effort
to resolve them.
Sample of 1,003 UK reports investigated
by the Northern UFO Network during 1978-1979
(divided into UFOs & IFOs and
grouped by sighting-class):
UFOs: |
IFOs: |
LD |
14.0% |
51.0% |
MD |
54.0% |
45.0% |
CE1 |
21.0% |
3.0% |
CE2 |
3.0% |
0.3% |
CE3 |
7.0% |
0.3% |
CE4 |
1.0% |
0.3% |
From Randles 1981: pp 24-27
Whatever their level of complexity, Ufologists have discovered most IFO
reports are instigated by only a few types of natural and man-made phenomenon
(with other causes appearing only occasionally).
Common sources of IFO reports and the approximate percentage of
explicable sightings they generate
(based on a dataset composed solely of
& Planets. |
33% |
Aircraft. |
40% |
and Satellite re-entries. |
10% |
(birds, flares, clouds, etc. |
8% |
Balloons |
5% |
Hoaxes |
2% |
Hallucinations |
2% |
Based on Hendry, 1980.
(see Figures 3a and 3b below for a more detailed breakdown of IFO types)
Aircraft and helicopters generate a considerable number of IFO reports.
Depending on an aircraft's angle and distance to an observer, anything from one
to four or more lights may be observed. Aircraft body-lighting follows precise
regulations established many years ago by the C.A.A (Civil Aviation Authority).
A white light must be located on a aircraft's tail, a green light on the left
wing, a red light on the right wing, with one (sometimes two) red flashing
lights mounted on the fuselage. Alternatively, brilliant white strobe lights
can be used on the wings and tail, in place of the conventional steady white,
green and red lights. Furthermore, all aircraft are equipped with brilliant
landing lights. These are switched on long before touchdown during misty,
nocturnal conditions and can be seen from many kilometres away. A physiological
process called perceptual filling may result in an observers' mind
"joining together" a configuration of lights, resulting in them
perceived as being attached to a darkened, unearthly-looking (but spurious)
Aircraft can also assume very strange illusory shapes even under daylight
conditions. If travelling directly towards a witness, an aircraft can
temporarily assume a "domed disc" like appearance, or a shiny
cigar/disc shape object if viewed from sideways-on or below during a sunny day
(its wings obscured by distance, angle or solar glare).
In the United States light aircraft are employed in nocturnal
advertising ventures, employing a matrix of lights attached to a metal grid
(located either below its wings or trailing behind it). When activated, it
functions as a luminated bill-board, able to display a variety of
computer-generated commercial messages. If viewed from some distance (on an odd
angle), they can present a confusing, shifting light-pattern, often taken to be
a rotating flying saucer by the unwary! Such advertising aircraft of this type
are currently rare in Britain; airships using near-identical
"bill-boards" (positioned on the sides of its gasbag) see limited use
– but have nonetheless generated numerous “UFO” reports.
Airborne refuelling
tanker-planes may be occasionally observed in certain parts of the United Kingdom
(often near coastal regions and restricted military air-zones). They utilise a
number of non-standard diverse lighting configurations located on their wings
and fuselage. Operating at considerable altitudes, their engine noise is often
muffled by their marked distance from ground-based observers.
Bright naked-eye planets and
stars represent another common source of IFO reports; the planet Venus
being the most commonly misperceived astronomical body. The majority of
astronomical-derived incidents involve nothing too outlandish; usually
observations of stationary distant lights visible for ten minutes or more.
However, they can also be subject to numerous adverse perceptional and
atmospheric effects. They can rapidly and repeatedly "flash"
different colours of the spectrum (often white, red, green and blue). This
effect is induced by atmospheric turbulence, a more extreme variety of the
condition which causes stars to "twinkle".
Otherwise unnoticeable involuntary eyeball movements become starkly
apparent when observing a bright light against a dark, featureless background. This
phenomenon (termed the autokenesis effect)
can cause a star or planet to make apparently erratic, stop-start
"darting" motions confined to a limited area of sky. Similar motions
can be induced by viewing an astronomical object through hand-held binoculars
or a camera, (induced in this instance by involuntary hand-tremor). Finally,
induced motion is another effect able to impart illusory motion onto a stellar
body. A star or a planet viewed from a moving vehicle will seem to
"follow" or "pace" it, stopping and starting when the
vehicle does.
Bolides are super-bright,
long-duration meteors which have generated a fair share of spurious UFO reports
over the years. Bolides are usually seen during the night, but exceptionally
bright ones may be visible in daylight. They often described as resembling a
glowing sphere or (at night) a darkened cigar or disc with luminated
"windows". These so-called "windows" are, in actuality,
fragmented sections of a bolide luminated by atmospheric friction and following
the same course as the original complete body. In either instance a long,
incandescent trail is nearly always emitting from its rear. Bolides follow
continuous straight or curved trajectories, and are usually visible for 10
seconds or less (up to 30 seconds in a few rare instances); a bolides' demise
often marked by it exploding with a loud bang. Expended rocket-sections or
satellites re- entering the atmosphere results in a similar phenomenon, but
tend to be slower moving and visible for around two minutes.
Weather balloons are responsible for
many daylight "UFO" observations. The majority of spurious reports
are generated by large balloons used to accumulate data on upper-atmospheric
conditions. The smaller (more common) "radiosonde" type balloons are
harder to observe and burst within hours of launch, but research balloons can
endure for many weeks, travelling a notable distance during their "lifetime".
Balloons can (depending on lighting conditions, viewing angle and degree of
inflation (which changes with height)) assume a spherical, tear drop,
triangular or discoid shape. Their colour is dependent on the prevalent
lighting conditions; white or slivery on a sunny day, greyish when overcast.
They may even slowly "change colour" (from white to red) when
observed around sunset. Balloons drift with the prevailing wind, but may
suddenly shoot rapidly upwards and/or temporally dart off in a different
direction if caught in a air-thermal. Really high altitude balloons can travel
on upper-atmospheric winds, which may blow in a different direction to winds
prevalent at lower altitudes.
Artificial satellites appear to the naked
eye as a single, distant, whitish pin-point of light traversing along a swift,
continuous arch-like path. A satellite may vanish suddenly near the horizon, as
it becomes eclipsed by the earth's shadow. They can also seemingly assume a
"zig-zag" course, an illusion also resulting from the autokenesis
effect. Satellites were once a notable source of IFO reports, but are less so
Since their introduction in the early 1980's, laser-light displays have become a major source of IFO reports.
Sightings from those unaware of their actual origin described either a
multitude of swiftly-moving white lights executing repeating, rhythmic motions
(such as circling, meeting at a single point and then shooting away) or a dark
spinning "disc" with white lights running around its edge. These displays
can be seen from a considerable distance if the prevailing cloud base is fairly
Since the late 1990s luminous airborne “sky lantern” balloons commonly
termed “Chinese Lanterns” (but also
sometimes known as Khoom Fay, Khom Loy or Kung Ming) have become popular in the
UK, mass releases being used to mark weddings and outdoor parties. These can be
manifest as one (often 3 or more) glowing orange/red glowing orbs traversing
across the sky often in a slow climbing motion and enduring for around 15 minutes,
vanishing suddenly as the lantern burns up in flight. Their current popularity
is such that they have quickly become a significant instigator of “UFO” reports
in the UK and elsewhere in the world
Small disc-shaped helium balloons, up to one foot (30 cm) in diameter
and coloured silver on one half and dark on the other, have instigated a
significant quantity of “UFO” reports since the early 1980’s. These tend to be
seen at fairly low elevation drifting with the prevailing ground-level wind. If
perceived as a largish object some distance from the observer they will be
reported as moving relatively fast. As these are often sold at fetes it may be
useful for investigators to check whether such an event occurred downwind of
the observer.
Solar Balloons are large dark
tubular shaped balloons composed of very thin black plastic usually around 8
metres long. They are inflated by wafting air inside the fabric and then
sealing the open end; exposure to ambient sunlight warming the air within it
being sufficient to generate lift. They are usually only flown during cool,
sunny days with little or no wind. While normally tethered, they can sometimes
escape their owner’s grasp; thereafter capable of reaching high altitudes (up to
9,000 metres (30,000 feet)) and drifting hundreds of kilometres from their
point of origin. A solar balloon can be perceived as a large dark vertical
tube/cigar shaped “UFO” with rounded ends, often exhibiting a repeated slow
“sew-saw” tumbling motion. However, they can be “bespoke made” from thin
bin-liners - hence disc, tetrahedral and other (even exotic) shaped solar
balloons are possible.
Birds, parachute flares, model aircraft, airships, drone aircraft,
spotlights and highly-reflective "Mylar" kites also generate numerous
reports, but much fewer in comparison to aircraft, balloons and astronomical
bodies. Rarer still are sightings instigated by Ball lightning, mirages,
lenticular or noctilucent clouds and sun (or moon) dogs (fuzzy glows created by
free-floating ice crystals, reflecting the light of either the sun or the
Almost as uncommon are sightings based on subjective causes, such as
myopia (the so-called "spots before the eyes" effect) and
"after-images" (transient "blurs" on the eyeball caused by
staring at bright light-sources). Despite the remarks of various casual UFO
detractors, few reports involve either alcohol or narcotic-induced
hallucinations. Those that do appear mainly involve naturally-induced altered
states of mental consciousness (especially common in people on the verge of
falling asleep or waking up).
Hoax sightings are also quite rare, only amounting to around 5% of all
reports. Fabricated "UFO" experiences tend to relate to photographs,
purported physical traces and claims of "close encounters", rarely
basic observations of aerial "objects"
Statistical break-down of 1,051
"UFO" sightings originating from Northern England during 1975-1979:
IFOS: 785 (74.60%*)
INSUFFICIENT DATA: 111 (10.56%) TRUE UFOS: 155 (14.74%).
* or 85.20% if also incorporating all
"insufficient data" reports.
Breakdown of IFO types....
From Randles, J (1983) UFO Reality London: Robert
Hale; pp.25- 27.
205 UK reports Jan 1980- Dec 1982 (from BUFORA records):
(27.8%) UFOs/UAPs: 30 (14.5%)
Breakdown of IFO types.....
From Wootten, N.R. (1985)," A
Statistical Overview 1980-1982". JTAP (Journal of
Transient Aerial Phenomena) Vol 4, issue 1 pp.20-27.
Who studies UFO reports?
The term "Ufology" defines the study of UFO sightings and the
theoretical elements relevant to that issue. However, "professional" Ufology" as a subject does not exist,
largely attributable to the scepticism this subject is within mainstream
academic and scientific circles. While it is true that there are scientists who show an active interest
in UFO’s, such individuals initially acquire a degree (and, following their
graduation, continue to work in) a conventional, long-established area of
academic study; such as physics, chemistry, etc. It is fair to say such people
are not so much Ufological scientists but scientists who happen to be
Ufologists! They often have to tread carefully; aware that important funding at
their university could be jeopardized through them making reckless statements
to the media concerning UFO’s. However, it has been known for students to
sometimes be granted approval to write doctoral thesis on a ufological topic in
the "soft" sciences, such as sociology, media studies and philosophy.
But this practice is a much less accepted one in the "hard" sciences,
such as physics and chemistry; an attitude resulting in the formation of the
so-called "invisible college"; a small, discrete group of
physical scientists who happen to share an interest in the UFO problem.
Given the nature of this issue, the disciplines useful in the study of
UFO’s is very broad; covering such
wide areas of expertise that no one person could possibly be qualified in them
all. The most important of these subjects include Astronomy, Chemistry,
Engineering, Geophysics, Information Technology, Meteorology, Physics and
Statistics. Archaeological, Medical (or Veterinarian) skills also occasionally
come into play.
However, the term "professional ufologist" can also be taken to mean someone who is paid to investigate and research UFO’s. As a
career, this is possible, but very difficult. The only people able to
pursue such a calling are writers and journalists. It is very difficult to
become an established writer; many hundreds try, but few ever get their work
published by mass-circulation publishers. Being paid to write about UFO’s
obviously requires a large quantity of people interested in buying such
material. Interest in UFO’s is fickle, and a mass audience often tire of this
subject for very long periods (UFO’s only enjoying sporadic periods of notable
public interest). Furthermore, for a writer’s work to be acceptable to a mass
audience, this often means writing material conforming to the mind-set of
casual UFO buffs; i.e. copy implying, usually uncritically, that UFO’s are
extraterrestrial spacecraft! Articles dealing with UFO’s from a sceptical or
(even) a "paranormal" perspective rarely ever see print. There is a
market for serious UFO material among "serious" Ufologists; however,
they are insufficient in number to sustain one reasonably prolific author, let
alone several. In the real world, a ufologist-cum writer/journalist writes about UFO’s
only occasionally, and usually has to branch out into other areas (such as the
paranormal or more conventional topics) to make any kind of reasonable living.
While not officially accepted by society as a legitimate profession,
investigating UFO reports even on a part-time, "amateur" basis far
from represents a casual hobby, but a demanding, emotionally taxing and unpaid
job. Investigators often have to deal with people who have been unsettled (even
emotionally traumatized) by their experience. Because UFO investigators are, in
effect, "filling in" for science, the ideal is to work to very high standards of documentation and objectivity.
These entails documenting UFO claims in considerable detail, and make serious
attempts to find rational solutions. UFO investigators must possess a good working
knowledge of the natural causes responsible for false UFO incidents, and be
able to interview witnesses without distorting their testimony. Case studies are utilized in UFO research,
and hypotheses are also formulated on them; therefore, it is essential that UFO
investigations are both competent and comprehensive. To answer such concerns
some UFO groups require prospective investigators to pass a training course,
and (sometimes) to abide by a Code of Practice, which
they must conscientiously follow whilst investigating sightings. Of course this
is an ideal - many so-called UFO "investigators" lean towards almost
theological levels of belief in UFOs and uncritical "assessment"
of reports.
Hence, the average UFO investigator is usually a non-scientist conducting
investigations on an unpaid, voluntary level. While some researchers continue
their involvement within the subject for the remainder of their lives, most
researchers only spend a few years of actively involved in "Ufology".
This is largely due to the relatively prosaic nature of UFO
"evidence"; the vast majority of cases involving very basic sightings
of lights, which (nearly) always have a rational solution. Even in high
strangeness cases, the only evidence that usually is a witnesses' insistence
that "something wonderful" happened.
Who sees UFOs?
UFO reports have been made by members of every profession, from
politicians, scientists to road sweepers. Sighting reports made by so-called
"trained observers", i.e. those from occupations specifically tutored
to quickly assimilate observed data (pilots, astronomers, policemen, etc) are
outnumbered by about 4 to 1 by those made by "untrained" observers
(such as blue and white-collar workers). This appears consistent with the fewer
number of "trained observers" within society. Men report
approximately the same proportion of sighting as women. It is not uncommon for
UFO and IFO observations to involve two people or more, who sometimes may be
situated at different locations. IFO types which manifest within the upper
atmosphere (such as satellite re-entries) are often observed by hundreds of
people at a time.
Observations of IFOs and UFOs involve the same types of people; IFO
reports even being made by a considerable number of "trained"
observers. This is because nobody (no matter how well schooled) are instructed
in recognizing balloons and planes at every misleading angle and situation.
Furthermore, certain IFO types do not fall within the scope of a persons'
life-experience; an astronomer would recognize a stationary twinkling light as
a bright star, but is as likely to mistake an aircraft travelling along his or
her line of sight as a "domed" disc as anyone else. This said, some
statistics do appear to show that skilled observers make fewer IFO reports.
The level of a witnesses' prior interest in UFOs is a matter of great
concern to Ufologists. Some samples of UFO report data (based on those made
largely by members of the general public) have shown that a higher proportion
of witnesses (around 2 out of every 3 observers) were interested in the subject
before their sighting, compared with those claiming to be just indifferent or
uninterested in them. Whether reports made exclusively by pilots, policemen and
military personnel to official bodies (such as the MOD) would show a similar
bias is unclear. Not surprisingly, many UFO witnesses develop an interest in
the subject following their experience. This again raises concern as to whether
their report has been "contaminated" by their perusal of the subject.
The fact that information on UFOs (albeit superficial and sensationalized)
appears virtually everywhere in our culture suggests that there are no "UFO- innocent" witnesses;
stereotypical portrayals of the phenomenon being known to almost everyone.
The majority of witnesses have only one sighting-experience during their
lifetime, but a few have more. There are individuals (termed repeaters by
Ufology) who report a greater number of UFO sightings than normal, often over
an extended period of time. Close-encounter participants often have repeated
close-encounter episodes, and usually also claim psychic abilities and/or
"paranormal" experiences. Other "repeaters" report a
constant stream of low/medium definition observations (which, on investigation,
turn out to be probably explicable, with distinct indications present that the
witness is over-keen to accept IFO phenomena as something more outlandish).
Astronauts and UFOs
UFO sightings by astronauts in space are highly prized by some
Ufologists, and are a major topic of UFO conspiracy theories. Numerous claims
have been made of UFO's being observed during various Apollo missions; either
following the various capsules to and from the moon, or of landed UFOs being
observed upon the lunar surface. All of these stories are, however, denied by
the astronauts concerned.
There are, however quite a number of "genuine" observations of
"UFO's" made during NASA's "Mercury" and "Gemini"
missions. Unfortunately, nearly all these events seem to have reasonable
explanations; ice-flakes from rocket fuel tanks, satellites, expended
rocket-stages to ejected garbage from manned space capsules. None have any
close similarity with "standard" UFO reports, the absence of any
(known) "close encounter" type cases being particularly noteworthy.
Others are proven hoaxes or forgeries. For example a photograph taken during
the "Gemini 8" mission (showing a reflection from the capsules'
window) was doctored by airbrush trickery to look like two glowing oval-shaped
"UFO's"! In recent years several shuttle missions have been
associated with claimed UFO incidents. As with the early Astronaut UFO sighting
claims, several are hoaxes or exaggerated prosaic events. However, a film taken
from the Shuttle "Discovery" in September, 1991 shows several fast
moving streaks. Although the majority opinion is that it depicts ice crystals,
others strongly disagree with this evaluation.
When are UFOs usually seen?
All types of UFO experiences have occurred on every hour, day, week and
month of the year. However, a few general temporal sighting-patterns have been
uncovered. It is known that about three out of every four events occur at
night; the majority of UFO and IFO incidents happening around the hours of
8-11pm (with activity peaking around 9.00pm). These times closely match those
of when the majority of people are home from work. There is a notable bias for
sightings to occur during summer and early autumn months (i.e. from June to
October). In regard to day of the week, various studies have either shown no
clear pattern or a different "favoured" week-day (Wednesday in one
instance, Saturday in another).
Where are UFOs usually seen?
UFO's have been observed virtually everywhere in the world, from a
variety of locations (outdoors, indoors, in cars and aircraft, cities, towns,
countryside and wilderness). However, sightings tend to occur more often in
rural rather than urban areas (a factor possibility attributable to "light
pollution"; the powerful combined "glare" of urban lighting
which swamps out all but the brightest lights in the sky). On occasion, it has
been known for a "cluster" of many UFO incidents to suddenly occur
within a period of a few weeks, or even up to several months. Ufologists call
these periods of increased localized UFO activity flaps. Most active in ufology
accepts that most flaps are caused by media publicity being given to a single
UFO report (or a recently-formed local UFO group appealing for sightings),
which encourages others to come forward with their observations. However, a few
statistical samples do apparently show a disproportionate rise in "true
UFOs" during some flaps; a situation obviously of considerable interest to
Flaps tend to be fairly localized events (effecting only a county or
district). However, national surges in the number of UFO reports (termed Waves)
have occurred on several occasions and often lasting for several months or
more. Examples of notable "Waves" in past times and places include
1947,1950 (United States), 1954 (France), 1957, 1965-67 & 1973 (United
States), 1967 & 1977 (United Kingdom) and 1978 (United Kingdom, Italy and
New Zealand). As with "flaps", the majority appear to be
media-driven, but a few appear to have been host higher-than normal levels of
"true UFO" activity (such as the wave that occurred in the United
States in 1952, where the percentage of "true UFOs" was estimated to
be around 20%). There have also been periods when the number of reports has
fallen dramatically, often on a global scale (such the early 1970's and the
early-mid 1980's).
A few areas on Earth appear to be host to higher levels of UFO activity
than other regions, often for years (even decades) at a time. The Pennine Hills
in Northern England and the Hessdalen valley in Norway are examples of two such
places, termed "Ufocals" (or sometimes "Windows") by some
UFO researchers. It is suspected that local geological features (such as
earth-faulting) are responsible for naturally generating the majority of aerial
anomalies seen in these regions. Other supposed ufocals, however, have a more
dubious Ufological "history". From the mid-1960's (up to the late
1970's) the outskirts of the town of Warminster, in the British county of
Wiltshire, were famed as a place of intense UFO activity. Unfortunately, the
majority of sightings originated from non-locals, usually over-enthusiastic UFO
buffs attracted to Warminster by books proclaiming it to be a UFO hot-spot.
Given the town is adjacent to Salisbury Plain (home of the largest army
testing-range in the United Kingdom). it is probable that many sightings were
attributable to military activity, as well as satellites, astronomical bodies
and aircraft.
Unexplained UFOs have a wide variety of reported attributes, the
recognition of which obviously brings us closer to understanding the "core
UFO forms can be divided into three basic types; "Soft",
"median" and "Hard". The "Soft" (or
"BOL") UFO category includes a variety of self-luminous forms,
ranging from star-like points of light to rudimentary shapes (often round or
spherical) with a "unstructured" appearance, more akin to a ball of
glowing gas than a manufactured "device". They comprise the majority
of observed "UFOs", most of which are probably explicable in mundane
terms. Observations of nebulous, cloud or glowing "trail"-like forms
are also included in this category. In between the "Soft" and
"Hard" forms are "Medians"; UFOs with indistinct shapes, or
with a "surface" which appears to be partially luminated by
"body-lights". The majority of so-called "flying triangle"
events fall into this category. "Hard" or "Exotic" forms
are UFOs which appears solid and substantial, possessing an elaborate,
clearly-defined shape (such as a disc surmounted by a "dome") and are
often endowed with one or more notable surface features (such as
"windows", "rims", etc).
The estimated sizes of UFOs are a highly variable attribute, and one
usually impossible to determine with any accuracy against a near-featureless
daylight or nocturnal sky. UFO size-estimates range from about half a metre (or
less), up to 100 metres or more. Discoid forms tend to be longer than they are
taller, with estimated diameters of around 8 metres or more. The majority of
so-called "Flying Triangles" tend to be much larger; being reported
on many occasions to be seemingly equal in length to several jet-liners (or
soccer-pitches) placed end-to-end.
- "Soft" UFOs; the
BOL Connection.
The majority of unexplainable "soft" UFO incidents relate to
the observation (sometimes at close quarters) of a featureless, highly luminous
mass, often stated to be round or spherical in shape. As a consequence, most
UFO researchers term them BOLs (or Balls of Light). That stated, this
phenomenon is also associated with other shapes, including glowing cloud-like
or repeatedly shape-changing masses. BOLs tend to be fairly small in size
(around 10-20 cms in diameter), but can also be much bigger or much smaller.
They are usually coloured orange, red, reddish-orange, yellow, blue or silver.
BOLs have been observed from high-altitude aircraft, but are more often seen
floating (usually very close to the observer) several tens of centimetres or so
above the ground. Both BOLS and Exotic UFOs exhibit identical motion
attributes; sudden stops at high speed, protracted hovering, sudden rapid
acceleration, etc. BOL manifestations are also associated with most (if not
all) the effects attributed to "hard" UFO forms; radio disturbance,
physical trace evidence and a range of biological effects ranging from "pins
and needles" to skin swellings and blemishes.
It has been known for BOL manifestations to occur repeatedly in a given
region, although areas host to repeat BOL "incidents" are also host
to other types of UFO events, such as "Exotics" and entity encounters.
Instances of "BOL" like phenomena are much more common than
observations of "Hard" UFO's (some researchers claiming they comprise
of around 75%-90% of all sightings). The light may sometimes be stated to act
in a "purposeful" manner (seemingly reacting to the presence of an
observer, moving in a controlled manner, avoiding objects, etc).
Light-forms similar to BOLS are also encountered in a variety of
"paranormal" events, ranging from spiritualist seances, psychic
phenomena and also some apparitional encounters. A considerable number of
observations of anomalous entities relate to figures enveloped by a circular
"cocoon" of light. Other reports appear to describe BOL-forms
seemingly "metamorphosing" into human-like forms.
Some researchers believe BOLs are extra-terrestrial technology (such as
a miniature robotic survey probe). Others feel BOLs are, in actuality, an
unusual natural phenomena, similar to ball lightning. If this is so, instances
of supposed "purposeful behaviour" would be the result of a complex
interplay between human expectation and actions determined by the laws of
· Reported UFO shapes:
"Soft", "median" and "Exotic" UFO's
usually possess at least some kind of basic geometrical form, even if in the
case of the former two UFO types it is more suggestive than definite. The more
common basic shape-types (which are given in no particular order) include;
- "Disc"-like
(resembling a double or single-sided convex lens, a hat or a coin).
- Oval/ellipse shaped (usually
- "Tube" or
"Elongated" forms (ends rounded or flattened, sometimes with
outwardly-budging sides).
- Triangular (horizontally or
vertically orientated).
- Dome or hemispherical forms
(flat end usually facing downwards),
- Cone/tear-drop/pear
like (pointed end facing either upwards or downwards).
Barrel, boomerang, coil, crescent, cross, cube, dart, dumbbell, diamond,
heel, hexagon, lozenge, pyramid, and ring shapes are also occasionally
reported. The dominance of the various shape-types has been known to change
through time. Prior to the late 1980's sightings of disc-like forms
predominated (especially in "exotic" UFO incidents), but were
superseded by observations of "flying triangles" during the 1990's.
- Alleged
Surface Features:
"Hard" UFOs are either reported to have smooth, featureless
surfaces or to possess a wide variety of external features, many which seem
markedly artificial in appearance. As with shape-types, these can be divided
onto a number of (arbitrary) classes;
Openings include features described
as "windows", "portholes" (usually round, rectangular or
elliptical in shape), "doors" (which - in the case of
"landed" UFOs - are associated with ladders or ramps leading to the
ground) and substantial "voids" within the UFO's body itself (which
often emit a brilliant light).
Protrusions are features such as
jet-like "engine pods", "fins" (and sometimes wings),
"propellers", wire-like "antenna" (either hanging from
bottom, protruding from the top or projecting all around its "body"),
and (often rod-like) "landing gear" protruding downwards from the
lower sectin of a “UFO”.
Projections include
"towers" resembling radio/light masts (often situated on a UFO's top)
tubes/blocks (usually on a UFO's top or bottom) and domes (hemispherical,
square or rectangular). Domes are usually located on a UFO's upper section, but
have been observed protruding from every other body-location.
Texturals mainly refer to
"tiled", "panelled", "pock-marked",
"bumpy" or deep symmetrically-configured lines covering a large portion
of the UFO's surface-area. A central rim or "ring" running around a
UFO's diameter are reported from time to time, as are UFO's with rotating
sections often centred within or around a static body-section.
The presence of such surface-features is one of the main factors that
suggest that at least a few UFOs are advanced flying devices of some kind.
However, it is possible that they are illusory, subjectively construed from
irregular, darkened or oddly-luminated portions of a "UFO". Hence,
unfortunately, they are insufficient evidence in themselves to disprove the
notion that all UFOs are unusual natural phenomena.
Daylight UFOs are usually reported to be either (an often highly-
reflective or shiny) white, silver or aluminium. Alternatively, they may also
be either grey, dark or (less often) coloured blue, brown, green, orange, pink,
red or yellow. Nocturnal UFOs are often described as being a
"self-luminous" or "glowing" white, red, orange, yellow,
pink, green, blue, or silver hued. Combinations of two of the aforementioned
colours appear almost as frequently (red-orange being especially common).
Sightings of UFOs with "bands" of differing colours have also been
documented. Non-luminous nocturnal UFOs are almost always stated to be adorned
with one or more "body-lights", which are usually coloured blue,
white, red, orange and/or green. The reported sizes of these lights vary from
that of a aircraft's anti collision-beacons to that of a large searchlight (or
bigger). Night-time UFO's are stated on numerous occasions to change colour,
especially when altering from one mode of motion to another. Patterns to these
changes have been supposedly determined, but have yet to be conclusively
verified by research.
UFOs are often associated with a substantial "halo" or
"glowing mist" running around its edge. They have also been observed
emitting one (or more) highly manoeuvrable "light-beams" on many
occasions. Solid light is the name given to a particular class of light-beam; a
conical or tubular shaped region of brightness that can be contracted or
expanded to any degree, luminating only the area it is "directed"
upon. Similarities between this phenomenon and laser beams have been noted by
many UFO researchers. Whatever its nature, solid light is rarely alleged to
cause physical injury.
The reported motions of UFOs are among their more extensive and variable
attributes. A UFO's speed can range from stationary to faster than a rocket,
and can alter from and between these extremes many times during a sighting.
Even when estimated to be travelling at considerable velocities, UFO's are
rarely associated with a sonic boom. They are seemingly able to traverse along
all possible axis of motion, and also have the ability to hover for extended
periods of time. The more puzzling aspects of UFO flight behaviour is their
reported abilities to perform instant very high-speed, 90* angle turns,
instantaneous stops whilst moving at rapid speed and instant, very high-speed
acceleration while stationary (or hovering). UFOs travelling in a downwards
(but also sometimes upwards) direction are described to exhibiting a
side-to-side slewing motion similar to a "swinging pendulum" or a
"falling leaf" in some instances. Most puzzling of all their
described motion characteristics are instances of UFO's which vanish suddenly
in a (seemingly) clear sky.
UFO's also exhibit forms of motion other than that associated with its
flight-trajectory. Rotation of a UFO's upper and/or lower section (in either a
clockwise or anti-clockwise direction) is probably the most commonly reported
form of internal motion (most often noted in observations of discoid or
ovoid-shaped UFO's). In a few instances the whole object itself may appear to
rotate. Much less often, a notable side-to-side "wobble" or
"fluttering" motion is exhibited.
- Sounds, Smells, Trails And
UFO's are usually stated to be noiseless, but approximately one in every
five reportedly emit a buzzing, cracking, humming, roaring, swishing whirring
or whining sound. Rarer still UFO's are associated with a odour, although
occasionally a acrid-like smell is noted, comparable with sulphur/ozone or
burning hydrocarbons. Emissions of (mainly luminous) heat, trails, sparks,
smoke or "vapour" are also occasionally reported.
Alleged Reactions and Effects induced
by UFOs:
It is occasionally reported that some UFOs induce temporary or permanent
effect on its surroundings, and on any people, animals and artefacts present
during a sighting.
a: Biological Reactions:
CE I reports (i.e. those relating to UFO-induced transitory effects)
often pertain to sensations of prickly skin (or "pins and needles"),
heat, dizziness and nausea, static electrical-like "bristling" of
body-hair, temporary paralysis or weakness/numbness in specific body-regions
and feelings of externally-originating pressure and tension upon the body. Such
temporary effects are harder to determine in the case of animals, but numerous
incidents relate to pets, farmyard and wild beasts showing signs of agitation
and alarm just prior to a UFO observation.
The lesser CE II-level effects (at least in regards to humans) relate to
protracted body-pains, numbness and headaches. More seriously, both animals and
people have exhibited rashes, tanning, hair/fur loss and skin-burns following a
reported UFO encounter. In particular, a UFO-induced reaction similar to
"klieg conjunctivitis" is often claimed; in humans this manifests as
a reddish, watery puffiness around the eyes present for several days or more.
Pet dogs have (in several instances) have shown apparent wariness (even fear)
of supposed UFO "landing sites".
b: "Oz Factor" manifestations:
The "Oz factor" is a term (first coined by UFO researcher
Jenny Randles in the early 1980's) used to describe an "aura of
unreality" noted during some UFO incidents. Often this relates to an
abnormal absence of traffic, people and ambient sounds just prior to a
sighting. Possibility related to the "Oz factor” are reports from
witnesses of UFOs seen over highly-populated areas, which nobody else seemingly
observed. Oz Factor events also involve sensations of "inner peace",
states of personal "disassociation", distorted perceptions of the
environment and marked differences between witness-estimated and
actually-elapsed time.
c: Mechanical Effects:
UFO-induced transient effects on mechanical devices include the presence
of heavy signal interference on radios and televisions, detrimental effects on
compasses and watches, the dimming or extinguishing of lights and electrical
power cut-offs; all of which reportedly return to normal once the UFO leaves
the sighting-vicinity. Cars are also effected in the same manner; their
headlights and engines falter (or stop working altogether), but kick back again
into life almost the instant the UFO moves away. It is claimed that
diesel-engine vehicles are less susceptible to this UFO-induced
"stalling" effect, but this is by no means definite.
Permanent mechanical effects are much rarer than transitory ones. It is
sometimes alleged that batteries are drained of their stored energy during a
UFO incident. Sometimes, damage is supposedly inflicted on mechanical systems
and electronic circuitry, and the external structure of some devices reportedly
suffers impact-like damage.
In ufological literature these effects are often labelled
Electromagnetic (or EM) phenomena, even though there is no real evidence (to
date) that electromagnetic processes are responsible for generating them!
d: Environmental Effects:
As with all UFO-instigated effects they can be divided into transient
and permanent categories;
Transient environmental effects relate to "strong-wind" like
buffeting of trees, man-made features, grass, waves and dust lying directly
beneath a UFO. Permanent environmental effects relates to damage supposedly
caused by a "landed" UFO. These include spaced indentations
suggestive of "landing-pad" marks, also extensive craters, furrows,
holes, scooped-out areas of earth and even damaged tarmacadam surfaces. These
may be associated with so-called "UFO nests"; an often circular area
of burnt, bare, crushed or swirled and flattened grass or other flora.
Surrounding tree-limbs and other adjacent plant-matter can also show signs of
being burned, crushed, dehydrated and/or discoloured.
"Crop Circles":
During the summer of 1980 three round, swirled depressions (spaced some
137 metres apart) were found in a wheat field near Westbury, Wiltshire.
Thereafter, throughout the 1980's many similar circles were appearing in arable
land each summer, mainly in the counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire. By then,
the "circles" had largely assumed more complex configurations; some
surrounded by one or more concentric rings, others arranged in a cross or
triangular pattern, others still with a single line - or "spur" -
jutting out from one end (or a combination of these features). By the early
1990's even more complex crop-circle patterns (termed "Pictograms")
had become notably common. These comprised of anything from a very large lineal
arrangement of circles joined by a thin line of flattened crop (surrounded by
several other level or bent lines), up to massive triangular, lozenge,
dumbbell, snake-like, snail-like, wheel-shaped or "Mandelbrot set"
configurations. The circles were, by this time, being extensively promoted by
the media, virtually eclipsing UFOs in popularity.
Except in a very few notable occasions, there were no witnesses to the
formation of the majority of crop circles. This resulted in considerable and
varied speculation regarding their origin. Due to their similarity to so-called
"UFO nests", some believed crop circles were the result of UFO
activity (despite the lack of inexplicable sightings prior to their
appearance). Others proposed an invisible "non-human intelligence" or
a "plasma vortex" (a hypothetical natural phenomenon related to
tornadoes and funnel clouds). All sides, however, agreed that a sizable
proportion of circles could not be hoaxes; they were too many and their
internal and external structure were too complex, showing no obvious indication
of being fabricated. However, on the 9th September, 1991 the crop-circles
community was shaken by a front-page "Today" newspaper story
featuring the account of two middle-aged artists (Doug Bower and Dave Chorley),
which stated they had faked the first crop circles (and others subsequently).
To confound matters further, evidence was also uncovered of a diversity of
crop-circle faking groups and singular hoaxers, who had reportedly been
fabricating circles independent of Bower and Chorley.
Despite these revelations, quite a number of circle advocates still
maintain that anomalous crop circles do exist, rejecting outright the
possibility that the "circles mystery" is totally attributable to
hoaxing. The few documented eyewitness accounts of alleged circle- formation
describe an invisible wind-like force (sometimes associated with glows and a
humming/whirling sound) laying down crops in a basic singular, circular
pattern. Coupled with some possible historical references to "crop
circles" (such as the "Mowing Devil" pamphlet of 1678) a good
case can still be made for a (albeit rare) circles effect phenomenon, able to
create single circular depressions in flora. Whatever the case, there is still
no good evidence to link UFOs with the modern deluge of crop circles. Does the
fact they resemble "saucer nests" infer a direct UFO connection, or
is it simply due to Bower and Chorley being "inspired" by reports of
a "saucer nest" discovered at Tully, Australia in 1966? The circles
controversy clearly shows the prudence of suspicion towards any "mysterious"
ground trace whose mode of formation is totally unknown. In 2007 elaborate
"pictograms" still appear in various parts of the UK (in particularly
Wessex). Numerous groups have claimed responsibility, with even a crop circle
fakers' handbook being published in 2005; but some still claim these patterns
have an anomalous origin, although they are now predominantly seen as man-made
"landscape art".
UFO Entities:
A small proportion of UFO incidents are associated with claimed
observations of unearthly "entities". The question of their validity
has always been a matter of great controversy within the UFO community.
Whatever their actual reality-status, it is helpful to examine these claims
from a historical viewpoint, as prevailing attitudes have always markedly
influenced how they are perceived both by ufology and the general public.
The pre-Contactee Era (1947 to 1951):
The early UFO movement did not exist for most of this period. No-one had
no clear conception of what piloted the UFOs. Their unearthly high-g manoeuvres
suggested to early students of the phenomenon either robotic craft, or beings
totally beyond human conception. The comic-book figure of the "little
green man" had already existed for some time, inspired by science fiction "pulp"
magazines and speculation (dating from the 1890's) concerning the possibility
of life on Mars.
The Contactee Era (1951-1960):
In 1953, via the book "Flying Saucers Have Landed", the world
first learned of the claims of George Adamski. The second section of this work
(the first portion containing a review of historical "UFO" reports
authored by Desmond Leslie) gave an account of an alledged meeting in the
Californian desert between Adamski and a tall, blond-haired man from Venus
during November 1951. As a result his fame spread throughout the world.
Throughout the 1950's other individuals claimed meetings with entities from
various planets and satellites of our solar system ( Mars, Venus, Jupiter,
Saturn, the Moon, and - in one claim - a world called Charion, permanently
hidden from the earth by our Sun). In almost every instance the entities
resembled attractive human beings, hailing from utopian civilizations who had
chosen the contactees to be their earthly representatives. The messages
supposedly relayed by these aliens were mainly concerned with improving the
spiritual development of mankind. The contactees were very much the Ufological
"stars" of the 1950's. Numerous books were published detailing their
experiences and lecture tours and conventions were held to promote their
"message" to whoever would listen.
The UFO study movement (which was just being to coalesce at this time)
recoiled in horror at such claims. They largely dismissed the contactees as
charlatans who gave the subject a poor, unscientific image in the minds of the
general public. Mainly as a result of the contactees, many leading UFO
societies (such as NICAP) showed considerable scepticism towards all reports of
UFO entities, and thus paid little attention to them.
The CE III Era (1955 to 1982):
However, as the contactee era began to slowly fade during the early
1960's some groups began to review their attitude towards entity reports.
However this came too late for many early entity reports, which as a result of ufology's
prevalent scepticism were often poorly documented (if at all). However, a few
managed to survive this atmosphere of negativism. Some early cases (such as
Kelly Hopkinsville (1955) and Flatwoods (1952)) tended to refer to
"monstrous" beings, others to "little men" clad in
"diving suits". This in itself was a hindrance to their serious
treatment (having echoes of the 1950's B-movie "horror-aliens" and
the humorous "little green man" of the "funny-pages"). In
October 1957 one of the first recorded "abduction" events purportedly
occurred in Brazil, involving the supposed capture of Antonio Villas Boas by
several entities for breeding purposes.
Villas Boas had a clear recollection of all what supposedly befell him.
However, the experience of Betty & Barney Hill in New Hampshire, USA in September
1961 first introduced the concept of missing time; both witnesses being unable
to recall two hours of their lives following a UFO encounter. Attempts to
determine what occurred during this period resulted in the first use of
regression hypnosis in ufology. The Hill's hypnosis-sessions brought forth a
tale of enforced boarding of a UFO and a medical examination by telepathic,
large-eyed grey-skinned beings; elements which were to appear in numerous other
incidents in the future. By the 1970's entity reports had become a largely
accepted part of the UFO phenomenon, even taken seriously by figures such as
Dr. J. Allan Hynek (who defined them in his famous classification system as
"Close Encounters of the third Kind", or CE III's).
However, the majority of CE III's were consciously-recalled events,
often claimed fleeting observations of evasive entities with a (very) wide
variety of physical appearances. By the late 1960' the use of hypnotic
regression in suspected instances of "missing time" was becoming
almost routine. In 1976, New York-based sculptor Budd Hopkins became actively
involved in ufology, a subject he was going to strongly influence during the
next decade.
The "Abduction" Era (1982 and beyond):
As previously stated, pre-1980's CE IIIs were mainly fully
consciously-recalled events, not requiring the use of hypnosis. However, this
particular type of entity experience began to decline during the early 1980's
and beyond. By the mid-1970's the term "Abduction" (covering
instances of missing time and later hypnotically-retrieved "memories"
of medical examinations by "aliens") had already entered common usage
within the UFO community. By the mid-1980's Budd Hopkins had already
established himself as a noted authority on abductions. However, the pre-eminence
of such experiences began in 1987 with the publication of Communion, a book
detailing the entity encounters of the writer Whitley Strieber. This work, the
advertising campaign used to promote it (and also a film of Strieber's
experiences made several years later) gave widespread public prominence to this
aspect of ufology. From the groundswell of interest created by Strieber, the
work of Budd Hopkins (and other American abduction researchers) grew in
prominence as a result. By the mid-1990's they had become the predominant form
of UFO entity encounter.
The typical CE III event:
The stereotypical CE III usually involves a single witness (but
occasionally two or more people) who accidentally observe an unusual entity
near (or within) a UFO whilst going about their everyday business. These beings
are variously described as either simply observing its surroundings, operating
"machinery" or taking samples from its environment. It is common for
little substantial contact to occur between both parties (but communication may
be alleged in some instances). The entities may either move normally or
"float" some distance from the ground. CE III events usually occur
within areas of low population, often around the evening/early morning hours
and have a duration of around 10 minutes.
Of course (as with all stereotypes) the above description of a
"typical" CE III event is a gross generalization; each case differing
in many ways from this norm.
Common types of UFO Entities:
With a diverse variety of supposed UFO entity forms having been recorded
to date, the expression "common type" can (at best) be considered a
misnomer. Thus, this section simply aims to give a general overview of the
morphology of supposed "UFO occupants".
The "Grey" is a very consistently described entity-class,
commonly appearing in both abduction narratives and "conventional" CE
III's since (at least) the 1960's. They are so termed due to their purported
grey/greyish-blue skin coloration. Grey's are often estimated to be around 1
metre in height, with a "spindly" humanoid stature and very long,
thin fingers. Their heads are always described as being large, (usually) bald
and pear shaped, with big (often opaque) oval "wraparound" eyes and a
slit-like mouth and nose.
Human-like entities have also been reported. Standing around 5ft or more
in height, the majority are very man-like in appearance, but a few possess
abnormal features; a large bald head, oval eyes, pale skin, antenna,
claw-hands, etc. The so-called "Nordic" is a particular class of
human-like entity; tall and pale-skinned, with a high forehead, long blond hair
and attractive (sometimes androgynous) facial features. They closely resemble
the entity purportedly seen by George Adamski in 1951, but sightings of this
entity-type are also claimed by many "non-contactees".
Observations of entities standing 7ft or more in height are claimed on
rare occasions. These so-called Giants are mostly humanoid in form, but have a
tendency towards possessing markedly outlandish body-features (such as glowing,
single or trinary eye arrangements, or abnormally proportioned/shaped
The previous three (general) "classes" of UFO humanoids are
reportedly dressed in a wide variety of clothing. Skin-tight
"Cover-all", "catsuit" or "jumpsuit" like attire
is especially common. Alternatively, entities may be clad in a
"diving-outfit", "michelin-man like costume" or
"spacesuit". The head may be either be exposed, or enclosed within a
"goldfish-bowl" or "motorcyclist"-type "helmet".
UFO entities have a marked tendency towards luminosity (often stated to be
either "glowing" or illuminated by externally carried lights).
A small proportion of entities (often termed Exotics) cannot be fitted
into any of the above-mentioned categories. These include beings resembling
mythical creatures (bat-like humanoids, "man-apes", goblins, fairies,
dwarves, or trolls) and also the occasional non humanoid, such as those with
blob-like, "praying-mantis", oblong, spherical or tubular body-
The Abduction Experience; an in-depth view:
"Abduction" is the popular (and, among Ufologists highly
controversial) definition given to a form of close encounter experience which
has almost dominated ufology (and popular conceptions of the subject) in recent
The majority of "abduction" claims initially spring from
experiences of "missing time", a mysterious "gap" in an
individual's recollection of events, covering an interval ranging from 10
minutes up to an hour or more. This may occur in any environment; a bedroom, a
car or whilst the participant is outdoors. It may (or may not) be preceded by a
consciously-recalled "UFO" sighting or other anomalous event. Shortly
afterwards, not previously-noticed scars may be discovered and anomalous
nosebleeds may occur. Vivid dreams with a notable UFO content are also
experienced (at least portions of which resemble any subsequently
"recovered" abduction memories).
Sometimes, instead of an instance of "missing time", a strange
(often incompletely recalled) event may be reported (who's recalled duration
may not equal the actual amount of time elapsed). Some UFO researchers term
this phenomenon Screen memory as (following one or more hypnosis sessions) an
abduction narrative is often recalled in place of the previously reported
anomalous experience.
In an attempt to discover what happened during an interval of
"missing time", some individuals undergo a procedure called
regression hypnosis. This involves a qualified hypnotherapist placing the
person concerned into state of deep, sleepy relaxation (via the use of
repetitive but gentle suggestion). The hope is that this artificially-induced
altered state of consciousness will break down any "barriers"
hindering remembrance of the time in question.
When the participant is placed under a hypnotic trance, the period of
missing time is often "resolved" into an alarming, prolonged
encounter with strange non-human (but usually humanoid) entities. This
"experience" often begins with the participant being
"escorted" into a "UFO" (usually against his or her will).
If the person "recalls" initially being in a room (or other enclosed
space), both themselves and any accompanying "entities" are often
stated to pass, in a ghostly fashion, directly through any intervening windows
or walls! Whatever the situation, the participant is often reported to
"float" as if weightless, either when being inducted into an airborne
UFO or at other times during the "encounter".
Following this period of transition, the participant is then taken to a
room, where something akin to a medical examination purportedly takes place.
This area is usually stated to be sparsely furnished, containing only those
items "used" during the encounter. The participant is placed
(sometimes even "secured") onto what is variously described as a
"table", a "bed" or a "chair". An examination
(often exclusively focused on the head and/or lower abdominal regions) then
occurs, utilizing "devices" often compared to a "scanner"
or a "probe". During the examination, the entities may allegedly take
samples of blood, hair, skin and genetic material; the enactment of these
procedures often associated with notable sensations of fear or pain. In some
instances, a participant may report that the entities' insert a small
"implant" into his or her body (usually up his or her nose).
The extent of communication between a participant and entities during
abduction experiences varies considerably. Sometimes the entities are said to
ask questions about mankind and life on earth, responding to the witnesses in a
surprisingly humanlike way. They are often stated to "talk without
speaking", using a form of mental communication comparable to telepathy.
In other accounts, the entities are uncommunicative and impassive, treating the
participant much like a biologist examining a living animal specimen. An entity
may (at some stage during the experience) stare intently at the
"abductee" for a prolonged period, allegedly "probing" his
or her thoughts via a "telepathic mindscan". The "witness"
may also be shown (on a "monitor" or "screen") images of
stars, the earth, other alien worlds and other (more cryptic and often gloomy)
"Abduction" accounts are often very surreal in their content;
the entities often make cryptic statements, act in a very outlandish manner, or
the recalled memories of the encounter may inexplicably "jump" to
other unconnected events. The witness may recall (when regressed) that the
entities enacted a procedure to make him or her forget the encounter. The
"experience" then ends with the witness being "returned" to
his or her initial location (or a short distance elsewhere). In the aftermath,
the participant's may develop a more spiritual, "new age" attitude to
life, even develop supposed "psychic" abilities. It is also not
unknown for "memories" to surface of previous abductions (even of
instances during the witnesses' childhood).
It is not unknown for "abduction" claims to involve more than
one person (either at the initial stages or, less often, to be uncovered during
its investigation). More than several accounts detail the "abductee"
being taken before other people....who appear to be "frozen" in time
and are thus unable to recall anything happening.
Despite there popularity, abduction claims have been extensively
criticized on a number of counts. Despite common belief to the contrary,
regression hypnosis is neither an infallible recover of authentic memories nor
a "truth serum". An experiment in 1977 conducted by Dr. William
McCall and Alvin Lawson created (via the use of mild leading questioning)
detailed - but false - "abduction" narratives in various hypnotic
regression subjects. The fact that an altered state of consciousness has to be
relied upon to "recover" details of many abduction throws their
reality open to considerable doubt. Furthermore (due to their very nature)
abductions are often very difficult to authenticate; with the
"aliens" being able to fabricate false memories, to freeze everyone
in time except the abductees and use "implants" which turn out (on
examination) to be fairly terrestrial in nature. There are also some noticeable
"flaws" with the "technology" attributed to abduction
"aliens"; who, although supposedly able to pass through walls, have
to physically cut and probe witnesses to acquire biological samples!
Attempts to discover differences between abductees and non-abductees
have met with mixed results. It is generally agreed that the majority of
abductees are psychologically normal. Possible links with the
"fantasy-prone personality syndrome" have so-far proved inconclusive.
Some have detected a slight tendency in close encounter witnesses towards
creativity and a greater-than-normal level of "traumatic"
A number of conditions and mental effects have been proposed to account
for abductions. A condition called Temporal Lobe epilepsy has the potential to
explain at least some "borderline" cases. There also appears to be a
link with sleep paralysis and Hypnagogic/Hypnopompic illusions (hallucinations
occurring on the verge of sleeping and waking). Some experiments have shown
that basic neurological sensations can be triggered by exposing a subject's
brain to mild electrical stimulation. The extent to which these concepts will
explain or some (or all) "abduction" events is currently uncertain,
requiring further - and extensive - research.
UFOs - the quest for proof.
Throughout its existence, the UFO study movement has been engaged in an
earnest quest for incontrovertible evidence of UFO reality. Unfortunately, the
UFO's transient nature excludes them from detailed analysis under laboratory
conditions. Therefore, ufologists are mainly restricted to less direct forms of
physical evidence; photographic images and RADAR detections of
UFO Photographs and Films:
Photographic images of "UFOs" are a valuable form of evidence;
even through (in isolation) they cannot conclusively "prove" their
reality. In cases where photographic evidence exists, researchers are freed
from a total reliance on eyewitness testimony. Providing the UFO-image is not
taken against a featureless sky-scape, a picture can aid the reasoned
assessment of a sighting in a variety of ways. For example, the alleged time of
a sighting can be verified (or refuted) through objective analysis, by
examining the shadows and lighting present within a photograph. In the case of
a series of pictures, prevalent lighting can also be used to determine how far
apart in time they were actually taken. At the very least - once photographic
defects and hoaxes are eliminated - a UFO picture indicates that something was
physically present during a particular incident.
In regards to evidential value, a proven sequential series of still
photographs are more useful to UFO research than a single image, with changes
in a "UFO's" motion and viewing angle being apparent. Motion-picture
evidence is even more cherished, with its ability to permanently and
objectively represent a phenomenon's trajectory; potentially the most anomalous
aspect of reported UFO behaviour. The
introduction of camcorders and similar image capture devices from the mid-1980 onwards
resulted in many motion images of supposed "UFO's" being submitted to
investigators. They often, however, lack the fine resolution of even average-quality
still cameras. This is further compounded by the fact that most are not
designed to record images of distant light-sources at night, as is often the
case with UFO incidents. Other drawbacks are less obvious. For example, "auto-focus"
settings often have difficulty in precisely resolving distant points of light;
the image (as a result of incidental defocusing) assuming a spurious diffused
circular or diamond shape.
The circumstances underlying many photographic incidents often conspire
to markedly reduce their evidential value. Often, the "UFO" appears
as a mere dot of light against a featureless sky. The virtual lack of spatial
references in such a picture makes reasoned assessment of it almost impossible.
Furthermore, many nocturnal UFO photographs are often severely distorted by
camera shake (involuntary hand tremor), causing the "UFO's" image to
resemble an erratic, convoluted luminous swirl. Finally, it is commonplace for
UFO pictures to be poor in photographic quality, the features within a picture
being indistinctly defined. However, this is not automatically a point against
its authenticity. It should be remembered that the majority of UFO pictures are
taken by non-professional photographers at night, using basic equipment under
stressful circumstances.
Contrary to popular opinion, most claimed UFO photographs are not
hoaxes, but actuality depict IFO phenomena such as birds, meteors, missile
tests, vapour-trails or weather balloons. Additionally, a host of equipment
defects and effects can generate spurious UFO-like images. For example, an
irregular white or dark "blob" may appear on a print during its
development (either the result of minor chemical staining or dust
contamination). Reflections of a bright light-source (i.e. a lamp or the
camera's own flashlight) onto a window and lens flare (an off-angle reflection
of the sun upon a camera lens) have both instigated a considerable number of
spurious "UFO" photographic cases. This is also the case with
accidental double exposure with film format cameras, where images from two
different "shots" are superimposed onto one negative. This results
from a photographer (or camera) not winding on the film after taking a picture.
A good indicator that a photographic defect is potentially responsible is that
nothing untoward was observed when the picture was taken (the anomalous image
only discovered on the film being developed).
Hoaxing is also a notable source of false "UFO" photographs.
Although less numerous than images of IFOs or photographic defects, they are
featured more often within the UFO literature due to their more sensational
appearance. Hoaxes may be perpetuated for financial reasons, but are more often
simply attempts to "fool the experts" or gain publicity. It is
relevant to note that many UFO photographic hoaxes have been perpetuated by
children. A diversity of fabrication techniques are available to the would-be
UFO faker. A crude - but often surprisingly effective - method involves
photographing a background scene through a window (or other transparent
medium), upon which a cut-out paper (or painted-on) "UFO" is placed. This
produces a fairly convincing (if somewhat dark) UFO-like image. Small model
UFOs are also employed in pictorial hoaxing attempts. A frisbee, hat or hubcap
thrown into the air, or attached to a (out-of-picture) support by thin wire can
both produce fairly convincing still photographic images. These effects look
convincing because a small model placed close to a camera has the same apparent
angular size as that of a much larger (and more distant) object.
In regard to film format cameras, the photographic darkroom also
provides hoaxes with additional methods of fabricating "UFO"
pictures. Deliberate double exposures (superimposing the image of one film
negative onto another) produce realistic-looking fake UFO images. Digital format
images are even easier to manipulate in this manner, especially with the
introduction of powerful, inexpensive personal computers combined with image
processing software. It is relatively easy (especially if the fabricator
possesses good computer skills) to create a realistic digitally-generated
"UFO” and to superimpose it onto an actual "background" image;
or place such an image within a totally synthetic picture with convincing
landscape and lighting details.
Fortunately, there are many ways of detecting most hoaxing techniques,
especially with film format cameras. A "close-up" model will appear
to be quite sharply defined, but the background will be somewhat out of focus.
An unnaturally dark image also indicates the same situation, as less light
falls upon it in comparison with an object a greater distance away. A cut-out
UFO stuck onto a glass plate is nearly always surrounded by a noticeable
whitish "halo" running round its edge. In regards to a double
exposure originated "UFO" image, its "contrast" nearly
always markedly differs with that of other features on the photograph (the UFO
and the backdrop being shot under different lighting conditions). A good way to
check for all kinds of hoaxes (in particularly superimpositions) is to examine
the negative, to determine whether it shows any sign of tampering. If possible,
the whole reel of film that contains the "UFO" image(s) is examined,
both to determine if they appear in the order claimed by the witnesses and for
comparison with the other (non UFO-related) exposures.
Unfortunately, the sophistication of modern computer generated imagery
is such that it is much harder to detect – and prove – hoaxing in relation to
digital images. Nonetheless fabrication can be demonstrated through finding
evidence of image alteration such as the use of cut and paste effects and/or
digital “airbrushing”. Features within a “doctored” image may also exhibit
inconsistencies in scale, composition and lighting; while an examination of the
original picture file’s processing history can detect the use of image processing
The widening and growing sophistication of the Internet over the past 10
years has created a further medium for relatively cheap audio-visual
expression. The appearance of so-called "social sites" such as
"Youtube" has resulted in the appearance of numerous short digital
format movies - depicting everything from supposed aircraft gun-camera footage
of a "flying triangle".
Another example features footage reportedly taken by lunar astronauts on
board "Apollo 20”; an anomaly in itself given the moon landings terminated
with Apollo 17! The general consensus is that such "evidence" is only
proof of the considerable CGI skills of their makers; and that even more
convincing hoaxes will appear in future as CGI techniques improve with time. In
the internet age, as before, claimed UFO footage is only as good as its
supporting witness testimony...
Without doubt, computer imaging is the most powerful photographic
analysis technique available to Ufologists. This technology, once very
expensive and accessible to only a few, is now with the advent of powerful home
computers becoming more widely available. A scanned or digital image can be
enlarged, ambient contrast altered or specific picture elements colour-coded in
order to better define features such as shading. An images’ edge profile can be
enhanced, useful in detecting the presence of wires (or attempts to hide them
in regard to a digital image). Furthermore, precise scalar and other
measurements of features within a photograph are possible; potentially able to determine
whether a “UFO” has been "dulled" by atmospheric haze, suggesting it
may represent a substantial and fairly distant object.
In the late 1970's Ground Saucer Watch (GSW), an American UFO study
group who pioneered the computer analysis of UFO photographs, examined 1100
alleged "UFO" pictures with these techniques over a period of six
years. On the conclusion of this survey only 45 pictures from that sample were
deemed to be authentic.
Early Photographs of Aerial Anomalies:
Purported photographic images exist of all the notable pre-UFO era
aerial anomalies. An alleged picture of the American "mystery
airship", taken at Chicago on the 10th April 1897 was later admitted to be
a hoax (involving a wire-suspended model), shortly after it was publicized by
the news media of the day. There are several alleged photographs of Foo
Fighters on record, unfortunately none of which have been authenticated. The
only known photograph of a supposed "ghost rocket" was taken in
Sweden at about mid-afternoon on the 9th July, 1946. However, this incident
(which was observed over a considerable area of that country), was probably
instigated by a bright bolide meteor.
One of the first photographs of the modern "flying saucer" era
was reportedly taken at Phoenix, Arizona USA at around 4.00pm on the 7th July
1947. The circumstances surrounding this image of a heel-shaped "UFO"
(similar in form to that observed by Kenneth Arnold) are somewhat vague; the
picture being neither validated nor explained as a result.
Classic UFO Photographic Cases:
At McMinnville, Oregon, USA at around 7.45pm on the 11th May, 1950 a
farmer and his wife claimed to have observed a silent, slow-moving shiny disc,
with what resembled an off centre "pole" protruding from its top. Two
pictures of this "UFO" were allegedly taken during the course of this
sighting. The "UFO" shown in these photographs is similar to another
"UFO" depicted in a picture taken at Rouen, France in March 1954. The
McMinnville pictures were evaluated as authentic by Ground Saucer Watch during
the 1970's. Their findings suggest that the UFO was around 20-30 metres in size
and about a kilometre (or more) from the witnesses. Sceptics have questioned
this conclusion, pointing out possible inconstancies in ambient shadow-features,
suggesting the pictures were taken in the morning (rather than in the evening,
as claimed by the witnesses). They feel the "UFO" is actually a small
model suspended from a wire, whose diameter falls just below the resolution of
the computer enhancement methods used to assess the photographs.
At about 12.15pm, on the 16th January, 1958 a Saturn-shaped UFO moving
at high speed was reportedly observed - and photographed - from the deck of theAlmirante Saldanha, a Brazilian Navy ship located in the South Atlantic
Ocean, just off the coast of Trindade Island. The four photographs showing the
"passage" of this "UFO" still remain unresolved (and highly
controversial) to this day. These pictures were also deemed authentic by Ground
Saucer Watch, but other commentators are highly sceptical of their validity.
The cameraman is known to have - quite openly - previously faked pictures for
an article debunking some "UFO" photographs taken at Barra de Tijuca,
Brazil in May 1952. This suggests that he was sufficiently skilled to have
fabricated the Trindade island photographs via superimposition techniques.
Furthermore, it is unclear whether this object was as widely observed by
the Almirante Sladanha's crew as some reports infer. In recent
years relatives of the photographer and individuals also on the ship that day
have provided further evidence suggesting the images were darkroom
Classic Cinematic UFO Incidents:
In regards to cine films of "UFOs", two originating from the
early 1950's and one taken in 1978 still remain noteworthy to this day.
On either the 5th or 15th August, 1950 at Great Falls, Montana, USA at
around 11.25am a motion-camera film was taken of two silvery reflective oval
objects moving swiftly in a South Westerly direction. It is known that, at
around the time of this incident, two aircraft were airborne on the 15th August
in the sighting's vicinity. It has therefore been suggested that the film shows
these aircraft, their appearance distorted by reflected sunlight. Although the
main witness was uncertain of the precise date of this incident, he did claim
to have seen aircraft in conjunction with the "UFO's". The situation
is made more complex as it is known that no aircraft were airborne near that
area on the 5th August (which subsequent research favours as the actual date of
this event!). Despite this confusion, three separate examinations of the Great
Falls movie all suggested it was authentic, that the objects were some distance
from the observers and that their circular shape was actual, not the result of
solar reflection effects.
The second classic "UFO-movie" was taken near Tremonton, Utah,
USA, at approximately 11.10am on the 2nd July, 1952. It depicts around 10-12
white ovoids of fluctuating brightness "milling around" against a
featureless sky (reportedly) over the eastern horizon. These "UFOs"
(widely spaced apart in fairly close "groups "of two) were eventually
lost to sight as they moved to the west. It is quite possible these
"UFOs" were actually gulls reflecting sunlight, although
(questionable) estimations of their speed range from 760 to 12,167 kph,
depending on their assumed distance from the observers.
At Wellington, New Zealand, on the 30th December, 1978, a Australian
journalist and his film-team joined the crew of an Argosy cargo 'plane, to make
a short documentary on a "UFO" event experienced by those aboard it
some nine days previously. Just after midnight on the 31st December 1978,
whilst the aircraft was bound for Christchurch, strange, intermittently visible
lights were initially spotted (and filmed), and continued to be seen for a
further 50 minutes thereafter. The presences of seemingly unknown objects in
the aircrafts’ vicinity were also tracked on RADAR at the same time. Following
a refuelling stop in Christchurch, the aircraft took off again, bound for
Blenheim. Several minutes into this flight (at around 2.15am) further unusual
lights were again observed from the aircraft. At about 2.24am, a large luminous
object described as resembling a "flying saucer" was sighted (and
spasmodically filmed) for around eight minutes. Other unusual lights were seen
almost until the aircraft touched down at Blenhelm at about 3.10am. Again,
various RADAR systems (located on the ground and in the aircraft) had seemingly
detected the presence of numerous unknown airborne "targets"
throughout this "leg" of the flight.
The images taken that night by the film crew were subject to an
extensive examination by (among other technical experts) atmospheric physicist
Bruce Macacabee, who came out strongly in favour of them being inexplicable
aerial phenomena. From the time it was first revealed, various theories have
been proposed to account for the New Zealand film. It is variously proposed
that the "UFOs" were mundane terrestrial light sources, squidboats,
the planet Venus or mirages (either of astronomical objects or ground
features). The RADAR images are explained as spuriously returns induced by
atmospheric refraction effects, or returns from the ground mistakenly perceived
as airborne sources during the excitement of the diverse "UFO"
observations. None of these "solutions" have yet to be conclusively
proven, but all still remain potentially viable.
IFF's : Infamous Flying Fakes:
Not surprisingly, Ufological history is littered with examples of probable
or suspected hoaxed photographs. What follows is a brief worldwide run-down of
the more notorious faked UFO pictures.
The image of a domed saucer-shaped "UFO" appearing in five
daylight photographs taken at Barra de Tijuca, Brazil on the May 7th, 1952 are
strongly suspected to have been fabricated via superimposition. Six photographs
taken in New Jersey, USA on the 29th July 1952 are thought to show a hat tossed
into the air. Deliberate superimposition techniques were probably also
responsible for a "UFO" picture from Taormina, Sicilly (taken in the
summer of 1954), that purports to show several people "watching" two
inverted aerial domed-discs.
Many of the 1950's "contactees" used photographic
"evidence" to substantiate their entity encounter claims. These range
from (often unimpressive-looking) images of flying saucers to equally
unimpressive images - such as that taken by Howard Menger in 1953 - of a
shadowy figure standing before a supposed "spacecraft". The most
prominent of the contactee photographs were those taken by the first of their
ilk, George Adamski. Some of them are claimed to predate his alleged 1952
encounter with an entity from Venus. This includes a photograph of a dark
cigar-shaped "mother-ship" surrounded by several luminous blobs. But
his most renowned pictures were a series of close-up shots purporting to show a
"Venusian scout-ship", taken just after his 1952 "contact".
This image of a bell-shaped "UFO" with an under section comprising of
three small inverted "domes" located around a larger central
"bulge" has since become famous throughout the world. Whatever the
truth behind Adamski's numerous (and highly dubious) claims, UFOs closely
resembling his "scout ship" have been allegedly observed (and
photographed) by other independent, non-contactee witnesses.
Four photographs of a hat-shaped "UFO" taken at Santa Anna,
California, USA on the 3rd August 1965 were once highly regarded within
ufology. However, investigators from the University of Colorado UFO Project
were able to duplicate them fairly closely, using a small model hung from a
wire. About 10 years later these pictures also failed a computer enhancement
test conducted by Ground Saucer Watch. On the 9th January 1966, at Lake St.
Clare, Michigan, USA two teenage boys claimed to have photographed a dark
lenticular "UFO" with an antenna protruding from its rear. Again,
they were widely believed to be authentic. In the 1970's the
"witnesses" later confessed to fabricating them, using a model hung
from a thread. Much less convincing were three photographs depicting a
hat-shaped UFO taken by an Ohio barber on the 13th November, 1966. Almost from
the onset, UFO investigators noted major inconsistencies in the pictures
frame-numbers (when compared with the order they were reportedly taken), and
shadow-features which were inconsistent with the incident's claimed time of
occurrence. Several pictures of a white tub-shaped object taken on the June 1st
1967 at San Jose de Valderas, Spain were, some years later, proved to be a
model suspended from a wire (via the use of computer enhancement technology).
In comparison with hoaxed pictures, fewer IFO-based photographs have
assumed the status of "classics" (mainly due to their less impressive
appearance). The "Fortune Photograph", taken on October 16th 1957
near Alamogordo, New Mexico, is now commonly accepted to show a lenticular
cloud. A picture of a group of four luminous ovals taken at Salem,
Massachusetts on the 16th July 1952 are probably ceiling lights reflected onto
a window pane.
The Uncertain & Unconfirmed....
There are also many UFO photographs that remain unresolved to this day,
due to the various uncertainties which surround them. A luminated form
photographed by a 14 year-old boy at Tulsa, USA (but reportedly witnessed by
others) on the 2nd August, 1965 look interesting, but show a somewhat
indistinct image against a featureless sky. Another (taken around 1954 near
Edwards Airforce Base, USA) of a small disc located behind the tailfin of a
B-57 bomber is more clearly defined, but the circumstances surrounding its
taking (and the identities of those who photographed it) remain unknown to this
Sometimes, confusion can result from inconsistent photographic testing
results. On the 3rd July, 1967 at Calgary, Alberta two pictures were taken of a
disc reportedly observed by several witnesses. Monochrome prints of these
photographs passed a Ground Saucer Watch examination conducted in 1976. In 1977
GSW discovered that the Centre Of UFO Studies possessed colour versions of the
Calgary pictures, and (as a result) that organization sent GSW copies of them
for computer analysis. The colour print of the first picture passed their
scrutiny, but GSW described the second as being "the crudest attempt at a
hoax" they had ever seen. Later, these conflicting findings were explained
as resulting from the print of the second picture being accidentally blurred
during copying (and also to them being separated and assessed at two different
locations). This example shows that, for all its advantages, computer
enhancement techniques are not absolutely foolproof.
A photograph taken near St. George, Minnesota USA of a UFO (said to have
been witnessed by five people) at around 6.10pm on the 21st October 1965, is
one example of how several elements of uncertainty can work to the detriment of
a UFO picture. Although this image of a fuzzy luminous disc looks quite
convincing, again it is taken against a (near) featureless skyscape.
Furthermore, the photographers' statement regarding the UFO (which describes a
physical, metallic object) appears inconsistent with what is actually depicted
in the photograph. Controversy also still rages whether two luminous blobs
located just below the "object" are stars, satellites or just
incidental marks on the film.
UFO Photographic Cases in the British Isles:
There are a substantial number of alleged British UFO photographs, but
few have gained the status of "classics" (due predominantly to most
UFO books being written from an American perspective). The vast majority of
these, sadly, are proven or suspected hoaxes.
One of the earliest English UFO photographs was reportedly taken by a
13-year old boy at Coniston, Cumbria on the 15th February, 1953. It shows a
blurry image bearing a very close resemblance to George Adamski's
"Venusian scout ship". As a result, most Ufologists dismiss the
photograph as a hoax, but the witness (when questioned in 1995) still
maintained it was genuine. The book "Flying Saucers from Mars"
(detailing a supposed February 1954 encounter between a Mr. Cedric Allingham
and a "Martian" in the Scottish highlands) features several (very
unconvincing) pictures of the entities' domed-saucer shaped
"spacecraft". These images are, in all probability, extreme close up
shots of a small model.
In February 1962 a 14 year-old boy claimed to have photographed a
hovering formation of five domed discs at Mosborough, Yorkshire. A decade later
the "witness" admitted to hoaxing this picture by photographing an
outdoor scene through a glass plate, upon which the group of "UFOs"
had been painted. In the evening of the 29th August 1965, at Warminster,
Wiltshire (during a "wave" of UFO reports focused around that town) a
19-year old male reportedly photographed a fast-moving domed disc against a
featureless sky. The authenticity of this picture remains a matter of notable
controversy, although the photographer still claims it to be authentic. Two
women at Cappoquin, Eire, claimed to observe a glowing elliptical
"UFO" at about 3.15-3.30pm on the 26th December, 1965. One of the witnesses
managed to take a photograph of the phenomenon just before it was lost to
sight. Its veracity remains undetermined to this day. At Conisborough,
Yorkshire, around 8.30pm on the 28th March 1966, a young boy (with four other
members of his family) reputedly photographed a "throbbing" hovering
orange light. When developed, the resulting picture did not show a luminous
body, but a formation of 3 dark domed discs. Today, most British Ufologists
agree it is a fake, involving "cut-out" UFO's stuck onto a
transparent surface and then photographed.
Approximately 12.00pm on the 26th October 1971 at Enstone, Banbury
Oxfordshire, an Anglia Television camera crew (in the course of shooting a
countryside documentary) observed a stationary round silvery object, which
suddenly ejected a "contrail" as it moved away towards the East. It
was later discovered the "UFO" had been observed over a considerable
area by other independent witnesses. This event is now believed to been
instigated by a high-altitude aircraft illegally dumping aviation fuel. The
static phase is attributable to the 'plane coincidentally traversing along the
witnesses' line of sight.
On the 11th January 1973 a luminous orange sphere was filmed 6.5 kms S.W
of Thame, Oxfordshire at around 9.05am. The same "object" was also
seen by some primary school children and a teacher located several kilometres
away at the villages of Chilton and Shabbington. Near the time and location of
these sightings it is known that a malfunctioning F-111 aircraft had been
incinerating "dumped" fuel with its afterburners, prior to a planned
(but later aborted) emergency landing. The UFO incidents are therefore
attributable to the ignited plume of aviation gas then being emitted by this
aircraft (which eventually crashed at 9.46am, some 30km away, near what is now
Milton Keynes). Another film, taken in October 1977 close to the Stonehenge
Neolithic monument probably shows flares (the region around this ancient site
being heavily used for military exercises). However the witnesses have disputed
this explanation, alleging the lights caused severe effects on themselves and
upon various electronic and mechanical devices.
On the morning of March 16th 1981, at the village of Cracoe, North
Yorkshire, several individuals (including two police officers) witnessed a
static grouping of three intense white lights, situated by the side of a
distant, craggy fell. Six photographs of the phenomenon were taken during the
course of this almost 1 hour-long incident. Several years later these
"lights" were found to have resulted from solar lumination reflecting
off exposed damp quartz-bearing rocks. More recently, on the 5th August 1987 at
around 5.00am, a slow-moving dark domed-disc UFO was reputedly photographed in
Barnsley, Yorkshire. Photographic analysis from several individuals and
organizations (including Ground Saucer Watch) indicates this picture probably
shows a cut-out image stuck onto a window. However, this evaluation is disputed
by the photographer.
In March 4th 1989 (due to a wave of "UFO" sightings in NW
London and SW Hertfordshire mainly instigated by the Virgin Airship)
Hertfordshire police redirected a traffic monitoring video camera situated near
Junction 6 of the M-1 motorway. On four separate occasions during this period
the camera recorded images of unusual moving lights, and also two static aerial
light-sources that were continuously visible in the distance. The stationary
lights were subsequently identified as Mars & Venus. The moving lights are
thought to be aircraft, shuttling to and from Heathrow aerodrome. Around 7.44pm
at Corby, Northamptonshire, on the 7th May 1994, a family observed (and filmed
with their camcorder for almost five minutes) a hazy, slow-moving silver &
black coloured elliptical object with "round bubbles" located around its
outer rim. A subsequent investigation discovered the "UFO" was
probably a cluster of birthday-party balloons.
"UFO Entity" Photographs Worldwide:
A genuine "UFO entity" photograph would be a major step in
proving the physical reality of such beings. Surprisingly, quite a substantial
number of supposed UFO entity photographs do exist; unfortunately most (if not
all) are probable hoaxes.
The first "UFO entity" photographs originate from the early
1950's, allegedly showing dead (or captured) "aliens" in the presence
of one or more humans. One (which first appeared in a April 1st, 1950 edition
of a German newspaper) depicts a single-legged "alien" with a bulbous
cranium being "escorted" by two American soldiers. This photograph is
a proven hoax, involving (somewhat crude) airbrush doctoring of a pre-posed
image. The other (said to originate from an early 1950's UFO crash occurring
near Mexico City) shows a tiny humanoid being held by two trench-coated men,
with two women standing behind them. It is almost certainly a hoax (again
perpetuated by a German newspaper), the "alien" probably a image
superimposed onto some people grouped around a pram.
At around 9.30am in 31st July 1952, eight photographs were reportedly
taken in the Bernina Mountains, Italy of a landed domed-disc shaped
"UFO" and an adjacent space-suited "entity". These pictures
are generally accepted to be a hoax, involving a scale model backdrop,
"UFO" and "Alien". A white-suited figure (not seen by
anyone present at the time) appeared in a photograph of a young girl taken in
Cumbria, England on the 23rd May 1964. A recent examination of this picture has
found indications of the unseen figure having been deliberately placed within
it by superimposition techniques. However, the photographer strongly denied
In October 17th 1973 (following an alleged landing of a UFO just outside
Falkville, Alabama USA), a police chief took four pictures of a silver-suited
figure, which then reportedly ran away at incredible speed. These images have
never been conclusively explained, but could depict an individual attired in a
protective fire-proof outfit. Another picture (first surfacing in the 1970's)
is said to show a dead entity inside a downed "UFO". In reality it
probably depicts a badly-burned human air crash victim; a quite
terrestrial-looking pair of spectacles being visible to the left of the body.
At around 7.45am on the 1st December, 1987, a male walking on Ikley
Moor, West Yorkshire, England reportedly photographed a green-coloured
"entity" scrambling up a hill, to a "UFO" reportedly just
hidden behind an adjacent knoll. The resulting image is intriguing, but is
notably underexposed. Following this observation, the witness claimed to
experience a period of "missing time" of just under 2 hours.
Additionally, a magnetic compass reputedly on his person at the time was later
discovered to have permanently reversed its polarity. In the course of a later
hypnotic regression, the witness recounted an UFO entity contact experience,
occurring during the interval of "missing time". Some researchers
suggest the picture shows an insurance salesman known to have regularly walked
the moor on visits to local clients. The case's main investigators reject this
explanation, on the grounds that the salesman was not present at the sighting
location during the time and date of the incident.
Since the 1990's several photographs of "dead aliens" have
surfaced, most notably in Russia and Japan. All these images (to date) are
known to show human-sized manikins, speculative reconstructions of deceased
extraterrestrial beings supposedly retrieved from UFO crashes. One supposed UFO
entity film - the so-called Santilli Movie - caused a minor media sensation on
its first public showing in May 1995. Raymond Santilli, (then managing director
of the Merlin Group, a producer of videos, music tapes and books) claims to
have accidentally discovered it in 1993, while in America seeking early footage
of rock and roll giant Elvis Presley. What is commonly termed the
"Santilli movie" is, in actuality, said to comprise of around 20
silent black and white motion film-reels. They were purported taken by an
ex-military photographer, who somehow managed to keep the original
(undeveloped) film-canisters in his possession for 46 years. They are reputed
to show the examination of alien bodies and artefacts recovered from a UFO
crash occurring near Roswell, New Mexico, USA in July 1947.
One alleged section of this footage, the first seen by independent
Ufologists, show two men in white coats (with one person in the background)
inside a poorly lit tent or cabin. They appear to be taking tissue samples from
a partially-sheeted body lying on a table. Two other sets of footage seemingly depict
the autopsy of a large-headed humanoid entity with six fingered hands, conducted
by 2 men dressed in biological/radiation protection suits. During the course of
the "dissection", black "membranes" are removed from the
entities' eyes, its torso, abdomen and skull are opened up and various
(unrecognizable) organs removed. A further section of footage allegedly shows
wreckage taken from the entities crashed UFO. This comprises of irregular slabs
of metal indented with several life-size impressions of a six-figured hand and
"I-beam" like fragments adorned with hieroglyphics.
This footage is generally suspected as being a recent fabrication by
many UFO researchers. A number of studies have concluded the "alien"
bodies are likely to be custom-made latex manikins derived from a body-cast,
with hollow internal sections filled with organic-looking matter to render a
convincing "autopsy" effect. The "UFO" fragments are deemed
equally questionable; the displayed wreckage being totally unlike that
described by the witnesses of the "actual" Roswell debris. Suspicion
is further aroused by a shot of an "I-beam" section, upon which are
depicted "hieroglyphics" closely resembling the English words
"Video TV".
In 2006 a comedy movie called "Alien Autopsy" (sanctioned by
Ray Santilli) reputedly told the true story of this footage. This film (and
subsequent interviews) claims Santilli did indeed discover a movie depicting
the recovery and examination of "alien bodies" from Roswell; footage
which deteriorated rapidly soon after he had acquired it. This reportedly
inspired him to fake sections of footage in his London flat, to replace the
damaged sections, by using many of the methods previously cited by critical
commentators - namely a special effects dummy filled with offal acquired from
Smithfield Meat Market! Nonetheless, Santilli claims the film presented to the
general public in 1995 contains some surviving sections taken at Roswell in
1947 - although he can no longer recall which portions are the authentic ones.
While this facile explanation satisfies some, many others remain unconvinced,
being more willing than ever to totally dismiss the "alien autopsy"
movie as a complete fabrication.
Some Basic Principles:
RADAR (the acronym of RAdio Detection And Ranging) is a remote sensor
system which first entered use during the late 1930's. In grossly simplified
terms its mode of operation can be described as follows. A rotating transmitter
broadcasts a narrow stream of radio waves, a proportion of which are reflected
back to the transmitter by any sufficiently solid object falling within that units
range. This return signal, or echo, is then received by the RADAR system and
shown as a dot-like blip upon a display unit called a Plan Position Indicator
or Scope. By measuring the delay between the transmission of the radio signal
and the receipt of the echo, an object's distance from the RADAR dish (and
other data such as its speed) can be precisely determined. A "blip's"
brightness depends on the strength of its echo, which itself is governed by the
composition of the detected object. So-called "Stealth" aircraft
utilize materials (and surface configurations) that produces a much smaller RADAR
"signature" than is typical for an object of its size.
Despite its great value as a defensive, navigational and research tool RADAR
has several inherent deficiencies. To begin with, it can only show actual
structural details of objects much bigger than an aircraft (which themselves
only appear as a small, anonymous dot upon a RADAR scope). Furthermore, at some
ranges, a group of objects at the same distance (but at slightly different
altitudes) will be shown as a single large blip, until they move a greater
distance apart.
RADAR is utilized for a variety of tasks. RADAR systems using specific
radio frequencies are used to detect clouds, rain-belts, birds and insect
swarms (whose echoes are less defined on units designed for air traffic control
purposes). These differing RADAR systems all possess there own unique range and
coverage characteristics, and are prone to specific sorts of spurious targets
and atmospheric effects.
For Ufologists, the most important RADAR systems are those used for
aircraft flight management. Airport Control Towers monitor aircraft within
their designated airspace (or Terminal Control Area (TMA)) passing them onto
Air Traffic Control Centres (ATCC) once they move out of their jurisdiction.
Air traffic activity on the average TMA/ATCC RADAR scope is such that a
controllers' attention must be confined only to commercial flights. Those
"returns" of no concern to them are ignored, unless they violate
flight-zone regulations, move in a highly anomalous manner or trigger off a
conflict alert by moving too close to another aircraft.
Modern air-traffic control RADARs are equipped with a data processing
"filter" called a Moving Target Indicator (MTI). When activated, an
MTI removes all non-relevant returns - or Clutter - (such as elevated ground
features) from a RADAR display. A RADAR system reverts to a Primary setting
when the MTI is switched off, resulting in all detectable objects appearing
upon a unit’s scope. Secondary RADAR depends on Transponders; a specialized
radio transmitter carried by all commercial (and most private) aircraft. This
device broadcasts the aircraft's call sign, altitude and destination to a RADAR
unit, which then displays this data on its Plan Position Indicator.
It is well known that anti-ICBM defence RADAR systems, such as those
utilized by NORAD, often register "unknown" returns (termed UCT's, or
UnCorrelated Targets). As far as is publicly known, no work has ever been conducted
to determine their actual identity. Officially, they are deemed to be generated
by mundane objects such as meteors, satellite re-entries and launches.
Most ufologists prefer RADAR cases where an "anomalous" return
is noted in conjunction with a visually observed "UFO". This is
because RADAR can be "fooled" by a variety of atmospheric conditions
(or even malfunctions within the RADAR mechanism itself). Under certain
atmospheric conditions anomalous propagation can occur. This effect (induced by
temperature inversions) causes ground features not normally detectable by a RADAR
set to temporarily appear on its scope. On some RADAR sets, a "ghost"
signal of an already "ranged" object is sometimes
"detected" close to the originating "target", precisely
mimicking its motion(s). Angels are the semi-official term for a specific class
of natural RADAR return. Typically, this phenomenon manifests on an RADAR scope
as an erratically moving and intermittently visible "return". They
are variously thought to be caused by moving "pockets" of air (who's
temperature differs to that of the surrounding environment), swarms of insects
or electrically-charged atmospheric particulates.
The existence of all these phenomena emphasizes the need for apparent RADAR
detections of UFO's to be associated with a visually-observed stimulus. Even in
those instances, the possibility of a false "return" always renders
this form of UFO evidence open to some doubt. There are many cases where a
"UFO" is not detected by an adjacent RADAR unit (such as was the case
with the 1991 Manchester "UFO air miss"). The reasons for this are
potentially manifold. For instance, a "UFO" could be (for some
reason) a poor reflector of RADAR waves. If so, it could not comprise of
electrically-charged gases (such as is the case with a conventional
"plasma"), as these produce very clear RADAR returns. More
prosaically, the UFO's presence could be effectively "deleted" by RADAR
"filter" systems, or it could be much further away than it appears.
Even with all the technical advances over the past 50 years, the human operator
remains the key element of any RADAR system. In order to judge the
"outlandishness" of any "unusual" return, an operator must
be both well versed in the equipment he or she is responsible for, and be
acquainted with how local conditions commonly affect a given RADAR unit.
RADAR-UFO Encounters:
Why are RADAR-UFO cases so important to UFO research? As with
photographs, a validated RADAR detection of a "UFO" goes a
considerable way to proving its material nature. Secondly (and more
importantly) they provide an objective assessment of a "UFO's" speed
and trajectory. The motion attributes of "UFOs" in the more notable RADAR-UFO
events are identical to those reported in "conventional" visual
sightings; sustained or sudden bursts of rapid speed, long-duration hovering,
and swift tight-angle turns. Thereby, such instances go some way in
demonstrating that these UFO motion aspects are actual, and not attributable to
subjective factors. In the 1960's the Director of Blue Book was asked to state
(under oath) whether the project had any unexplained RADAR cases on record; he
replied that it did not. It is true that most RADAR-UFO events in the Blue Book
files (such as the Lakenheath/Bentwaters incident) are listed as resolved.
However, the explanations cited for some of these cases (again, such as with
the Lakenheath/Bentwaters event) have been deemed highly unlikely by several
notable RADAR experts.
On the 19th-20th July, 1952, around the vicinity of Washington D.C, USA,
RADAR units located at Washington National Airport and Andrews Airforce Base
detected anomalous targets performing a variety of manoeuvres (hovering, flying
in formation, as well as a rapid 90 degree turn). Several lights were seen in
association with the RADAR returns, but F-94 jets sent to investigate them
found nothing on reaching the area. RADAR detected another unknown target in
the same region a week later. Again, an aircraft was sent to investigate. The
pilots involved observed a light in the region originating these RADAR returns.
However, shortly on being observed, it appeared to move away from this vicinity
at very high speed. These events are now held in lesser regard by ufologists
than they once were, it now being generally accepted that the RADAR returns are
explicable in terms of anomalous propagation.
At West Freugh, South West Scotland, on the 4th April 1957, an anomalous
target was plotted by three widely separated RADAR systems. Initially
stationary, the target then seemed to rise vertically and (after making a very
sharp turn) moved to the South East, appearing to gather speed as it did so. As
this juncture, two RADAR units noted the alteration of this single
"blip" into four distinct targets (each estimated to be comparable to
a ship in apparent size). An official report into this incident concluded they
were "five reflecting objects of unidentified type and origin...unlikely
to be conventional aircraft, meteorological balloons or charged clouds".
Although an important RADAR-UFO case, the fact that no visual UFO's were
observed makes viable a diversity of potential natural explanations.
England's prime RADAR-visual UFO encounter event occurred at Lakenheath,
Suffolk, on the 13th-14th August, 1957. Over a period of several hours (commencing
at around 9.30pm), very fast moving echoes were detected by RADAR systems
located at both USAF/RAF Bentwaters and Lakenheath. They were seen (by several
independent observers) in association with rapidly moving bright white lights, whose
motions closely matched the RADAR returns. Many sceptical investigators
(including those associated with the Condon Project) consider this event to be
significantly anomalous.
Few RADAR-visual UFO cases are reported today. Some researchers believe
this is due to improvements in RADAR systems, resulting in modern units
producing fewer spurious returns. Others state that more recent RADAR-UFO
events are deemed to be classified information. The main reason for this
secrecy could be that any indication of the range, sensitivity and coverage of
a specific RADAR set-up (especially those used by the military) would be of
considerable use to any potential hostile power. Despite this, it is not
uncommon for "leaked" rumours to circulate within ufology of
comparatively recent RADAR/UFO incidents (from supposedly semi-official
Direct Physical UFO Evidence
Physical matter originating (or resulting) from a "UFO"
manifestation is probably the most highly desired form of UFO evidence.
Unfortunately, no example of such "proof" presented to date has
resulted in the conclusive validation of extraterrestrial visitation (or other
anomalous event).
“Angel Hair”.
“Angel Hair” is a very rare form of alleged UFO-related discharge. It
reportedly manifests as a white fibrous substance seen to fall from airborne
UFOs, sometimes in great quantities. Especially puzzling is its inclination to
dissipate into nothingness a few moments after being handled. It has been
proposed that "Angel hair" (and any associated "UFO") may
be natural in origin, either the result of "balloon-spider"
migrations or industrial discharges. Other researchers feel a less mundane
solution is required to account for some instances. They propose that bona-fide
"angel hair" is composed of matter liberated from the atmosphere and
bound together by UFO-generated ionizing/electrostatic processes.
Direct Physical UFO Evidence.
The first claim of a UFO supposedly generating direct physical evidence
reportedly occurred near Maury Island (a peninsular 5 kilometres from Tacoma, Washington
USA). At this location on the 23rd June 1947, a formation of 6 silver doughnut
shaped "UFOs" were purportedly observed, one of which discharged
light metal "flakes" (and later rock-like slag) directly onto a boat
containing two men, a boy and a dog. During this "rain" of debris,
the boat was reputedly damaged, the boy injured and the dog killed. Those who
saw examples of the metal "recovered" by the "witnesses"
stated it resembled scrap material derived from surplus WWII aircraft (quite
commonplace in that era). The slag may have been naturally occurring rock or
(as stated by UFO researcher John Keel) radioactive material illegally dumped
from the air.
In September 1957, metallic fragments supposedly originating from a
disc-shaped UFO which exploded over a beach at Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, were
sent (with a letter detailing this event) to a Brazilian newspaper columnist.
Initial examinations of this metal suggested it was a totally pure form of
magnesium. But a later examination by the University of Colorado UFO Project
found it to be no more purer than other test batches of magnesium made during
(or even before) 1957. Other examinations of the Ubatuba fragments were
conducted after this date, some which suggested the metal was unusual, while others
indicated that it was fairly mundane in composition.
A few claims have also been made concerning the "recovery" of
small "UFO"-like artefacts. One of the best documented instances
relates to the discovery of an unusual object reportedly seen falling to earth
near Silpho Moor, Scarborough, Yorkshire, on the 21st November (or the 1st of
December) 1957. This 46cm diameter disc-shaped construct weighed 16 kilograms,
and had a "hieroglyphic" inscription running around its lower
section. When cut open, it was found to contain a copper tube which itself held
17 thin copper sheets adorned with further "hieroglyphic" writing. A
supposed translation of this text relayed a message from the disc's
extraterrestrial creators, describing how and why it had been dispatched to
Earth. On examination, the object was found to be constructed from copper and
lead; the composition of both being terrestrial in nature. Needless to say,
this case is widely dismissed as a hoax today. It is claimed (but not
irrefutably documented) that the hoaxers responsible for constructing the
saucer later confessed to their involvement in this affair. In some ways this
case shares some similarities with an elaborate student hoax perpetuated in
September 1967, involving several small flying saucer models placed in a line
spanning a considerable portion of Southern England.
There is reference in the early UFO literature to a substance termed
"space grass", which some researchers suggested was associated with
UFO activity. This was, in actuality, Chaff; thin metal strips dumped from
aircraft in order to "spoof" RADAR systems during military exercises.
Similar claims were also made in relation to small spherical RADAR calibration
targets, occasionally discovered by those unfamiliar with their true nature.
One of the most unusual forms of alleged UFO physical evidence were several
pancakes supposedly given to a witness by UFO entities encountered in April
1961, at Eagle River, Wisconsin, USA. An examination by the American Food &
Drug Administration revealed them to be terrestrial in composition; comprising
of a mixture of fat, buckwheat, bran and soybeans (but notably lacking in
Recovered Implants & "Black Light" Marks.
Many UFO abduction narratives involve claims of its participants being
inserted with "implants" during their experience (mostly in the nose
and head region). In addition, there are also allegations of suspected
"implants" coming to light during X-ray, MRI or CAT scans. Few of
these instances are associated with a subsequently retrieved artefact. Of those
implants which are supposedly recovered, few such instances have been
adequately documented. The majority of "implants" are claimed to
"dissolve" or suddenly turn to powder when removed from the body, and
those located by MRI/CAT scans have a tendency not to appear on later
In 1989, an "implant" was recovered from the genital region of
a long-term abductee (who claimed repeated entity encounters dating back from
his childhood). This item (and several others recovered shortly afterwards) was
elongated in form, about 4mm long by 1mm wide in size, and composed of a
brownish non-metallic translucent material. A detailed examination of these
"implants" revealed them to be composed of a combination of calcified
human skin cells and cotton fibres.
In Houston, Texas, USA an examination of several alleged UFO abductees
conducted in late 1995 resulted in "implants" being discovered within
their hands and feet. On removal, these artefacts were found to comprise of a
dark metallic "core" enveloped by a dense organic
"membrane". When this "membrane" was scrapped away, these
"cores" were revealed to be two separate (but tightly joined)
t-shaped objects, just under 5mm in size. Furthermore, it was claimed that
there were a greater number of nerve endings in the flesh surrounding them, and
that a gauss meter exposed to one of these "implants" reacted wildly
to its presence. To date, independent evaluation the Houston
"implants" have yet to be conducted.
Neither of these examples involves objects of a proven extra-terrestrial
origin. Indeed, in one instance their composition was very strikingly mundane.
Some researchers suggest that the "aliens" responsible for UFO
abductions are able to create sophisticated "implants" from any
material. Sceptics point out such speculative thinking places such claims
beyond scientific validation.
In the mid-1990's some American UFO researchers began to report finding
strange markings upon the skins of some UFO abductee claimants. These patterns
(sometimes stated to be highly elaborate in configuration) are visible only
under the lumination of a ultra-violet lamp (which is known as "Black
Light" in the United States). Its common attributes are currently unknown,
as no systematic examination of this phenomenon has yet been conducted. Little
has been written of this effect in recent years.
CSI comes to UFOlogy - DNA sampling and other forensic techniques
The scope of forensic science has been markedly expended since the
discovery of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technique in 1983. This
method utilises bacteria to reproduce strands of DNA on a large scale;
offering a means by which genetic material can be recovered from crime scenes
and victims in order to identify perpetrators. The potential of using this and
other similar forensic methods to retrieve evidence has not escaped the notice
of UFO researchers. While the expense of such techniques precludes it's
commonplace utilisation, several attempts have been made to employ these
methods to acquire proof of UFO events. During the late 1990's the 500 year-old
malformed skull of a 5 year-old child of possibly central American origin
became widely discussed in the UFO literature. This so-called "Starchild
skull" has been advocated as evidence of pre-Columbian alien contact
involving supposed human/alien hybridization. In 2006 mtDNA (or mitochondrial
DNA - which indicates maternal origin) was successfully recovered from this
skull; the results of nuDNA ("nuclear" DNA, which indicates paternal
linage) is presently being conducted.
In regard to abductions, one element of the Australian "Khoury
encounter" (a series of events mostly involving a single witness spanning
the 1970's up to the 1990's) involved the recovery of a strand of hair
associated with a sexually-charged entity reportedly encountered in the
witnesses' bedroom in July 1992. Subsequent mtDNA analysis discovered this hair
was associated with a rarefied Asiatic and Celtic DNA profiles, while an
attempt to recover nuDNA was unsuccessful. DNA analysis has also recently been
attempted on the dress worn by the late UFO abductee Betty Hill reputedly
during her 1962 experience. Other comparable use of "forensic"
style methods also includes the mass spectroscopy analysis of the small
desiccated body of an alleged "alien" corpse found in Israel in 1997.
This examination (funded by BUFORA) determined this body was, in actuality, a
terrestrial amphibian.
Crashed Saucers:
Undoubtedly, the ultimate form of direct physical UFO evidence would be
an actual "UFO" itself. Rumours of crashed flying saucers recovered
by governmental agencies (termed "Retrievals" by some UFO
researchers) have been a part of ufology almost since its inception in the late
1940's. The first widely publicized retrieval claim was featured in a book entitled
Behind the Flying Saucers, first published in 1950. This work (authored by
Frank Scully) gave details of the supposed recovery of three spacecraft (and
their dead alien crew) by the United States Air Force. Two of these saucers had
allegedly fell near the town of Aztec, New Mexico, another close to Phoenix,
Arizona. In September 1952, True Magazine publicly exposed this claim as being
a hoax perpetuated by two notorious confidence tricksters. It is thought that
the hoaxed 1950's "dead alien" photographs from Germany (discussed
previously) were inspired by this allegation. A later (but lesser known)
retrieval relates to the "recovery" of a crashed saucer and several
charred crewmen discovered at Spitzbergen Island (located approx. 420km North
of Norway) during the middle part of 1952. Again, this is thought to be a hoax
derived from Scully's book.
Much later, during the mid-1970's, veteran American UFO researcher
Leonard Stringfield authored a series of articles and papers detailing several
new UFO retrieval allegations originating from the United States. The testimony
relating to these events were often anonymously submitted (or came from
third-hand sources) and were unsupported by any material proof. However, these
claims set the stage for the return of a once-forgotten retrieval event that
would eventually take on major importance within Ufology.
An alleged 1947 "UFO crash" near the town of Corona, New
Mexico was quickly forgotten following a USAF press conference which
"explained" the recovered debris as originating from a weather
balloon. However, new interest in the case was ignited in 1980 by a book called
The Roswell incident, authored by Charles Berlitz and William Moore. This was
eventually followed by numerous reports, books, documentaries and films
covering the various claims associated with this event.
This affair began at the Foster Ranch, a farm located 48kms from the
town of Corona, New Mexico, USA (and some 120 Km from the town of Roswell). On
the 3rd uly, 1947 (or, according to some sources, the 14th June) the ranches'
foreman, William W. ("Mac") Brazel, came across diverse fragments
scattered widely around a field. These reportedly comprised of unusually strong
shiny "foil", threadlike material, "I-beams" and tape
decorated with "hieroglyphics". Personnel from the Roswell Army Air
field eventually visited the site and recovered the fragments, which were then
flown to Fort Worth Airbase for examination. A short time later (after some
notable press excitement) the military claimed the debris were actually pieces
from a weather balloon. Great controversy remains over whether the pictures of
the fragments released to the media show the material actually recovered from
the Foster Ranch. Rumours and first-hand claims surfaced many years later stating
that a more complete section of the "UFO" (along with several
"alien bodies") was discovered a few kilometres from the main
"debris site".
Due to pressure within American government circles for full official
disclosure concerning the Roswell incident, The US General Accounting Office
(GAO), conducted an enquiry into this event, issuing a report on their findings
in 1995. This enquiry found no evidence for a cover-up and discovered no new
major documentation relating to the event. It further suggested that a formerly
secret military reconnaissance balloon programme called Project Mogul was the
source of the Foster Ranch debris. The findings of this report are rejected by
those who are convinced the incident involved a crashed UFO, who state its
negative findings are based on incomplete data. Sceptics point out the report
uncovered nothing to refute a down-to-earth solution for the event, and
actually strengthened the case for one.
The UFO "Cover Up":
A considerable number of UFO researchers believe that the official
policy of most governments of deeming all UFOs to be explicable (and publicly
issuing statements to this effect) is, in actuality, a smokescreen utilized to
"cover up" the "truth" about UFOs. The nature of this
"truth" is sometimes claimed to involve the "fact" that
official agencies are aware that some reports are truly inexplicable, but
conceal this knowledge due to their inability to stem the tide of
unidentifiable incidents. Other researchers allege that at least some
governments know the true origins of UFOs, acquiring this knowledge either
through direct official contact with aliens or via crashed UFOs and
"extraterrestrial" cadavers which incidentally came into their
possession. A variation of this concept claims some governments are directly
responsible for most UFO events (which, in actually, involve classified spying
missions and secret technology, even - in the case of abductions - illegal mind
control experiments). It is further alleged that Project Blue Book (and the
limited UFO report monitoring efforts of other countries, such as the UK) were
(and still remain) a "public relations front" to conceal more covert
and elaborate projects relating to UFOs.
The most prominent critic of the Air Force's UFO policy during the
1950's and 1960's was the writer (and NICAP director) Donald Keyhoe. Both in
his books and through NICAP he espoused his suspicion that the government were
fully aware that UFOs were extraterrestrial devices. He suspected that covert
forces within officialdom (which he termed the "Silence Group") were
attempting to conceal the truth about UFOs by falsely "explaining
away" all sightings and controlling information on inexplicable reports.
This was due, alleged Keyhoe, to governmental concern over the detrimental
effects which official acknowledgement of extraterrestrial visitation could
have on society. Others since that time have promoted revised conceptions of
the "UFO cover-up", which in general essence differs little from
Keyhoe's original interpretation of it.
It is clear from the historical record that the USAF projects did
enthusiastically indulge in a policy of debunking, by attempting to explain all
UFO sightings by any means possible. Debunking in its most detrimental sense
did (and does) occur when totally inappropriate and improbable explanations are
proposed for "account" for a specific UFO incident. But it is also
equally clear that - most of the time - the USAF approach was actually valid.
This is reflected by the fact that the majority of reputable UFO societies
active today use the same methods of case evaluation as the USAF, which uncover
the same causes for IFO events cited by Project Blue Book; astronomical bodies,
weather balloons, aircraft and so on. Furthermore, the majority of civilian
groups even arrive at a percentage of unknowns comparable with the old USAF
sighting statistics! The only way which UFO groups differ in their approach to
the USAF is in their conviction that the "Unknowns" represent
extraordinary aerial events.
Hence, it is just as likely that official attitudes towards UFO's may
not be the consequence of a sinister, world-shaking cover-up, but just a
mistaken official interpretation of the evidence! The USAF attitude of
explaining all sightings may have resulted from a predominant conservative
social and scientific attitude towards such (at that time) novel and extreme
events. This view would have seemed all too justified by the considerable
number of IFO incidents received by (for example) the USAF. It may have equally
arisen from Cold War-era fears of sightings being utilized in psychological
warfare by hostile powers. It may have come about as the consequence of both
these factors combined. This alone could well have resulted in some anomalous
events being incorrectly "evaluated" or "overlooked", hence
condemning any "true" UFO report to conceptual oblivion.
Whatever the truth, it is clear that the American government did have
regulations whose intentions were to control the flow of UFO reports. For
example, JANAP (Joint Army Navy Air force Publication) 146, issued in 1951,
governed the reporting of any missile, submarine, aircraft or UFO. It made all
those potentially covered by this regulation (both civil pilots and military
personnel) liable to prosecution if they prematurely released such information
to nonofficial sources. Another regulation issued in 1953 (AFR 200-2), required
those involved with assessing UFO reports to reduce the number of
"unidentified" reports to a minimum. It also forbade air-force
personnel from talking to the media on UFO matters, stating that any queries
relating to the subject were directed to Project Blue Book. Furthermore, it
ruled that details of a sighting were not to be released until the Air Force
was satisfied it was explicable. According to Edward Ruppelt AFR 200-5 was
intended to encourage reporting of UFOs to Blue Book, as negative publicity
about the subject were making witnesses reluctant to come forward.
In 1974 (long after the termination of Project Blue Book) changes to the
Freedom of information act in the United States encouraged a court action by
Ground Saucer Watch, aimed at obtaining any UFO-related information held by
either the CIA or the NSA (National Security Agency). By the early 1980's
(after some considerable effort on GSW's part) several thousand pages of data
had been released. This information included translation of foreign articles,
copies of letters to and from ufologists, details of foreign UFO reports and
internal memo's mainly dealing with the Air Forces' UFO projects. Some of these
documents are heavily censored (many lines of text being overwritten with black
"masking" pen). Furthermore, a considerable number of documents
remained withheld on alleged national security grounds. These documents remain
highly controversy and are open to a variety of interpretations. Some claim
they prove the existence of a long-term UFO conspiracy by both the CIA and the
NSA, others that they simply indicate the subject was monitored at a low level
by these agencies.
Officially, the English political establishment has always been highly
sceptical of UFOs (basing this attitude upon the findings of the Blue Book and
the Condon Report). In England the Official Secrets Act controls the flow of
classified information within military and governmental channels. Official
documentation about various subjects (including UFO's) are, at the earliest,
released 30 years from their date of origin. For particularly sensitive
documents this interval ranges from 70 up to 100 years. It is believed, from
statements made by M.P's and civil servants, that some early UFO documents
(such as those relating to the 1957 Lakenheath/Bentwaters incident) were
destroyed as part of a file-clearing policy enacted after every 25 years.
However, other documents from the same era have resurfaced. Why these (and
later discovered) items "survived" is currently unclear.
All the above makes it clear that official enquiries relating to UFO
matters have been rated as "classified information" in some
circumstances. It also indicates that claims and evidence which seemingly
supports the reality of a "UFO cover-up" requires as much carefully
assessment as the UFO reports themselves. Are the instances where the
government has withheld information on UFOs attributable to some earth-shaking
hidden knowledge about the subject? Alternatively, could it be due to more
mundane reasons, ranging from unease about certain documents demonstrating
official uncertainty as to the nature of UFOs, or fears that they may publicly
reveal the infrastructure of military establishments, modes of communication
and the capabilities of "sensitive" military technology? This is
still very much an open question, although current evidence seems to suggest
the latter possibility.
The Cover-up's Wilder Side; MJ-12 To "Area 51":
Before the mid-1980's, the majority of governmental cover-up allegations
were relatively mild, involving the suppression of important cases and the
misrepresentation of sightings. This changed drastically during the mid-1980's,
when a series of astounding allegations were made which, if true, inferred that
the American government's had considerable knowledge of the origin of UFOs. By
the beginning of the 1990's these allegations had become highly influential
aspects of popular ufology (and remain so today).
The most important of these relate to a supposed top secret American UFO
study group called Majestic 12 (reputedly also known by the abbreviations
"MJ 12" or "Majic-12"). Evidence of this alleged
organization first surfaced in 1984, when a roll of an anonymously-submitted
microfilm arrived at the residence of television producer Jamie Shandera. The
group's name supposedly derives from its administration panel, which comprised
of 12 high-ranking individuals with notable scientific, political and military
backgrounds. It is said to have been founded in 1947, as a direct consequence
of the so-called "Roswell incident". The "main" MJ-12 paper
is a 5-page document dated the 18th November, 1952, and appears to be a
"briefing" dossier issued to President-elect Eisenhower. This lists
the members of this covert group and, additionally, gives information relating
to the Roswell incident (and the UFO reports which preceded it). It describes
in some detail the discovery, recovery and analysis of a crashed extraterrestrial
device from that region, which the "dossier" claims contained 4 dead
aliens. The second "core" MJ-12 document is a letter dated September
24th, 1947, addressed to alleged MJ-12 member James V. Forrestal and
purportedly issued by President Harry Truman, outlining the project's brief.
Some UFO researchers feel the MJ-12 papers are conclusive proof for the reality
of extraterrestrial UFO’s and the cover-up, and vindicate the "crashed
alien spacecraft" interpretation of the "Roswell incident".
Others state that the documents show many indications of being fairly recent
forgeries. A steady flow of fresh documents relating to Majestic-12 have
continued to appear throughout the 1980's and 1990's.
Following the appearance of the Majestic-12 "documents",
several individuals came forward with yet more "revelations"
concerning the American governments' alleged cover-up of UFOs. A host of
astounding allegations were made by a variety of documents, mainly the
so-called "Beta Report", "The Lear Document" and the
"Dulce Papers", all of which first appeared in the late 1980's. These
documents alleged that living alien "hostages" were being held by the
American military establishment, and (more astounding) the American government
had officially sanctioned extraterrestrial "harvesting" of UFO
abductees and livestock. Detailed claims of alien bases upon the earth and
secret deals between aliens and various world governments became commonplace
during this period. Although all these allegations were (to say the least)
fantastic and poorly substantiated, they indirectly formed the basis of a
revamped extra-terrestrial belief system that would dominate public discussion
of the UFO phenomenon throughout the 1990s.
In recent years much attention has been being focused on the Nellis test
range complex, a large area of highly-restricted (and heavily-secured) land in
Southern Nevada, USA, used to develop various classified aircraft. Past
examples of devices tested and perfected in this locale include the U2 spy
plane, the SR-71 and the F-117A and B-2 stealth aircraft. Sites within this
region (semi-officially termed "Area 51") include Groom Lake Air
Force Base. Film taken from just outside the bases' parameter show lights
moving in an anomalous manner; performing turning manoeuvres which would
render unconscious any human pilot contained within such a device). However,
most Ufologists feel that (at least) the majority of this footage depict UAVs
(remotely piloted vehicles) developed at Groom Lake, which (due to being
teleoperated or robotically controlled) can perform manoeuvres impossible for a
manned aircraft. The USAF refuses to make any detailed comments concerning
their activities at Area 51. The mystery surrounding this region deepened with
the allegations made by Bob Lazar, an individual who claimed to have worked as
an outside technical contractor on an installation called "S-4"
(reportedly located some 16 kilometres from Groom Lake AFB) during the late
1980's. Lazar and others were supposedly employed to "back-engineer"
nine disc-shaped devices of alien origin, said to fly via "amplified
gravity-wave" propulsion units and anti-matter power plants!
The Government (or someone) is watching...
A few UFO researchers allege they are (or have been)
"monitored" by governmental agencies; citing possible instances of
mail-tampering and 'phone-tapping as evidence to support their assertions.
Documents have surfaced (the majority of which are probable forgeries) claiming
certain Ufologists are government "plants", who's aim is to spread
false information about this subject. However, it is a matter of record that
several American UFO researchers have openly claimed to have acted in this
capacity on behalf of certain intelligence agencies.
UFO witnesses have (from many countries) have claimed visits by one
(usually more) individuals alleging to represent various government
departments. Usually, such visitors appear to be what they claim. A few such
claims refer to visitors who appear or behave outlandishly. They may act in an
idiotic manner, ask strange questions, dress in out-of-date outfits and/or
drive decades-old (but "showroom fresh") cars. They may give military
credentials which, following later enquiries, turn out to be false. In some
instances they confiscate - or attempt to confiscate - UFO photographs or other
"evidence". They are also claimed to "advise" witnesses not
to discuss their sighting, often issuing "B-Movie gangster"-type
threats in the process. It is to this peculiar category of pseudo-official visitor
that Ufologists gives the title Men in Black, or MIBs (named after their
supposed preference for dark attire).
These so-called "Men in Black" made their first appearance
during the early 1950's in a sensationalist book written by Albert K. Bender
(who, incidentally, founded one of the first civilian UFO groups) called "Flying Saucers and The Three Men". Most ufologists
dispute the (very) wild allegations made in this tome, but it set a precedent
for such visitors. Views about the true nature of MIBs vary from them being
direct representatives of aliens, government agents from a secret UFO
governmental study group or merely eccentric UFO buffs passing themselves off
as officials in order to get access to witnesses.
Recent Trends in
The belief in a UFO cover-up (along with other, more extreme, aspects of
the subject) has been markedly popularized (and doubtlessly reinforced) in
recent years by several media conceptions and innovations. Equally, these same
trends may have also contributed to its decline during the first decade of the
21st century.
In 1993 British television first broadcast a horror/Si-Fi series called
the "X Files". Upon its initial showing many TV critics wrote the
programme off as badly-acted "escapist" garbage. Even those involved
in its production (such as its creator, Chris Carter) believed it would not
even last a single series! But (against all expectations) the "X
Files" became a global phenomenon, succeeding largely by reflecting the
beliefs, concerns and ideals of contemporary culture. The "X Set in the
present day, the "X Files" deals with the adventures of several FBI
agents who's brief is to investigate unexplained phenomena. Many episodes
featured stories based around UFO sightings, crashed flying saucers and alien
abductions, loosely derived from actual claimed experiences. In regards to
UFO's, the "X Files" underlying narrative is that UFO's are from
outer space and covert forces within the government are involved in a secret
"war" to suppress evidence capable of proving their existence, by any
possible means. This programme is thought to have largely instigated the
current 1990's obsession with the paranormal. The "X Files" further
resulted in bring many previously obscure Ufological claims to the attention of
a mass TV audience, thereby allowing them to permeate mainstream society.
However, by the time the show ended in 2002 (after nine seasons) interest in
Ufology had experienced a marked global decline.
Nonetheless, while it lasted, the popularity of the "X-Files"
alerted TV producers to (the then notable) substantial interest in UFOs and the
paranormal within the general viewing demographic. Prior to the 1990's UFO
documentaries were few and far between, with nearly all that did appear
adopting a highly sceptical approach towards the subject. But, in the wake of
the "X-Files", UFO's began to be covered on a more regular basis.
With VCR (and later DVD players) followed by internet based digital formats)
becoming commonplace in most English
households a wave of special interest productions dealing with UFO's began to
appear; the number currently available now being quite considerable. The rise
of digital TV during the early 21st century and the consequential
mushrooming of new TV channels provided further incentive for the production of
UFO themed series and one-off documentaries.
The scientific (and sceptical) community have, however, expressed
concern over many of these prolific "new wave" of UFO
"documentaries", due to their marked tendency of avoiding balanced
discussions of the UFO phenomenon (with any negative evidence relating to a
specific case being usually ignored or, at best, played down). The majority
unquestionably advocate an extraterrestrial origin for those "UFO"
events they deem to be "unexplained". Even more controversially, many
utilize speculative dramatized "reconstructions" of notable UFO
cases, which often give the viewer no reason to doubt they truly involved
phenomena of a highly anomalous nature. As a result, many UFO sceptics condemn
these programmes as being mere "paranormal propaganda", whose aim is
not to inform, but to deliberately pander to the pseudo-mystical yearnings and
credulity of the public.
At around the same time, various glossy newsstand magazines dealing with
UFO's appeared on the market. Although there had been previous attempts at
producing a publicly - available UFO magazine, few such efforts lasted more
than a few issues, no more than one ever appeared in a specific moment of time
and, in the main, their circulation tended to be quite limited. However, in the
"X-Files era" a prolific number of competing UFO journals lined the
magazine shelves, some remaining in circulation for several years or more. Like
many contemporary TV and video UFO documentaries, the majority of these
publications were notably uncritical and tended to be predisposed towards an
extraterrestrial-based interpretation of the subject. By the early 2000’s they
had all ceased newsstand publication, although a number of new (relatively
short lived) UFO magazines have subsequently appeared over the past two decades.
This marked popularization of UFO's coincided (or, perhaps, was aided
by) the rise in usage of the Internet; a global computer-based communication
medium which has had a major influence upon Ufology in recent years. Prior to
its general availability it was virtually impossible to circulate
"fringe" ideas among a mass audience; the associated printing and
distribution costs involved rendering this an impossibility. With the arrival
of the Internet and powerful, compact mobile computers the need to physically
"print" ideas is now no longer required. The Internet can curate and
display textual, visual and audio data in an easily updatable format, making
such information swiftly available on a global basis. The fact that most Internet
providers exercise little control over what can be uploaded (regardless of how
loathsome or spurious) has greatly aided the mass dissemination of various
Ufological and other "fringe" topics; albeit at the cost of flooding
such topics with a torrent of low quality information.
As a consequence, conspiracy theories once deemed so ridiculous as not
to merit discussion (such as speculation that the moon landings were hoaxed by
NASA) now receives mass public exposure via this medium, and, as a consequence,
appears more often in other media (such as TV, magazines and books). It has
provided an easy conduit for once fringe conspiracy theories to reach an
audience of millions. These theories have become so prevalent in society that
they attract a similar (if not greater) degree of interest as UFOs did during
the late 1990's. Most of these claims represent virtually omnipotent
governments who only experience negative events either because they directly
plan them or due to the opposition of an equally powerful secret group (for
which little evidence usually exists). Some of these claims infer various world
governments are working for - or are directly controlled by -
extraterrestrials; the most prolific of these claimants being the New Age writer
David Ike. As consequence, conspiracy theories have come to dominate
discussion of UFOs over the past decade.
The Internet has also had a notable effect in making information on UFOs
directly available for virtually little cost, through discussion forums and
internet-based mailing lists; often working in conjunction with other
"web-able" digital technologies such as pdf data files and flash/mpeg
video excerpts. This trend has accelerated the decline of mass-membership
UFO societies, once a notable part of the subject from the 1960's but who began
to fade from existence by the late 1980's. Some of these bodies, such as the
British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), have survived this trend by
becoming limited membership societies composed of active researchers and
investigators, who use websites as their main communication medium. This latter
approach mostly avoids the need to physically print information, replacing it
with a cheaper media format capable of the inexpensive reproduction of high
quality copy such as colour images.
What Lies Behind UFO Reports?
Despite more than half a century of sightings and speculation no clear
consensus has yet emerged regarding the origin of UFO events. There is,
however, a plethora of (often wildly) divergent opinion concerning their
possible nature. Conventional scientific wisdom still dismisses all UFO events
as misperceptions, hallucinations, hoaxes or optical illusions. Within the
Ufological community there is a considerable lack of consensus regarding the
origin of UFOs, with notable differences of interpretation existing even among
researchers sharing the same ufological perspective! The only thing that
Ufologists can all agree on is that some UFO events require extraordinary
explanation schemas to satisfactorily account for them. Therefore, any attempt
to objectively explain "True" UFO events must involve the examination
of a wide variety of hypothetical possibilities.
For a given UFO hypothesis to be both truly viable and scientific, it
has to be demonstrable, falsifiable, possess clearly defined parameters and
satisfactorily account for the diverse reported attributes of "true"
UFO phenomena. Furthermore for a theory of UFO origin to be acceptable to the
scientific community, it should (as much as possible) be consistent with our
current understanding of the natural world. It is quite apparent that many
currently popular UFO theories fail on nearly all these counts. Many are
effectively incapable of validation, possessing wide and ever-changing
conceptual parameters and often depend on intensively enforced high-level
conspiracies to account for a lack of supporting physical evidence. Others are
based on novel reinterpretations of the "laws" of physics (or the
existence of "occult" forces), their validity thereby requiring a
"natural" order markedly differing from our current understanding of
the universe. Finally, any good UFO theory should never lose sight of the fact
that most sightings are explicable in normal, already well-understood terms.
Furthermore, it must also give due consideration to the powerful psycho-social
forces influencing the perception of both IFO's and "true UFO's" at
every conceivable level.
The mark of any viable UFO theory is that it can account for the
variously reported and distinctive elements of UFO behaviour. As a consequence
it therefore has to explain;
A: The reported "total
air capability" of UFO's; their claimed ability to move like aircraft and
hover for extended periods like helicopters, whilst also exhibiting variable
rates of speed ranging from nil to (estimated) velocities in excess of 1000kph.
B: Their ability to make very fast, tight angle turns, to stop instantly
while travelling at very fast velocities and instantaneously accelerate to very
fast apparent rates of speeds when at rest. Furthermore, it must account for
all these actions in a way which does not result in the generation of a sonic
C: The various shapes associated with UFOs (which range from balls of light
to domed discs) and other appearance attributes intermittently associated with
this phenomenon (colour-changes, changes of shape, noise and smell emissions,
or the lack thereof, and so on).
D: The various "Close Encounter" effects, which range from
alarmed reactions exhibited by animals, physiological and physical reactions on
humans, detrimental effects on mechanical devices up to physical trace
E: The occasional psychical and "Oz-factor" manifestations
claimed in association with certain "high strangeness" UFO events.
F: The "semi-material" nature of "true" UFO's; the
phenomenon capable of both being photographed and of leaving physical traces
but (especially in the cases of "Close Encounter" experiences) never
being observed (or photographed) by great numbers of witnesses within (or over)
densely populated areas.
G: Explain the presence and the connection between UFO's and alleged
"UFO occupants".
With these attributes of the UFO phenomenon in mind, let us now look at,
in turn, at the most prominent UFO hypothesis proposed to date.
1: The "Radical
Misperception" Hypothesis:
The first question which Ufology must address relates to the most
important aspect of this subject; the matter of whether "true" UFOs
actually exist as distinct and unique phenomena. It is all too apparent that
many sightings involve misperceptions of man-made objects and natural
phenomena. A few, however, seemingly involve manifestations quite unlike that
currently known to conventional science. From that fact alone, one could claim
that "true UFO" incidents are of scientific note and merit. However,
against this, little good physical evidence is available to support the
existence of "inexplicable" UFOs.
Therefore (based on this dearth of physical proof) orthodox scientific
thought holds firmly to the singularly stark premise that UFOs do not exist.
The majority scientific opinion expounds the view that the mundane phenomenons
responsible for IFO events are also responsible for "True UFO"
sightings. This is the view also espoused by the majority of high-profile
"UFO sceptics".
The “orthodox" scientific attitude regarding the diverse (and
seemingly highly anomalous) UFO motion-attributes are that they result from the
various deficiencies inherent within human perception. The fact that many
reported UFO actions are impossible based on our current understanding is taken
as further proof that "True UFO's" are not physically real. Other UFO
attributes, such as colour and shape-changes, are stated to involve atmospheric
aberrations that induce comparable manifestations in some natural phenomena,
such as mirages. Reputed UFO- induced mechanical effects and other
"trace" evidence are accounted for in terms of either hoaxes or
(often incidental) natural occurrences. Claims of UFO-originated biological
reactions are regarded as yet more fabrication or by temporary hysteria,
generated by the stress of a witness encountering what he or she believes to be
a "UFO".
Those who doubt the reality of UFO's make particular note of the fact
that the majority of "Close Encounter" experiences hardly ever
involve mass observations in highly populated areas. UFO occupant claims are
explained as hoaxes or hallucinations, "abductions" narratives as
resulting from "false" hypnotic memories. "Missing time" is
thought to involve nothing more than simple time-estimation errors or (at most)
a fruge state; a form of amnesia evoked by either trauma or naturally induced
shifts in consciousness (akin to the so-called "highway hypnosis"
effect), in which the person concerned is capable of performing highly complex
actions such as safely and competently driving a car.
Those sceptical of UFO reality often feel that the key to comprehending
UFO's lies within the influential social conceptions and beliefs which permeate
ufology at every conceivable level. The first "modern" UFO events
occurred at a time when "Cold War" fears were at their highest, when
the onslaught of scientific progress, the crumbling of established religions
and the detrimental consequences of the (then) recently concluded Second World
War also began to notably effect society. But the emergent rocket technology
(primarily spawned by WW2) gave hope of new saviours - extra terrestrial
visitors - who would "plug" the spiritual "gap" left by
previous belief-systems, which then seemed baseless and discredited by wartime
vileness such as the holocaust. Sceptics further propose that circumstantial
evidence suggests that when these old fears passed away the popular conception
of UFOs altered to fit new social and spiritual needs (such as the cultural
dominance of the concept of "flying triangle" UFOs and "alien
abductions", both of which were consolidated during the late 1980's).
Cultural and technological factors have always determined the nature of the
"divine"; angels and devils being prevalent during the medieval era,
advanced extraterrestrials in today's space-age culture. With a planet-spanning
media transmitting the concept of UFO to a global audience, virtually everyone
knows of the attributes which UFOs (and their occupants) are reputed to
possess. These expectations and beliefs subsequently colour observations of any
"UFO" sighted by those aware of this conceptual stereotype.
As surprising at it may seem, most advocates of UFO reality agree with a
substantial portion of the sceptical argument! It is a fact of ufology that the
"populist" view of the subject comprises mainly of apocryphal events
and wishful thinking. However, UFO advocates adamantly reject the total
dismissal of "True UFO" reality for what they deem to be (in their
view) several very sound reasons. To begin with, UFO proponents feel that the
nature of some sightings are so spectacular as to be very difficult (if not
impossible) to "debunk" in terms of exaggerated observations of
mundane phenomena. While it is true that sceptical solutions can be proposed
for all such cases, these involve so many (at times wild) assumptions that it
seems just as probable that some novel phenomena were actually responsible!
Furthermore, what of sighting-events where it is discovered that no
natural phenomena was present which is realistically able to account for the
experience? Why are the attributes of "true UFOs" in such cases
totally different to the well-understood attributes of the various IFO
phenomena? If UFO motion-attributes are (as orthodox thinking propounds) the
result of optical illusions why are they so consistently described? If UFO's
are total bunk, why are the diverse Close Encounter effects also consistently
described; a concordance present in all such manifestations ranging from
"UFO-induced" reactions on humans and animals right up to the
so-called "Oz Factor". Finally, can orthodox science say with total
certainty that no UFO report involves any novel effect or phenomena, especially
when our understanding of the physical laws of reality are still notably
incomplete? Is it surely "bad" science not to be open to the
possibility that some UFO events could involve non-standard effects, devices or
phenomena! A total dependence on a "radical misperception" solution
for "True UFOs" merely as an expression of partisan loyalty towards
current orthodox scientific thinking may result in events of scientific
importance being "overlooked".
2: The "Unusual Natural Phenomena" Hypothesis:
While it appears that some "True UFO" events appear not to
involve conventional natural phenomena, does this automatically mean that
wildly extraordinary explanation schemas are required to account for them? Are
there indications of the existence of any rare natural phenomena possessing the
appearance, attributes and characteristics of UFO's?
To begin with, there are a diversity of natural high-energy effects and
processes currently known to science. Furthermore, there are many
manifestations of the natural world which still eludes the comprehensive
understanding of contemporary physics. An example of one such phenomenon is ball
lightning, an energy manifestation known of by science for many hundreds of
years. The majority of ball lightning events refer to a yellow, red or
whitish-blue coloured spheroid around 30 cms or less in size, with a duration
of usually no more than 5 seconds. It may either slowly float past an observer,
or rapidly traverse along a highly erratic trajectory. Its demise is sometimes
marked by a loud bang and a back-blast of warm air (and the ejection of
"sparks" or "streamers" of light in various directions),
other times by it suddenly fading inoffensively into oblivion. As its name
suggests, this phenomenon is nearly always seen in association with
thunderstorms. Nobody to date has any clear idea how ball lightning is
generated, but numerous theoretical models have been proposed. Most of these
hypotheses involve various dynamic energy processes that generate luminosity by
altering the electrical potential of the surrounding air (usually via
Therefore, could some UFO's be a form of ball lightning, or a closely
phenomenon? There is much compelling evidence to suggest that high-energy
processes are implicated in at least some "True UFO" manifestations.
This is apparent to such a degree that many Ufologists already accept that some
UFO's are so naturally generated, classifying such events as UAPs (Unidentified
Atmospheric Phenomena). Although our knowledge of plasma physics is incomplete,
what we do know suggests that such hypothetical "plasma" phenomena
could possess a wide variety of possible attributes. Fast, dynamic motions
would be expected, and rapid stops and starts and tight turns could be quite
viably exhibited by this phenomena, due to its highly energetic, semi-solid and
lighter-than-air composition. The various UFO shapes could result from its
formative characteristics. Spheroid-based forms would be the expected norm; in
this regards it is interesting to note that the majority of common UFO shapes
(such as "discs", "cones" and "cigars") can be
derived from either an elongated or contracted spheroid!
Furthermore, various natural phenomena (from lenticular clouds to
galaxies) can evidence rudimentary discoid forms. Unusual cloud and wind vortex
phenomena (such as tornados, funnel clouds and "barrel" clouds) are
capable of producing tubular, conical and elliptical shapes. Protean (i.e.
shape-changing) behaviour would also be possible (this phenomenon being a
semi-solid energy manifestation). The colours of such a "plasma"
would derive from its present energy-potential (as is the case with lasers and
stars). Colour changes could reflect changes in the plasma's energy potential;
air (for example) fluoresces a bluish-white when highly energized, or reddish-brown
when subjected to much lower levels of energy. Both these colours are similar
to those attributed the majority of unexplained UFO's. Humming & buzzing
sounds are commonly produced by conventional whirlwinds & tornadoes (and
also by artificial electrical generation processes).
Plasma's could also theoretically manifest many of the recorded
"Close Encounter" effects. Exposure to heavy doses of ultra-violet or
microwave radiation may produce a number of the physical symptoms reported by
witnesses involved in diverse high strangeness events (i.e. feelings of warmth,
nausea, dermal tanning and burns). Others, such as radio and T.V interference
(and possibly others like ground traces and "car-stopping") could
equally well result from close proximity to a natural plasma manifestation.
Plasma's would also be better observed in areas of low lumination (i.e regions
of low population), therefore resulting in more observations in rural
"UFO" entity observations and Oz-Factor effects are a special
case. Although it would initially appear that plasma's are an untenable cause
for such incidents, some researchers have suggested that electromagnetic energy
theoretically induced by such phenomena could affect the human brain in
specific ways, inducing "visionary" experiences. Furthermore, if
close encounter events only result from close exposure to plasma-forms, it
could explain the dearth of mass-witness close encounter experiences. The fact
there is often a history of previous psychic experiences claimed by many
"high strangeness" event witnesses could suggest that such people are
particularly sensitive to the hypothetical "brain-scrambling"
emissions "broadcasted" by these (equally hypothetical!)
plasma-forms. Could such "emissions" also induce black-outs,
transitory trance-states and affect the bodies' ability to make reasonable
estimates of elapsed time; resulting in episodes of "missing time"?
In this case the "time lapse" would be all that objectively exists;
any subsequent "abduction" narrative the result of a collectively
created fantasy generated by a hypnotherapist and the "witness".
Despite these compelling links, there is no inconvertible evidence that
such exotic plasma effects exist. The greatest problem is explaining how such
phenomena can come into being, and then continue to exist for up to several
minutes (or more). All the artificial plasma phenomena created to date are
either formed under special conditions (such as within an artificial vacuum) or
endure only for a few seconds. It is clear that any such plasma phenomenon
would either involve a singularly incredible burst of electrical energy, or a
mechanism which continuously re-energizes it.
Recently several potential modes and basis for plasma-form generation
have been proposed. One recent suggestion is that "plasma"
manifestations involve the natural liberations of so-called Vacuum or
zero-point energy (the massive energy potential inherent within quantum-scale
fluctuations continuous occurring within "empty" space). Another
mechanism involves the Plasma-Vortex Effect; a hypothetical plasma
manifestation related to tornadoes. It involves a swiftly rotating mass who's
rate of spin is sufficiently rapid to induce cascade ionization (i.e. a
sustained series of ion collisions), causing the ions within this form to
contract, generating a "pinching" in the magnetic field around them.
This may result in the formation of a low pressure "cavity"; a
natural semi-vacuum environment where the air's electrical resistance would be
much lower than normal (in which any trapped air would likely fluoresce). It is
proposed that this plasma vortex may (depending on its rate of spin and ion
content) assume a conical, cigar, spheroid or discoid form. It is speculated
that a continuous input of air would be "piped" through the plasma
vortex's conducting funnel, replenishing consumed ions with new ones. This
would result in a plasma phenomenon with a much longer duration than
"conventional" ball lightning.
The main drawback of the Plasma Vortex hypothesis is that was largely
inspired by crop circle events; the vast majority of which, however, have subsequently
turned out to be hoaxes. Fortunately, this ill-favoured association by no means
destroys the viability of this hypothesis. The theories underlying physics
remains sound, and there are many allegations of so-called "saucer
nests" being formed by "UFO's"; a sizable number of which
pre-date the modern crop circles phenomena by a decade or more. It is therefore
suspected that many UFO sightings associated with "saucer nests" may
pertain to observations of plasma vortexes (or another similar natural phenomenon).
A number of statistical studies have discovered that a considerable
amount of UFO "activity" appears to cluster around geological
fault-lines. Many of these reports describe mysterious lights seemingly following
the course of a fault-line, originating from the ground or disappearing at very
low altitude. These various colorations suggest the existence of Earthlights; a
luminous, free-floating manifestation created by geophysical processes.
Increasing this concept's viability is the presence of earth-faulting in areas
host to high levels of protracted UFO activity; a correlation which occurs in
"Ufocals" as diverse as Hessdalen in Norway and the Pennine Hill
region of Yorkshire, England. Additionally, there is also good circumstantial evidence
of extreme long-term activity, with repeated "UFO" events occurring
in places rich in local folklore, often with place-names containing
"devil", "goblin" or "dragon" elements
(suggesting these regions were known for many hundreds of years as "places
of mystery").
It has been long accepted by the scientific community that faulting can
produce luminous emissions. Numerous, well-recorded observations of Earthquake
Lights have been made prior, during or after many major earthquakes occurring
throughout the world. Although it is clearly evident that earthfaults can
generate various types of light phenomena during earthquakes, it is still
uncertain how they could do so as the result of more modest tectonic activity.
This is a distinct problem for the concept of earthlights, with the
"UFO" events potentially explicable by this effect often not being
associated in any way with any obvious geological activity. However, in these
instances, much more subtle geophysical processes could be involved; for
example miniature (often undetectable) earthquakes, a slow, gradual, build-up
of minor earth-stresses, solar and lunar induced fault-stressing or a
combination of all these factors.
There is also considerable debate as to what actually empowers
earthlight manifestations. The presence of quartz-bearing rock in various
earthfaults have been noted; this is of some importance as it has been long
known that quartz can produce transitory luminous emissions when placed under a
breaking strain, via the piezoelectric effect. However, even many advocates of
earthlight believe that this factor alone is insufficient to account for their
instigation, feeing an interplay of various energy processes are probably
involved. As a result other possible modes of generation, such as triboluminescence (lumination induced
through friction) or trapped sub-atomic particles, have also been suggested. It
is further speculated that underground water or mineral veins are involved in
the transmission of this geophysical energy from the ground (eventually) up to
the lower atmosphere.
Earthlights and plasma vortexes, although scientifically viable, have a
number of conceptual hurdles to cross before their existence is generally
accepted. In the case of plasma vortexes it has still to be demonstrated that
this effect occurs within nature, even if its hypothetical attributes closely
matches those of some "true" UFOs. Earthlights, however, face fewer
such problems. The basis of this concept is supported by the occurrence of
earthquake lights, and is based on processes known to exist within nature.
However, some problems remain in explaining the (hypothetical) presence of
earthlights under conditions of very low seismic stress. However, even in this
situation energy processes exist which could give rise to them.
Some critics of the earthlight hypothesis have questioned the
correlation between faulting and increased levels of UFO activity, stating that
the data samples used to "prove" this link are poorly screened (and
hence would contain large quantities of IFO events). However, this in itself
does not invalid the possibility of such a link, for if faulting does generate
unusual lighting manifestations, clusters of "anomalous" events
around earthfaults would still naturally occur in unfiltered samples of UFO reports.
Furthermore, a lack of filtering rules out any subjective bias affecting that
particular data sample. It should also be noted that an apparent correlation
with earthfaults is actually more startling within a data sample containing a
wide range of possible phenomena! Thus, it was probably necessary for
unfiltered samples to been used the initial stages of ascertaining the
viability of such a connection. It is abundantly apparent that more refined
studies (using samples totally comprising of "true UFO" events) will
be required to determine whether this connection holds up under rigorous
statistical conditions.
The "Electro-staging" Hypothesis.
Emissions from radio and TV transmitters, power-lines, electrical
sub-stations and even certain home appliances all contribute in creating an
extensive (and ever-present) background "smog" of electromagnetic
energy. The electro-staging hypothesis proposes that many forms of UFO
experiences are directly generated by exposure to this energy
"pollution". This theory predicts that the majority of
high-strangeness events occur within radio "hot-spots"; often a
location directly between two radio masts where a "space wave" (an
unintended earthing effect associated with a radio signal) reflects off from
the ground and "arcs" back to the receiving transmitter. Geophysical
features (such as valleys, quarries, fault-lines and large areas of water) are
stated to enhance the intensity of such "hot-spots". These artificial
energies may generate visible plasma manifestations (termed "electroforms"
by the electro-staging hypothesis) or other, more major, effects.
The electro-staging hypothesis explains the detrimental health effects
experienced by some high-strangeness UFO witnesses as being attributable to a
condition termed Electro-Hypersensitivity. This is an allergic reaction said to
afflict individuals residing within an electromagnetic hot-spots for prolonged
periods of time. People suffering from this condition exhibit distinct physical
ailments and symptoms, and other indirect effects such as anomalous
malfunctioning of electrical equipment within the affected area. The
electro-staging hypothesis explains rashes and swelling said to affect certain
close-encounter witnesses not as the result of exposure to intense ultra-violet
or microwave radiation, but to an allergic reaction to the encountered
"electroform". Entity events are thought to be hallucinations induced
by exposure to electrical emissions effecting specific parts of the brain.
"Missing time" is explained as either arising from a Drop Attack (a
fainting fit induced by exposure to electromagnetic energy), automatic
behaviour (an active trance state, in which those affected are capable of
fairly complex actions) or desynchronization (a direct effect on the brain's
time-estimation ability).
The electro-staging hypothesis is particularly noteworthy for its
ability to theoretically produce a definitive (and finite) series of biological
and environmental reactions (and also, more importantly, explanations for these
reactions). It is a theory which is capable of refutation or vindication
through detailed scientific examination of its proposals. At present, this
theory has yet to be fully validated by a large-scale examination of UFO
events, but it holds out the promise of a solution to many types of reported
UFO experiences.
Mirage Anomalies.
The difficulty of identifying viable mechanisms for plasma-form
generation has resulted in some researchers suggesting alternative natural
origins for "True" UFO reports. One such hypothesis proposes that
many (if not all) notable UFO sightings are instigated by anomalous mirages of
first-magnitude stars and naked-eye planets (but also potentially of other
suitable natural phenomena or man-made objects, such as aircraft, lighthouses,
runway lights and so on). Mirages are among the oldest unconventional
"conventional" phenomenon cited as an explanation for seemingly
anomalous UFO events, being initially proposed by astronomer Dr. Donald Menzel
back in the mid-1950's. His mirage-based solutions for various classic UFO
events were always highly conjectural, depending on numerous assumptions and
hazily-applied atmospheric and optical physics.
It was only with Steuart Campbell's work "UFOs; A mystery
Solved" (first printed in 1994) that definitive atmospheric mechanisms
were firmly proposed for a mirage-based explanation for UFOs, along with a
cohesive explanation schema able to potentially account for the great range of
reported UFO characteristics through such a theory. Campbell's Astronomical
Mirage Hypothesis (AMH) proposes that certain mirages can manifest a variety of
rudimentary shapes, akin to those commonly attributed to UFO's (i.e. spheroids
and lenticular forms); the exact shape manifested depending on the degree of
"merger" between the two resulting images of the refracted object.
This form of mirage could hypothetically manifest as a dynamically-moving
phenomenon, visible several degrees or so from the horizon. The existence of
such extreme variations of conventional mirages remains controversial (current
scientific thinking only accepting mirages with an elevation of a mere half a
degree, of objects located directly on an observers horizon). The theory has
however reopened an old debate about the actual boundaries of mirage phenomena,
which will probably result in at least a few classic UFO incidents being
One good aspect of the astronomical mirage hypothesis is that it
possesses definite parameters and causative elements and only involves fairly
minor (and reasonably plausible) extensions of the current laws of optical and
atmospheric physics. Furthermore, a mirage-image is potentially capable of
apparent (albeit illusory) "motions" and "speeds"
impossible for any physical object. It also accounts for the nocturnal increase
in the number of UFO reports and why the majority of events occur in rural
areas (i.e. in areas of low light-pollution). Whilst it is able to explain
"low" and "medium" definition UFO events to some degree, a
hypothetical solution to UFOs totally based on mirages obviously has a hard
time accounting for UFO-originated effects on humans, animals and mechanical
devices, not to mention psychic aspects, entity experiences, abductions and the
"Oz-factor". And what of incidents - high and low strangeness alike -
where the perceived phenomenon was definitely seen in very close proximity to
an observer? The only way such aspects of UFO behaviour can be explained by a
mirage-based solution to UFO's is to utilize the same concepts suggested by
advocates of the radical misperception hypothesis (i.e. hoaxes, hallucination
and hysterical reactions).
3: The "Unconventional Technology" Hypothesis:
The world's various military establishments are in the forefront of
development of new technological innovations, in a continual quest to gain
significant tactical advantages in future conflicts. This tactical advantage
depends as much on secrecy than on hardware. Cutting-edge military technology
often utilizes processes which are both expensive and have only strict military
applications (i.e. the infiltration and elimination of hostile forces). The end
result of this situation may be "UFO" observations initiated by a
variety of unconventional military devices.
The most minor extent of such technology relates to the usage of
non-standard aircraft lighting or camouflage configurations. This ranges from
the unconventional running-light patterns occasionally employed by the
Americans during the Vietnam war, to the (often) exotic body-lumination
sometimes utilized by air refuelling tankers.
The military establishment are constantly striving to discover new
processes of flight, in order to achieve improvements in speed, size,
manoeuvrability and reduction in infra-red and RADAR signature. Many of these
"concept" aircraft utilize lifting-body, flying-wing or discoid
configurations. Ancient examples of such technology include the AVRO disc and
the "Flying Flapjack", with the SR-71, F117-A and the B-2 being more
contemporary instances. Aircraft of this nature can only be rendered even more
exotic when coupled with other innovative technology, ranging from sound
baffling to visual "invisibility" systems utilizing miniature liquid
crystal display units or laser "holography".
An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or “drone” is an unmanned teleguided aircraft usually smaller than a
conventional ‘plane. They are often deployed for aerial reconnaissance missions
but are also used as remote weapons platforms in combat zones. The majority of UAVs
use conventional aircraft bodies, but rocket, tub or disc shapes are also
occasionally utilized. Being small and remotely-piloted, an UAV can perform
high-g turn manoeuvres not practical in manned aircraft (due to the stresses
these severe, rapid turns place upon the human body). An UAV enacting such
radical motions would look anomalous to an observer unaware of its actual
The final extreme of covert technology is mind-altering devices (which
are sometimes grouped under the wider heading of Less-Than-Lethal (LTL) weaponry). These aim to neutralize the
combat effectiveness of individuals by disrupting any number of neurological
processes (such as perception and consciousness). They are reportedly based on
a variety of technological processes; mind-altering stroboscopic lights,
microwave beams and highly concentrated ultrasound emissions. Other processes
which are not electrically-based (such as exotic hallucinogenic or
mood-altering gases) also exist and can be utilized to achieve the same ends.
The nature, extent and capability of these weaponry systems are currently little
known, as the details relating to their research and development are (for
obvious reasons) shrouded in considerable secrecy.
There have been several decade-old rumours relating to the supposed
deployment of unconventional technology on the battlefield, as well as the
testing of highly sophisticated "secret weapons". For example, both
the so-called "Angels of Mons" of WW1 and the Foo Fighters of WW2
have been alleged (without any real evidence) to have resulted from German
psychological warfare technology. Furthermore, there were several rumours
concerning the experimental use of car-stalling (or death-dealing)
"rays" by both the Germans and the British during WW2. None of these
claims have ever been verified to date. There have been few (if any) documented
concrete examples of any major deployment of mind-altering hardware, let alone
any instances where it was successfully used.
Finally, there are "ultra-modern" devices and technologies,
aviation hardware employing notably exotic propulsion concepts and body-configurations.
At its ultimate level this equates to a man-made flying machine with all the
attributes of a classic "flying saucer". It has been proposed by some
UFO researchers that recent new-concept aircraft (such as the B-2) employ technology
based on crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft retrieved by governmental
agencies. Even before this suggestion was made there was already a substantial
mythology in existence pertaining to supposed man-made UFO's. The most extreme
of these concepts advocate powerful covert groups (ranging from descendants of
Nazi scientists hiding in Antarctica to Atlantean survivors with access to
incredible technologies residing beneath the earth. Others have suggested the
existence of a secret world order who have deliberately nurtured a belief in
alien visitors, in order to influence the world for their own (somewhat
obscure) ends.
It is fairly obvious that unconventional aircraft, no matter how
special, are unable to account for the majority of "exotic" UFO
reports. Although exotic military hardware can have an unusual appearance and
while UAVs are more manoeuvrability than conventional aircraft, neither possess
the other attributes associated with "true" UFOs. Furthermore, there
is no evidence that any government has access to large numbers of
unconventional aircraft which it uses solely to make repeated low altitude over
flights over foreign countries! The high expenditure alone required to develop
and build a new-concept aircraft makes this prohibitive, even on an extremely generous
"black" military budget.
Whilst it is true that some UFO effects can be explained in terms of
novel technical processes known (to at least a rudimentary level) by
contemporary science, they require extreme (and unlikely) conspiracy theories
to explain how and why they are deployed in the manner suggested by UFO
sighting claims (i.e. repeatedly "used" against private citizens and
their property in public areas). These "solutions" become even more
untenable when considering exotic aspects of the phenomenon such as UFO
occupants, psychic aspects or "Oz-factor" manifestations. In the real
world, most unconventional hardware would be usually confined to military
exercise zones and proving grounds, although aircraft (especially remotely
controlled hardware such as UAV's) may well, more through accident than by
design, leave the confines of such areas.
Most Ufologists currently accept that unconventional military technology
is a minority cause for "True" UFO events, but those few events that
can be so potentially explained do keep open the possibility that other
incidents less obviously explicable in these terms also have such a cause. The
proportion of sightings that covert technology may account for depends on how
advanced secret military technology truly is and how often such hardware is
deployed. In reality, all cases originated by military technology are in
essence merely high class "IFO's", elevated to a higher apparent
"status" only by the virtue of the secrecy surrounding them.
4: The
Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
initial consideration, it is difficult to accept that observations of
elaborately-configured UFOs (such as the classical "domed disc")
could be generated by "plasmas" or any other form of - albeit exotic
- natural phenomenon. The possibility of any prosaic solution seems further
confounded when these same types of "UFO" are stated to possess
apparent metallic surfaces and detailed surface features (such
"portholes", "jet-pods" and "antenna"). What also
of those supposed observations of "occupants", who have been
reputedly observed within, entering and exiting such UFOs?
Combined, these factors can only jointly reinforce the conviction that these
UFOs are anomalous constructs of some kind.
of such "Exotic" UFOs are potentially one of the most profound
elements of the UFO phenomenon; paradoxically, however, they can also be among
the most subjective. Such events are often only involve single witnesses and
have not in any instance to date (despite thousands of
such prior claims) generated any incontrovertible proof. Thus, the possibility
exists that "exotic" UFO reports may represent a purely subjective
experience, akin to a hallucination. The fact we have many types of
"flying saucer" is that we have as many types as the mind is able to conceive.
said, there are some
"exotic" events which do involve
more than one witness and are associated
with both physical "traces" and photographic "evidence".
Indeed, some of the more noteworthy potentially authentic (and also equally
controversial) UFO photographs depict "structured "UFOs. Thus, if it
is deemed at least possible that some UFO's could be anomalous physical constructs,
ufology is left with the problem of finding a source of origin for them. Their
attributes suggest that if they are constructs they must be very advanced ones;
based on a technology which exceeds that presently known to our civilization
The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (commonly known within Ufology as the ETH) proposes that these
"exotic" UFO's are spacecraft originating from another solar system,
manufactured by an extra-solar culture possessing technology many years ahead
of our own. The ETH ascribes the amazing motion attributes of UFO's to modes of
propulsion currently unknown to humanity. Other effects (from colour changes to
the various claimed "close encounter" attributes) are deemed to be
by-products of this propulsion system. The ETH views claimed observations of
"UFO occupants" and "abduction" incidents as being literally
true; the "occupants" are viewed as the "pilots" of these
craft, and the "harvesting" of human genetic material - referred to
in many abduction accounts - is deemed to be an important (if not the main)
motivation for repeat extraterrestrial visits to earth.
stated in the radical misperception section, the popular conception of
UFOs as extraterrestrial devices became a notable cultural force in western
society during the late 1940's; i.e. at the dawn of the space travel era and
the atomic age. All these factors made belief in alien visitors seem more
viable at this time than at any other period during our planet's long history.
Today - both on a popular level and within the UFO research community - the
conviction (or the refutation) of an extraterrestrial constituent to the UFO
phenomenon dominates all aspects of the subject, at every conceivable level. In
recent times, the ETH has become such a strong cultural force within popular
western culture that belief in the existence of alien life is often based on
UFO sightings, or (inversely) mass popular acceptance of UFO's is based on the
latest scientific findings concerning possible extra-solar life. The conviction
is so powerful that many critics of the ETH feel it has coloured many sighting
accounts, and can even cite numerous instances where this may have occurred
majority opinion of contemporary science accepts that life probably exists
somewhere else in the cosmos, other than on Earth. The size and the age of the
universe (around 9-12 billion years) and the tremendous number of G-type (i.e.
Sun-like) stars contained within it, gives massive scope for the formation of
life. The fact that the various chemical elements essential for the formation
of life "as we know it" are present throughout the universe (such
carbon, oxygen and water) makes the prospect of extra-solar life almost
certain. This view can only be further consolidated by the recent discovery of numerous
extra-solar planets, some of which are theoretically capable of being abodes
for life.
the gap between the presence of life in the cosmos and the existence of
advanced alien societies able to construct UFO's is still a massive one.
Firstly, an extra-solar lifeform must evolve sentience equal to that of
mankind's, and then develop a technological civilization more advanced than our
own. Both steps are littered with numerous caveats. Is human-like sentience a
common consequence of evolution? Prehistoric Earth teamed with various life
forms that existed for millions of years; none of which, however, were
"gifted" with human-like levels of intellect. Is the development of
an advanced technology-using culture always a consequence of sentient life?
Mankind has been in the Stone Age for the majority of its existence; our
flirtation with technology having comprised the tiniest fraction of our
species' history.
even if an extra-solar species possesses both intellect and an advanced
technology, their culture must fail to succumb to the diverse potential hazards
encountered by (probably) all technological civilizations; catastrophic
ecological change, nuclear war, over-population and exhaustion of natural
resources. Not only must they survive these hazards but triumph over them as
well, by retaining their technology for a protracted period of time. They must
also possess the inclination to explore space; can we be sure that
"curiosity" is a galactic constant, or that extraterrestrial minds
share the same priorities and dreams as humanity? Lastly, there are the results
of our (admittedly limited) quest to locate Extra-Terrestrial civilizations.
Although astronomy has found much circumstantial evidence to support the
conviction that life does exist elsewhere in the universe, it has never (to
date) stumbled on anything suggestive of intelligent - let alone
technologically advanced - life. Every SETI(Search for ExTraterrestrial Intelligence) research effort conducted to
date has found no evidence for radio-capable aliens and no astronomical
observations have been made which convincingly demonstrates the existence of
technological extraterrestrials.
the most major problem facing any prospective race of starfarers are the
restraints placed upon interstellar travel by the laws of physics. Light
emitted by our closest stellar neighbour - Alpha Centauri - takes around four
years to reach Earth. Contemporary physics is certain that nothing can travel
faster than light (at least in the "conventional" manner). Thus other
objects considerably heavier than a photon - such as, surely, even the most
highly advanced of spacecraft possible - would be limited to speeds
considerably slower than this. To illustrate the reasons for this, let us
suppose that a civilization somewhere in the galaxy develops a highly advanced
propulsion system, capable of incredible speeds for prolonged periods of time.
As this - hypothetical - vessel attempts to accelerate to a speed approaching
that of light, physics predicts that it would gain inertial mass (resulting in
the craft having to increase its thrust by an exponential rate to compensate
for this). Eventually, this situation would become untenable as the starship
attempts to reach a velocity equalling 99% of light-speed; as the level of
energy required to move a craft at this speed equals infinity (and is probably
therefore unattainable!)
this in itself doesn't rule out interstellar travel, but only limits it to
Slower-Than-Light (STL) velocities of around half the speed of
light (or so). In this circumstance an average star voyage would take decades
or hundreds or years to complete, depending on the starships' rate of speed. If
it was possible to move at speed equal to 80%-90% of light speed - maybe by
(somehow) reducing a vessel's mass to almost nothing - time dilation could be
utilized for space travel. This effect results in time passing at a slower rate
inside such a starship, in comparison with the universe outside. Although time
dilation theoretically allows astronauts to survive long stellar voyages (given
they would age "only" a few tens of years in the process), time would
pass normally on their point of origin, i.e. Earth. Thus, on their return these
astronauts could well discover that hundreds of years had elapsed on their
life forms throughout the universe are limited to slower than light speeds, it
greatly limits the extent to which interstellar travel could be utilized. It
probably renders any economic exploitation of interstellar travel largely
invalid; an important factor to consider as commerce is the main reason for
anyone to travel anywhere (what shareholder would - or could - wait three
hundred years for a return-dividend on a cargo?) An alien space endeavour of
this nature would resemble the "only (mostly) for science"
based-efforts of the Russian and American space programmes. Although these in themselves
generate a small income for the countries involved and result in many technical
spin-offs, they are nonetheless heavily criticized for being non-productive
and, as a consequence, are either grossly under-funded or axed!
with such problems, ETH advocates suggest UFOs employ Faster Than Light (FTL) propulsion systems, in order to
traverse interstellar space in comparatively short periods of time. One
suggestion involves utilizing spacewarps, a hypothetical effect that would
allow instantaneous travel between two selected points in the cosmos by
interconnecting them via a temporary distortion in the space-time continuum.
Our current understanding of such processes allows for their theoretically
possibility, but also shows that they would require monstrous levels of power
to initiate, at least equal to that generated by a supernova explosion! This
makes travel at 90% of light speed a realistic aspiration in comparison... This
in itself raises another point; given the massive energies required, both STL
and FTL starships would represent a considerable potential hazard to any worlds
they encounter. A STL starship impacting a planetary surface while moving at
any percentage of light-speed would inflict massive global destruction upon
that world (due it's tremendous kinetic energy potential). A FTL
"spacewarping" vessel would require even greater levels of power,
literally making it a potential "death-star".
there is one possible solution to the problem of interstellar travel, which is consistent with our understanding of
both physics and the UFO phenomenon. Could it be that some "Exotic"
UFO's are self-aware extraterrestrial robotic devices? Such a highly advanced
construct - being a machine - would be unimpeded by the limitations faced by
biological organisms attempting to travel at speeds in the 6g+ range. Such a
device would be capable of performing the sudden decelerations, accelerations
and high-speed turns allegedly exhibited by some UFO's. Furthermore, the
construct would also be effectively rendered immortal if it possessed
self-repairing/self-replicating capabilities. This would allow it to traverse
great distances (at STL speeds) and - on arrival - conduct extended surveys of its
destination world. Furthermore, the "Robot Probe" theory is also consistent
with the length of time the phenomenon has been on-going without any instance
of formal, "open" contact between humanity and the "UFO
intelligence". The only compunction that such a device might conceivably
possess is a requirement to transmit information of its findings to its planet
of origin. This could be done either via radio or laser-beam; either of which
would relay that information much faster than the robotic device could
physically return it. The probe would neither have an urge (or the need) to
contact the "subjects" of this study or a psychological desire to
return home; possessing only the directives programmed into it by its makers.
lack of any full scale contact between extra-terrestrials and humanity is often
cited as one of the prime deficiencies of the ETH. However - as the above
possibility infers - it is not in actuality the major negative factor it
appears on initial consideration. Any ET race (biological and/or mechanical)
which discovers our world would need to balance the benefits of open contact
with the possibility that this action may destroy earth's unique culture and
way of life. The fate of Australian aborigines and also of the Native Americans
- both North and South - are graphic examples of the carnage which can result
when two cultures of widely differing technical abilities and social
organization encounter one other. It may also be that the earth itself could be
as interesting (or more so) than its inhabitants. If inhabitable worlds are
rare, an extraterrestrial race may be keen to discover the reasons why our
world is an exception to the general rule. They may be as equally interested in
monitoring the climate-changes resulting from our increasing technical
sophistication (such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion or other
phenomenon we have yet to experience), in order to gain valuable insights into
"their" own past.
humanoid appearance of most alleged UFO occupants makes them difficult to
accept as being genuinely extra-terrestrial in origin. Both their manlike form
and the ease in which they appear to cope with our world (an environment that
they themselves could not have possibly evolved in) infers they originate from
a planet with an almost identical climate, gravity, chemistry, biology and
atmosphere. Additionally, the large number of different UFO entities appears to
suggest that there is not just one "twin earth" elsewhere in space,
but (at the very least) several, if not more. The chances of a another world
possessing near-identical conditions to earth occurring twice in our universe
(let alone many times) is unlikely at best. The humanoid appearance of
"UFO entities" shares many similarities with the cinematic
B-movie/T.V tradition of "space-men"; human-like extraterrestrials
entities possessing only (relatively) mild cosmetic differences in comparison
to us. Variations of the ETH, such as the concept of UFO’s being self-aware
robotic devices, require ufology to discard the vast majority of entity and
abduction cases; the very claims which encouraged belief in the ETH to begin
with! UFO entity encounters have now become such a major component of the UFO
phenomena that many Ufologists would doubtlessly be loathe to dismiss them as
being a valid anomalous component of this subject.
the considerable length of time the UFO phenomenon has continued suggests a
massively funded space programme on the part of the hypothetical alien
culture(s) concerned. Compare the fifty plus years in which the concept of UFOs
has existed, with Project Apollo, which lasted only for
a mere half-decade and resulted in only six landings on the moon before its
cancellation (due to its colossal expense and doubtful scientific merit). This
problem, again, can be sidestepped by the concept of self-aware robotic
"UFOs" capable of sustaining their own space exploration efforts
indefinitely, given a reasonably abundant source of raw materials (such as an
asteroid belt). However, the vast range of different UFO types (along with
their alleged occupants) poses serious problems for any version of the ETH,
being explicable only in terms of many visits by many different alien cultures.
This could only be the case if the extra-terrestrial component to the
phenomenon was highly active; a situation which seemingly contradicts the low
quantity of physical evidence relating to "exotic" UFO events.
Another option is to reject a sizable proportion of this
"contradictory" data. This, unfortunately, would also equate to
rejecting a sizable proportion of the UFO phenomenon. Given that no clear
evidential datum exists to ascertain the validity of UFO events, how would we
know exactly what to reject and what to accept?
are also aspects of the UFO phenomenon which are difficult to account for in
terms of a strict materialistic interpretation of the ETH. What, for example,
of the links between UFO's and psychic phenomena? What also of the "Oz
factor" - which, paradoxically for the ETH - is often reported in
association with "Exotic" UFO encounters? Many of these aspects of
ufology are so markedly a part of the UFO phenomenon that they cannot be simply
ignored (in the same way entity claims cannot be discarded out of hand merely
because elements of these experiences are inconsistent with an Extraterrestrial
In summary, the ETH is a theory which has some good cosmological
evidence - albeit indirect and circumstantial - to support its viability. At
the most simplest level, it is a theory that can be valid without requiring
major revisions in our current understanding of cosmology or physics, or which
requires the existence of supernatural forces. On the other hand, this
theories' actual evidential basis (the UFO reports themselves) seems,
ironically, to be the ETH's weakest element! The lack of irrefutable physical
evidence for any alien presence on Earth has always been this hypothesis'
Achilles heel. This problem both affects the "conventional" ETH
(involving star faring "organic" extraterrestrials) and its
revisionist interpretations (such as the "alien space-probe" theory).
That stated, the potential of an Extraterrestrial component to the UFO
phenomenon can never be fully discounted, even if all current UFO events can be
better explained in other ways. The possibility would always remain (even in
that instance) for extraterrestrial visitors to be the cause of "UFO"
incidents. in the future.
5: The Alternate Universe Hypothesis (AUH)
problems inherent within the ETH have not gone unnoticed by some UFO
researchers. However, those who accept "Exotic" UFO reports have a
physical causation (and discount the possibility that they have a natural
explanation) obviously still require a viable source of origin for them. Thus,
it has been proposed that some "Exotic" UFO's may originate from some
alternate realm, separate but adjacent to our world. Obviously, to make this a
theory worthy of consideration, the nature of this hypothetical "other
realm" must be scientifically defined. Could this realm be another
dimension, one additional to the other long accepted four of length, depth,
width and time? Some modern cosmological theories do indeed allow for the
existence of more than four dimensions; in fact many of the deficiencies of
modern cosmological theories dealing with subatomic matter, light and gravity
are resolved if their existence is allowed for! For example superstring theory
predicts the presence of a further 6 dimensions. However (as a direct
consequence of the "big bang") these "higher" dimensions
cannot be currently perceived, having compacted into an area hundreds of
billions times smaller than an atom (while the remaining four
"familiar" dimensions have expanded)! It is therefore unlikely that
the former could be the source of any "alien" technological culture!
another new cosmological concept does present us with another potential realm
which other lifeforms could viably inhabit. The existence of alternative
universes is a logical consequence of several cosmological theories. These
theories conceive of an ultimate reality comprising of a myriad of universes,
each sealed from the other within their own "bubble" of space-time,
all residing within an empty, timeless void. The fact that conditions suitable
for life arose in our universe at all is one good reason to consider the
viability of a "multiverse". The fact that our universe has formed in
such an ordered state (when even the most subtle subatomic difference could
have kept it in lifeless disorder) suggests that billions of other (mostly
"failed") universes may exist, in order for our own to have arisen as
the result of chance random natural processes. As a result, the organization of
matter in these other universes would greatly differ from that within our
universe (mostly in ways contrary to the formation of a structured cosmos).
has also been suggested that transitory connection termed wormholes could - via
natural, random processes - form between any two of these (hypothetical)
universes. A Wormhole is a
hypothetical "fold" within the fabric of the space/time continuum,
spanning two points in the universe (or in this instance two separate
universes). This - theoretically - would allow instantaneous travel to and from
the locations linked by it. The fact that humanity has never noticed the
presence of wormholes is attributed to them being transient manifestations, billions
of times smaller than a sub-atomic particle, which occur only every few billion
years or so! However, some have disputed whether wormholes are always this
unstable, and even theoretically allow them to possess diameters wide enough
for a physical object to pass through.
us suppose, however, that one of these theoretical alternate universes were
inhabitable, and those who resided within it were somehow aware of our
existence (or at least the possibility of it). Let us also suppose this culture
was sufficiently advanced to construct an "artificial wormhole". To
begin with, such a process would require a power-source of stellar proportions
to sustain it. Furthermore, this culture would then have to devise a way to
link this wormhole to another universe, and make it both wide enough (and keep
it "open") sufficiently long enough to permit travel through it (a
highly complex task, given that the majority cosmological view on innate
wormhole instability is correct). Furthermore, they would also have to cope
with the intense radiation believed to be generated by them. However, any
device sent through such a "wormhole" would not itself require
massive levels of power (the - probably massive - wormhole generator itself
existing somewhere "off stage").
nothing overtly suggests that any UFO event is the result of such a
hypothetical (and extremely speculative) scenario, although a few aspects of
UFO behaviour are potentially consistent with this concept. There are, for
example, reports of some UFO's which reportedly vanish (or appear) suddenly in
a clear sky. Additionally, the "Oz factor" could possibly be a
consequence of a wormhole-like phenomenon, given that it reputedly involves
apparent distortions in the flow of time, among other (reputed) spatial and perception
anomalies. However, neither of these two elements is sufficiently evidential in
themselves to render such a wild theory viable. The existence of
wormhole-traversing "UFOs" are as unsupported by convincing physical
evidence as the "conventional" spacecraft-UFO's postulated by the
ETH. It should always be remembered that wormholes and other universes are only
hypothetical concepts, for which no conclusive physical evidence currently
exists to vindicate them. Speculative cosmological theories such as these have
often been rendered obsolete as our knowledge of the universe increases.
6: The Time
Travel Hypothesis (TTH)
basic premise of the Time
Travel Hypothesis (TTH) is
that "exotic" UFOs represent the time machines of a future human
civilization. As previously noted in the preceding discussion of the ETH, UFO
occupants seem to cope too well with our environment - and the
majority too close to ourselves in their morphology
- to be extraterrestrial. Thus, could both these factors suggest that at least some UFO occupants represent variant human
races from our planet's distant future? Could the wide variety of UFO and
entity types result from "time machines" of different future eras
visiting our present? And, finally, could the sudden disappearances of
"UFOs" and reputed chronological anomalies - such as "missing
time" and the "Oz factor" - suggest that they result from the
endeavours of a time-travel capable society?
archetypical "Grey" UFO entity is slightly more believable when
considered from this theoretical perspective. Various "projections"
of mankind suggests that our species (in the very distant future) may
eventually - as the result of living in a sedentary, intensive machine-using
culture for thousands of years - evolve longer fingers, greater brain-mass and
a physically underdeveloped body. Additionally, if the "greys" were a future variant of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, their
body-chemistry would obviously be more compatible with that of humans than if
they were extraterrestrials from a distant star system. This would render
allegations of UFO occupants "harvesting" human reproductive matter a
little more credible.
stated, it should never be forgotten that (as with the existence of other
universes) the concept of time travel is merely a theoretical concept, often
more based in philosophy (and science fiction) than in physics. Orthodox
science views backwards time travel as either a total impossibly, or at best a
theoretical (if remote) possibility, barely existing on the extreme fringes of
physics. In regards to UFO reports, the TTH shares many common elements (and
the objections) of both the ETH and the AUH. As with both these other theories,
the TTH requires the existence of physical craft (i.e. a "time
machine") perceived as a "UFO" by an observer unaware of their
true nature. This being so, the TTH suffers (as does the ETH) from a dearth of
objective evidence to support its validity. Time machines, after all, would
probably not be governed by any special, exclusive
principle which prohibits them from being seen or photographed by large numbers
of observers!
the TTH suffers from a notable drawback which the ETH itself is free from; the
very basis of its viability (i.e. the possibility of backwards time-travel) is
probably forbidden by the laws of physics! The main objection which
contemporary science has regarding time travel is that it violates causality
(the law of cause and effect). The most minor of actions by a device and/or
individual from the future could easily disturb the previously
"unblemished" past (which itself, indirectly, originated that future
time-travelling civilization!). This is not to mention the even more serious
violations of causality cited in numerous science fiction tales; i.e. people going
back in time to kill their great-grandfathers, major historical figures or even
themselves (or, more benignly, to marry their great-grandmothers!)
even if the consensus view of modern-day physics is wrong and the past can be
visited by future civilizations, another serious objection to the TTH remains;
the lack of any incontrovertible evidence of visits by time travellers within
the annals of history. There are no accounts of the use of anachronistic
technology (or of people possessing anachronistic knowledge) from the records
of any past era. While there are some unusual historical artefacts (such as
Stonehenge, the Pyramids, the Antikythera mechanism and the so-called
"Baghdad battery"), they are not sufficiently unusual in themselves to
require time travellers to account for their existence. However, it is possible to "explain away"
the lack of evidence for time travellers, due to a fear on their part of
changing the past to such a degree that they - and maybe also the future which
originated them - suddenly "winks" out of existence!
even if backwards time travel is possible, this would not in itself
automatically mean that some UFO events involve time machines. Some theoretical
conceptions of time-travel suggest that a time machine could only visit alternate versions
of the past; as the very act of visiting a past era (which was not originally
visited by a time machine) "creates" another version of
that past time, one which was visited
by a time machine! As a result, any changes
to that "alternative" past due to this visit would only affect the
alternative version of the past, not the original one! Obviously, if time
travel did work along such lines, it would be impossible for observers from
this "unblemished" time-line to observe time machines under any
conceivable circumstances.
garnered from sub-atomic physics experiments suggest that a time machine would
disassemble itself back into its constituent atoms the moment it reaches a time
pre-dating its construction. This, again, seems to rule out the TTH in regards
to UFO's, as the capability to build time machines would be the product of a
highly advanced future society. Hence, any time machine this
civilization could construct would be unable to travel back to our era (as it
clearly predates this hypothetical future age). However, it has been suggested
that humanity might discover, sometime in the future, a time machine
constructed hundreds, thousands, even millions of years previously by an
advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Theoretically, such an artefact could
be used to travel back to any period of earth's history not predating the time
of its construction. Although this intriguing possibility is consistent with
our current "understanding" of "time-travel physics" it is
little more than science fiction-level speculation, unsupported by any obvious
aspect, element or attribute of the UFO phenomenon.
summary, the TTH is an intriguing theory of UFO origin. While a few of the more
exotic aspects of the UFO phenomenon could be potentially explicable through
it, this hypothesis depends on (and evokes) so many convolutions of both logic
and physics that it is rendered at best problematical. It will remain an
unproven (but possible) concept until mankind has a clearer idea whether backwards
time travel is either viable or impossible.
7: The
Paranormal Phenomena Hypothesis (PPH)
term "paranormal" can be applied to several diverse types of
purported anomalous experiences; ranging from telepathy, psychokensis and
precognition up to alleged encounters with poltergeists, apparitions and other
"supernatural entities". Paranormal phenomena have (at the very
least) a definite peripheral connection with ufology, given the considerable
number of "high strangeness" UFO events associated with various forms
of "psychical" manifestations. The occurrence of such phenomenon
raises the question both of why they occur within the context of a UFO
experience, and whether they are the result of currently unrecognized natural
processes, actual "psychical" manifestations (external or internal to
the witness) or the product of a culture possessing a seemingly
"magical" technology.
"materialistic" ufologists dismiss any connection between UFOs and
the paranormal, as it is inconsistent with a strict "nuts and bolts"
interpretation of the phenomenon (such as is envisioned by most versions of the
ETH). However, this automatic rejection is contrary with a truly objective
approach towards the UFO problem. If a witness reports an effect, it hence
becomes a claimed aspect of the phenomena, and therefore must be considered in any objective attempt
to account for UFOs. Rather than being a hindrance to a true understanding of
"true" UFO incidents, an examination of the "psychic"
aspects of the subject could well aid our understanding of them. This may
eventually lead to three possible outcomes;
1: That the psychical elements of
ufology are fairly minor and can be mostly ignored
2: The subject involves a combination of psychical and non-psychical elements
3: The majority of the more
exotic UFO events are full-blooded "paranormal" manifestations.
first step in such a process is an examination of the various forms of
"supernatural" phenomena, in order to determine what common elements
they share with "true" UFO events. Whatever the outcome of this
process, it would both aid our understanding of why some UFO events involve
psychical manifestations and also (as a consequence) our understanding of UFOs
a: UFOs And "Apparitional" Phenomena:
Apparitions (commonly
termed ghosts) are a long-standing form of anomalous experience, instances of
which have been recorded over many hundreds of years, by virtually every
culture on earth. The majority of these events involve the observation of a
fully animate human-like form attired in archaic clothing and associated with a
variety of outlandish attributes; it may be observed passing through walls or
other solid obstructions, or to "glide" or "walk" a few
feet above the ground. Many apparitions are also reported to literally
disappear suddenly into thin air whilst in full view of its observer. A
specific apparition is often associated with or said to haunt a specific locale, where they may be repeatedly observed over
an extended period of time. These apparitions are claimed to repeat the same
actions each instance they are observed (i.e. follow the same pathway or route
through a dwelling, even to vanish on "reaching" a specific
folkloric "explanation" for ghosts are that they are the unquiet
spirits of the dead, "trapped" on earth for a variety of reasons
(either as the result of a sudden, violent death or not having the correct
funeral rites performed over its body, and so on). However, some elements of
apparitional experiences appear to hint at a more materialistic explanation
than "restless souls". The fact that ghosts pass through walls, or
appear to be partially hidden by (or float above) the ground they
"traverse" can often be explained by changes to the
"haunted" area occurring after the time period which seemed to have
"originated" them (such as floors being raised or doors being walled
up). Both this, along with the "fact" that a specific ghost is often
observed repeating the same mundane actions, suggests apparitions are a form of
"recording", based on a process that currently eludes human
psychical researchers have suggested this effect involves certain types of
stone, perhaps in combination with other suitable forms of matter (such as
bodies of water), who's composition is amenable to "storing" this
"recording". It is further postulated that apparitions result when
this "recording" is activated by specific environmental factors (such
as a rare combination of weather conditions and/or various forms of geophysical
activity). However, essential to this process is a person able to perceive this
"recording". Both the creation and reception of this
"recording" would be likely to utilize telepathy; the supposed
psychic (or Psi) ability involving the "transmission" of thoughts,
images and sensations from one person to another (sometimes at great
distances), using a means divorced from all known forms of natural or
artificial communication. Conventional "telepathic" experiences are
often reported to occur when the "perceiver" is in a restive state,
and most relate to crisis situations (such as accidents) involving a person
known to the person experiencing the telepathic event. Other instances involve
deliberate attempts at telepathic communication in parapsychology laboratories
(again, involving individuals in a restive state, or an artificially-induced
condition of sensory deprivation).
many people, this solution is too unnecessarily complex, involving as it does a
process of recording environmental stimuli currently rejected by science (not
least because it has yet to be convincingly demonstrated or duplicated under
laboratory conditions). The fact that it depends on telepathy, a Psi ability
(like all other claimed psi abilities) who's existence is, again, rejected by
science makes this so-called "stone-tape" theory for ghosts untenable
in the minds of many people. Hence, the scientific community feels that
apparitions have a simpler explanation. To begin with, there are as many
potential spurious causes for ghosts as there are for UFOs; false shapes being
"read" into random patterns of shadow and light, patches of mist,
swarms of insects, shirts on washing-lines, people in fancy dress and various
classes of hallucinatory effects.
whatever the causes of apparitions they retain considerable importance in
regards to the understanding of UFO's (if only because these events are useful
in terms of comparison, being a separate type of anomalous experience).
However, there are distinct indications of apparitional-like elements in some
"close encounter" experiences, with "ghost-like" behaviour
supposedly exhibited at times by both UFOs and their supposed entities. UFOs
may suddenly disappear (or are seen to "float"). Some UFO entities
are reported to move by "floating" (or gliding) a short distance from
the ground, as well as having transparent forms. Furthermore, they have also
been reportedly observed to appear and disappear suddenly, even to pass through
solid objects. The "Oz factor" is related in some ways to the
"uncanny aura" sometimes associated with apparitional experiences.
There are as few (if any) mass observations of ghosts as there are few mass UFO
close encounter events; apparitions often only being observed by a few select
people out a larger group of potential witnesses.
are also some notable differences to "conventional" apparitions.
Ghosts do not (for example) travel at great speeds or exhibit sudden changes of
colour! Furthermore, a given apparition is reportedly seen repeatedly at the
same location; an attribute which they do not appear to share with UFO's. That
said, notable "repeat" UFO activity occurs within limited
geographical areas (i.e. UFOCALS),
and many close encounter witnesses report a long, ongoing "chain" of
apparitional and psi events, as well as repeated UFO encounters. In such
instances it could be stated that the UFOs experienced by such individuals (and
also "repeater" witnesses) are effectively "haunting" the participant!
Apparitions are also associated with some effects on physical devices, but
neither to the same degree or extent as that reported in UFO "Close
Encounter" events. Another very major way in which UFOs do differ from
"apparitional" phenomenon is their "one-off" nature, unlike
the majority of apparitions which (as previously stated) are repeatedly seen in
the same limited locale over an extended period of time. This suggests that
either the concept of UFO's as apparitions is a flawed one, or that
"apparitional" UFO's "work" on different principles to
"conventional" phantoms.
in what ways could the various mechanisms potentially able to generate
apparitional experiences be responsible for certain exotic UFO events? It is
known that although the majority of apparitions relate to observation of human
figures, there are also a few reports of phantom buses, ships and aircraft;
hence allowing the apparition-generation process to "evoke" inanimate
objects. However, all of these events involve "objects" which once
had a definite existence in the material world (such as a Spitfire, a London
bus, a clipper ship, etc). It is unheard of for people to observe apparitions
of things which never existed on earth sometime during its history (although
there are few claims of "ghost dinosaurs" or other prehistoric
lifeforms!). This is a further indication that if some UFO's are the result of
apparition effects, they must involve markedly unconventional ones! The way and
means in which apparitional phenomenon could be related to UFOs basically
depends on the actual nature of apparitions themselves;
a1:- Given that exotic processes such as the "stone tape"
effect do not occur, some UFO experiences may
involve the same hallucinatory processes involved in apparitions, but
"framed" within a different context (hence explaining both their
differences and similarities). "Ghost" images of people
"behave" like people and aircraft because this "behaviour"
comes from a store of expectation (based on common experience of people and
aircraft) held within the brain. Likewise, images of "spacecraft"
behave in the manner "spacecraft" are believed to behave by popular
culture (such as moving at fast rates of speed, hovering and so on). In this
perspective, ghosts (and some UFO's) are a form of "waking dream"
experience, triggered by physiological factors, and perhaps geophysical and/or
meteorological ones as well. Even if some apparitions are the result of natural
(albeit exotic) "recording" effects, it is likely some ghostly
phenomena would still involve the above comparatively mundane psychological
processes. Hence, this would allow (and account for) any similarity between
these experiences and subjective UFO-type experiences utilizing the same
neurological "wetware". Furthermore, this view would not require such
UFO events to be explained in terms of telepathic-based phenomena.
a2:- Another possibility is that some apparitions are generated by an
unusual natural phenomenon other than the "stone-tape" effect. If
geophysical features such as earthfaults are capable of generate UFO-like
phenomena, could they also be responsible for some "ghostly"
experiences? This suggestion is made plausible by the "fact" that
many apparitions are notably vague and basic in appearance (many accounts
involving stereotypical misty, luminous "white ladies" or dark forms
reputedly resembling "cowled monks"). Could repeat low-level
earthlight manifestations occurring within a specific locale be interpreted by
those unaware of its true nature as spectral activity? In this context it
should be noted that a considerable number of "ghost origin" legends
(such as, for instance, the tale of evil squire Travellain who murdered a girl
on Dartmoor in the 1700s, where her phantom wanders to this day...etc...etc...)
often turn out to have a highly dubious historical basis. Could a re-occurring
geophysical effect result in such stories being invented to account for the
event? There are many instances within history of legends being composed to
explain various meteorological, geological and biological phenomena.
process which could result in an "earthlight" being perceived as an anthromorphic
figure may easily involve the natural tendency within human perception system
of subjectively "reading" ordered "forms" into suitably
irregular natural manifestations. More exotically, exposure to electrical
emissions from an earthlight could induce vivid hallucinatory experiences in
any person encountering it (or, alternately, only within specific individuals).
If this effect only occurs within a select number of UFO/apparition witnesses,
repeat anomalous (but subjective) experiences involving only a small percentage
of individuals may well result whenever a suitable geo-electrical
"imbalance" occurs within the witnesses' locale (possibly involving
other influences other than "earthlights"). This would effectively account
for the high-strangeness UFO "repeater" participant who's experiences
often appear (in the main) to be subjectively based. The concept of
"ghosts as earthlights" would account for the tendency of apparitions
to "haunt" specific areas, also their repeated, limited "path of
motion" and sudden disappearances.
a3:- Some UFO's could involve "apparitional" like
phenomenon originating from the future! Several possible instances of this have
been recorded in the annals of parapsychology. Another form of paraphysical
experience, precognition,
involves apparent foreknowledge of events prior to their actual occurrence. The
concept of experiencing knowledge and perceptions from a future time is thus
far from an alien one in psychical research; in fact it is a long-standing and
integral part of it. A timeslip is
a form of anomalous experience similar to a conventional apparition event, but
involves the participant's whole environment appearing as it might have
looked in past eras. A particularly noteworthy aspect of "timeslips"
is that some incidents describe effects and sensations similar to that reported
during Oz-factor manifestations (which strongly suggest a common link between
these two phenomenons). However, there are no (presently known) instances of people seeing
futuristic landscapes during a UFO experience; which - despite occasional
instances of Oz factor - remains contemporary in appearance. The possibility of
some UFO's involving "future phantoms" need not involve telepathy,
precognition or any other "paranormal" phenomenon, as it could just
as easily arise from natural (but currently unrecognized!) transient
distortions within the space-time continuum. It may result, for example, from a
malfunctioning FTL drive system created by our ascendants (given that many
proposed FTL concepts involve travel by way of "distortions" within
the space-time fabric).
a4: Elements such as the Oz factor and "repeater" witnesses
may involve exposure to telepathic (or telepathic-like)
"transmissions" originated by extraterrestrial (or other) exotic
lifeforms. Such a concept, of course, is only valid if telepathy exists and can
be used as a reliable mode of communication! The fact that many close-encounter
witnesses report only images pre-existing within western popular culture (i.e
"humanoid" aliens, "flying saucers" and so on) may result
from "conceptual reconstructions" of this "message" being
"visualized" by the participants brain. This could be due either to
differences between the thought processes of aliens and humans, or limitations
inherent within the "telepathic" communication process itself. If
this process has limitations it may be utilized despite of them, if it
permitted faster-than-light communication (and is swifter than radio waves,
laser beams or neutrinos). The most notable element which appears to discount
this theory (other that it requires both the existence of aliens and
telepathy!) is the worthless aspect of these "communications"; which
relay nothing more than empty visions and useless contactee platitudes. These
messages appear to give no real (or notably anomalous) information, and are,
hence, only convincing to those believing in such experiences to begin with!
This, of course, may be accounted for by stating these experiences result only
from incidental and accidental exposure to an anomalous "signal",
transmitted for reasons other that direct communication with humans (such as a
"remote viewing" based scan of the earth's surface)! As with all
paranormal-based "explanation" schemas, the concept of "alien
telepathy" is both difficult to either prove or disprove, making its
scientific veracity doubtful to say the least.
is unfortunate that the possibly of a link between some UFO experiences and
paranormal events is an area neglected by both Parapsychological and Ufological
research (doubtlessly due to the rigid paradigms and conceptions dominating
both subjects). As with all psychical-based theories, examination of this
possibility is hampered by a lack of understanding of the processes responsible
for apparitions. Orthodox science remains unconvinced of their reality,
dismissing apparitions as being hallucinatory in nature. However (as previously
stated) even if this is true it does not excuse Ufology from not examining
common links between apparitions and UFOs, as closely-related neurological
processes could well be involved in both classes of experience.
b: UFOs And The Collective Unconsciousness.
has been suggested by a variety of commentators that the totality of human
minds upon this planet may (on a subconscious level) form a large interlinked
awareness, possessing shared values and ideals, along with a common
"store" of symbolic representations of these concepts. This so-called collective unconsciousness may comprise solely of the minds of
humanity, or of the totality of all living organisms upon this planet. This
"greater mind" is often deemed to exist both everywhere and nowhere,
being composed (much like a "parallel" computer system) of a mass of
smaller "units" of varying complexity; ranging from ants to humanity.
The existence of a collective unconsciousness may also account for the
existence of telepathy (as it would make an ideal communication medium to weave
these diverse elements together as one unity).
this "collective mind" does indeed exist, some UFO events might
involve manifestations of this "unity of consciousness", either
representing attempts to alter our level of consciousness or the enactment of
some form of "psychodrama". Either of these possibilities could well
be related to the sudden "devaluation" of past archetypical concepts
and major changes in the human perspective resulting from (comparatively)
recent scientific discoveries. This "group-mind" may be using the new
"dream" symbols of our contemporary scientific age (i.e. flying
saucers and space-aliens) and "update" it's old ones in order to
express the new fears and hopes of mankind; the dread of nuclear war, climate
change and species-extinction on one hand, and the dream of "easy"
interstellar flight and "magical" technology on the other. This might
be an attempt to expanding the consciousness of mankind, allowing the
"group mind" to further increase its level of awareness. This mental
unity might instigate "UFO" experiences through subjective process or
via a visible intermediary (such as a Ball of Light-type phenomenon). By aiding
mankind, this group-consciousness would both expand its own awareness and
ensure its own survival, by orientating mankind towards a way of thinking
involving both ecological concerns and the possibility of interstellar
greatest weakness of this astounding theory is the lack of firm evidence for
the existence of such an "overmind". Whilst it is true that all life
on earth is interconnected to a degree (via geophysical, ecological and
climactic factors), there is no firm evidence proving that the
consciousness of all terrestrial life is equally closely interlinked. With the
"evidence" for the existence of a mental unity deriving from
anomalous subjective experiences (and this concept being heavily dependent on
the existence of scientifically doubted "phenomena" such as
telepathy) it is a very difficult - if not impossible - proposition to validate
or disprove. Furthermore, if telepathy does not exist it is hard to see how else this
"overmind" could function as a coordinated unity, with no obvious
(mundane) means of "interconnection" being known to biology.
c: UFOs & "Otherworldy" Beings.
oft-unmentioned aspect of this subject are the apparent links between UFOs and
fairy lore. To begin with, the various supposed "elfkin" races are -
at least superficially - identifiable with the main classes of "UFO
occupants."Goblins" and "Pixies" are comparable with the
"Greys", as the Elves (or "Alfair") of Norse mythology are
comparable with the "Nordics" of ufolore. Equally, the hideous,
misshapen giants of numerous fairytales are akin to the hideous, misshapen
"giants" appearing in some UFO entity-encounter claims. "Fairly
changeling" myths, relating to the "fair folk" stealing mortal
children and substituting them with ugly, wizened "poppets", share
basic similarity with the "hybrid breeding" accounts of UFO
mythology. Tales of fairies kidnapping humans appear - at least on superficial
examination - to share many common (if basic) elements with UFO abduction
association of elves with "fairly rings" - places where the little
people were supposedly seen to "dance" - have parallels with UFO's
that reportedly leave circular ground traces in their wake. As with UFO's (and
UFO entities), the "fairies" of many cultures could reportedly appear
and disappear at will, and manifested in a wide variety of forms. Some
societies accounted for the latter aspect by attributing shape-changing
abilities to elfkind. Fairies also possessed the supposed ability to fly
through the air (either bodily or in aerial "sailing ships"), and to
smite people with paralysis; further aspects they also share in common with
UFO's and their reputed occupants. Accounts of people who reportedly entered the
"fairy realm" often state that little time appeared to pass while
they resided there; however, on their return, these visitors to
"elfland" would discover that many years had elapsed in the world of
mortals! The time-abnormalities associated with these tales are comparable with
those associated with instances of "Oz-factor" and/or "missing
time" - although the chronological differences noted in the former are
considerably greater than that reported in the latter!
this evidence, one could conclude these tales of fairy encounters were (at
least) inspired by encounters with an actual class of anomalous entity. The
realm of the "fair-folk" - a land within our world (but also
seemingly outside of it), where "magic" and "supernatural"
beings exist - could be compared to an alternative universe where different
physical laws apply!
mythical beings with the modern theoretical concept of alternative universes
could also account for other types of anomalous entities. Semi-mythical
creatures such as North America's "Bigfoot" are improbable when
considered to be normal inhabitants of this world. However, could they
originate from another universe, deposited onto ours by a "wormhole"
of some kind? Many of the more extreme types of anomalous entities are
reportedly associated with powerful repugnant odours, or even - in some
instances - are alleged to drip "ichor". Could this result from cellular
decay (i.e. akin to a rapid form of skin necrosis), resulting from an
"incompatibility" between the composition of the entities universe
and our own? Could something similar also account for tales of "fairy
gifts"; which vanish or crumble to dust shortly after being received by
mortals? Stretching this reasoning to its extreme, this could also explain the
lack of physical artefacts relating to UFO's. This does not, of course, account for the
dearth of convincing pictures and physical trace evidence, which such
"UFOs" would still be quite capable of generating whilst in
possession of a viable physical form!
an even more convincing case can be made for a psycho-social origin for fairy
lore entities. The links between UFO's and fairy lore could be accounted for by
the fact that UFO's are an updated variety of the "otherworldly
encounter"; both being instigated by lucid subjective mental phenomena
sharing common attributes. The "changeling" myth is likely to have
been a pre-scientific explanation for malformed and/or handicapped babies
(which were deemed in those times to be "poppets"). The changeling myth
could equally be inspired by rare genetic traits such as Williams syndrome, which
results in individuals with classical "elfin" facial features and a
mind-set notably different from those unaffected by this condition. The marks
commonly termed "fairy rings" are, in actuality, the result of a
common form of fungus. However, it is possible some may have been generated by
a "plasma-vortex" like phenomenon (which would have consolidated the
belief in an otherworldly origin for all "fairy rings" in the minds of
historical peoples). Likewise, it is now known that a "stroke"
results from a blood clot damaging nerve-functions, and is not the consequence
of a magical elven curse!
impact of all these various natural phenomena on a pre-scientific people must
have been profound; to their minds they could only have been the work of the
"fairies". Indeed, the old superstition of referring to them as the
"fair-folk" was not done out of love, but fear; these creatures often
being viewed as cruel and fickle. This is doubtless a reflection of the hard
subsistence-level world inhabited by pre-industrial cultures, who's often
malevolent, uncontrollable nature seemingly confirmed the reality of every
nightmarish folklore entity conceivable! Despite this, we do have actual
claimed observations of the "little people" occurring even in today's
world. In this context it should be noted that many forms of clinical (and
drug-based) hallucinations involve observations of small anthromorphic figures.
biggest problem when considering the influence of elflore is the great
uncertainty over its "reality" status. Were these accounts simply
just stories and constructed myths, or do they represent (at least in part)
genuine anomalous experiences? Given that the latter is true, do we evoke the
possibility of parallel universes to account for them, or opt for more
down-to-earth explanations? Whatever the case, the answer to this conundrum has
a considerable bearing upon certain aspects of the UFO phenomenon (given their
shared common elements).
Summary of the PPH.
term "Paranormal" covers a wide range of anomalous human experiences;
thus any attempt to explain some UFOs in these terms has to cover a diversity
of possibilities. The biggest negative factor hampering any paranormally-based
"solution" is that orthodox science rejects the Psi abilities and
manifestations forming the very bedrock upon which these conceptions are based.
However, that in itself does not invalidate efforts to assess the ufological
reverence of the paranormal. Even if the processes underlying such happenings
are in actuality quite mundane, they could still give invaluable insights into certain
classes of "UFO" events. That stated, it should be noted that some
mundane "explanations" cited for certain paranormal phenomena do
appear to fall short of being totally conclusive. Thus, there is a possibility
that certain paranormal experiences do involve processes which are truly
anomalous in the context of current scientific understanding. Thus such
possibilities remain - for
the present at least - as possible explanation schemas for UFO incidents
(regardless of their apparent improbability!)
problem is that paranormal-based UFO hypothesis - or even the mere occurrence
of paranormal events in certain UFO experiences - appears to contradict the
popular conception of UFOs being extraterrestrial devices. As a result of this,
such concepts and experiences tend to be shunned (even denied) by a
considerable number of UFO researchers. This in itself raises another question;
how paranormal is the paranormal? What if (for example) telepathy was one day
proved to be a genuine human ability, quantifiable by the laws of physics? Or
if the mechanism for apparitions were discovered and found to be explicable in
"materialist" terms? If this did occur they would, as a result,
effectively cease to be "paranormal", and join the plethora of other
natural phenomena known and accepted (if not fully understood) by conventional
science. Hence, there is considerable danger in ruling out possibilities merely
because they seem to be "nonsense", or contradict popular conceptions
of the UFO problem. It is all too evident that little work has been conducted
to determine how much of the UFO phenomenon may potentially involve
"paranormal" manifestations. This is due, in the main, to the
(intense) emphasis UFO research places upon the ETH, to the extent that other,
equally important, avenues of research are neglected. This imbalance in UFO
research requires redress, as the hints of a link between certain paranormal
phenomenon and UFO's cry out for intensive scrutiny.
8: The Living Organism Hypothesis (LOH):
small quantity of sightings relate to seemingly intelligent
"behaviour" exhibited by UFO's either too small or too (seemingly)
immaterial to carry a sentient, living entity. As a consequence, it has been
suggested that such "UFOs" are, in actuality, highly exotic lifeforms
originating either from the upper atmosphere, the sun, outer space or another
universe! It is further claimed that mankind's lack of knowledge of these
creatures is due to them being (normally) invisible to the human perception
system. In support of this notion, strange, irregular images appearing on
infra-red film are cited as evidence for their continual (if otherwise
unnoticed) presence of these "beings". "UFO" sightings -
according to this theory - occur on the very rare instances when these normally
invisible entities are (somehow) rendered visible to us.
more extreme version of the "living organism" hypothesis proposes
that some UFOs are ultraterrestrial lifeforms, "sentient energy"
originating from "another order of reality", either an alternative
universe or even the electromagnetic spectrum itself! According to this
conception of UFOs, UFOCALS are the "windows" by which this
"sentient energy" gains access to our realm. These
"energy-forms" are supposedly capable of assuming various shapes;
ranging from a ball of light, a structured domed disc right upto a "UFO
entity". This accounts for the reason why the same level of "intelligent
control" is exhibited by both "mundane" and "exotic"
True UFOs! It also "explains" the lack of physical proof for UFOs, as
the phenomenon is here seen as the immaterial consequence of an exotic
electromagnetic energy process! Advocates of this theory state that this
"lifeform" (variously thought to be either a collection of separate
entities or a single "overmind") actively encourages belief in
extraterrestrial visitors, in an attempt to "control" mankind through
these ideals (for purposes known only to itself)...
two main points against this wild concept are that this theory is very hard
(probably impossible) to scientifically validate, and that the form of
"sentient energy" these "UFO's" supposedly comprise of is
not - and probably could never be - scientifically defined! The precepts of
this theory hinges on conspiracy and paranoia in equal measure, with every
strange instance, coincidence and rumour adding speculative fuel to this
nightmarish conception. As with all theories based on conspiracy and paranoia it
is next to impossible to disprove. Any data which apparently contradicts this
theory could be deemed - by its supporters - to be manufactured by the
ultraterrestrials (who created this negative evidence to "cover their
concept of "living UFOs" is predominantly supported by displays of
what is variously deemed either "controlled" or
"intelligent" behaviour" by some UFOs. However, most witnesses
would likely interpret any motion displayed by a UFO as
"purposeful", due to popular belief in their "extraterrestrial
spacecraft" origin. Thus, given that the determination of this supposed
"intelligent" behaviour is largely a subjective process; the distinct
possibility exists these actions could be accounted for in other, less
outlandish ways. The actions of such "UFO's" could, just as likely
(if not more likely) be generated by geophysical/electromagnetic influences
present within the sighting environment. Or, less exotically, the UFO's motions
were nothing really special at all, just random motions which human perception
interpreted as "controlled" or "guided".
some elements (and varieties) of the "Living Organism" theory seem
more concerned with explaining its own shortcomings than accounting for the
diverse attributes and aspects of the UFO problem. As yet, there is little
evidence within the annals of Ufology to support such theories, at least which
cannot itself be more easily explained in other ways.
this study has shown, it is all too apparent that the majority of
"raw" sightings are explicable in terms of conventional IFO stimuli.
However, it is also equally clear that every study of UFOs (no matter how
sceptical) nearly always results in a small residue of incidents that cannot be
easily accounted for in terms of prosaic phenomena.
is to this residue of "True UFOs" that Ufology must obviously concern
itself with. Unfortunately, it is when attempting to determine the nature of
"True" UFOs that Ufology encounters some of its greatest conceptual
difficulties. A considerable number of these "unexplained" cases are
explicable in terms of a high-energy plasma phenomenon, with these UFOs
possessing (reported) attributes consistent with such an origin. However,
although evidence for the physical reality for such a phenomenon exists (and
there being many potential sources of "plasma-UFO" generation being
available), the concept of "exotic-natural UFOs" has yet to be
conclusively vindicated.
events relate to "True UFO's" that appear to be structured and
artificial in nature; but the majority of such events suffer from a lack of
supporting proof to fully validate their evidential existence. Although some
evidence suggests that such "exotic" UFO's may physically exist, it is scant and
often open to prosaic interpretation. The small number of these cases (and the
low quantity of this physical evidence; given their claimed anomalous nature is
accepted) suggests these "Exotics" comprise a very small percentage
of the "True UFO" phenomenon.
the above discussion of the various UFO theories expounded to date show all too
well, there are many potential sources which could initiate "true"
UFO events, "mundanes" and "exotics" alike. Some hypotheses
appear more viable than others, but the best have at least a few aspects which
make them worthy of further examination and consideration. Many of these
theories - especially the more exotic ones - possess "drawback"
factors, which cause them to be as conceptually flawed as the next. However,
this situation could well change with the advancement of human knowledge, which
may either resolve these conceptual problems, remove a theory from
consideration or even uncover some new possibilities! However, the above
examination of the various UFO hypothesis indicates another problem facing
Ufology now (and in the future). It is this; although many theories can explain
some (or many) aspects of UFO's, they cannot (in isolation) account for them
in itself leads to the most important question pertaining to the UFO
phenomenon; does it involve a "core" phenomenon that has only one source of origin, or an intermingling
of phenomena with widely differing origins? It should always be borne in mind
that the only thing one "true" UFO has in common with the next is
that it is a "true" UFO. This is merely a label of convenience, only
an admission of our gross ignorance. The fact that these reports cannot be
easily explained says nothing about their source of origin in itself. It does not guarantee that the phenomenon seen in
one sighting is the same as that observed in another. IFO reports are a prime
example of this; although all IFOs relate to explained "UFO"
occurrences, there are estimated to be around 150+ distinct causes for them
(and around half a dozen commonly-recurring types).
it is likely that there is no UFO phenomenon,
but a UFO phenomena,
composed of diverse stimuli, with an escalating degree of strangeness. IFO's
comprise the first level of "UFO phenomena", with exotic plasma and
mirage effects comprising the next. Following them, perhaps, are those UFO
events with extreme exotic origins; such as extraterrestrial devices,
paranormal effects and anything else not ultimately forbidden by the laws of
is, however, only a conception. Only continued research can address the
question as to where this "escalation of strangeness" terminates;
does it end with IFOs, plasma-forms or alien visitors (and maybe even beyond)?
there is a strong inclination within Ufology to believe in a "True
UFO" phenomenon with a singular origin (which is often
unquestionably deemed to be extraterrestrial). This perspective can take
several forms. The first accepts concepts such as earthlights but effectively
relegates them to the status of IFOs. The second (more hard-line attitude)
rejects the possibility of earthlights and other similar novel natural causes,
and is equally hostile towards the possibility of "paranormal" or
other similarly exotic origins for "True UFOs". Furthermore, a deep
suspicion is exhibited towards any attempt to account for all but the most
obvious IFO reports in rational terms; with any such efforts attempted by more
"liberal" Ufologists being vehemently dismissed as "debunker
propaganda" or "psycho-social claptrap". Equally, there are
researchers who take the opposite approach. They are more open to the view that
true UFO's may not just involve alien visitors; some can even conceive of a UFO
phenomena which is totally based on novel forms of unusual natural phenomena
(such as earthlights).
is clear that dogma and blind belief remains one of the greatest obstacles to
our true understanding of the UFO enigma. Only when the chains of these
outdated conceptual shibboleths are cast aside can a true comprehension of the
UFO phenomenon be attained. Ufology is finally reaching a stage where a
reasonable understanding of its subject matter could be realistically acquired.
The nature of the UFO phenomenon is now much clearer than it was in 1947, which
many potential sources of origin having been identified. However, much work is
still required to determine the true extent and parameters of the UFO. This
will be achieved both through the documentation of new reports and closer
examination of those UFO incidents already on record.
with most scientific research, a fuller understanding of UFOs will not happen
as the result of a single breakthrough, or through astounding
"official" revelations. The UFO phenomenon appears too diverse in
nature to be effectively cut down with a single conceptual blow; although a
sudden breakthrough could occur in relation to one particular source of
"True UFO" events. The quest for further and full understanding of
the UFO problem will not prove to be an easy one, and remains the greatest
challenge facing ufology, both today and into the foreseeable future.
Global References
Ufological Aspect (s) Covered: A= Abductions C=Case Study G=
General Ufology E=Entities H=Historical S=Sceptical T= Theoretical
UK = focus on British Ufo events
Bowen, C.
(1969) The Humanoids. AE.
C.D.B. (1995) Close Encounters Of The Fourth Kind. A.
A. (1998) Electric UFOs
S. (1994) The UFO Mystery Solved. ST.
D. & Roberts, A. (1990) Phantoms of the Sky. G UK.
D. & Roberts, A. (2002) Out Of The Shadows. H UK.
D. & Roberts, A. (2007) Flying Saucerers H UK .
D. (2012) The UFO Files H. G
J (1996) High Strangeness UFOs from 1960's through 1979.
Dr. E. U. (ed) (1969) Scientific Study Of UFOs. G.; now available
B. (2005) Hair Of The Alien. C.
P. (1982) Earthlights. . T.
P. (1996) Earthlight Revelations. . T.
H. (1983) The Evidence For UFOs. . G.
C. (1919) The Book Of The Damned. H.
J. (1965) The Interrupted Journey. C.
T. (1987) Above Top Secret. G.
R. (2000) The UFO Evidence . HC.
J & Holloway D (2010-2013+) Haunted
Skies; the encyclopaedia of British UFOs; currently
vols. 1 to 7, covering the years 1940 to 1979 have currently been
published. C UK H.
A (1980) The UFO Handbook. G.
B. (1981) Missing Time. A.
J. A. (1972) The UFO Experience; A Scientific Inquiry. G.
J. A. (1977) The Hynek UFO Report. H.
M. (1975) The UFO Controversy In America. H.
Dr. C. (1958) Flying Saucers. T.
J. (1970) UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse. 1970 T.
P. J (1968) UFOs; Identified. T.
P. J (1974) UFOs: Explained. S.
J. E. (1994) Abduction. A.
Dr. D. H (1954) The World Of Flying Saucers. S .
M (2010) Mirage Men S G
K., & Schmitt, D. (1991) UFO Crash At Roswell. C.
J & Warrington, P. (1979) UFOs: a British Viewpoint. G UK.
J. (1981) UFO Study. G UK .
J. (1983) UFO Reality. G.
J. (1995) UFO Retrievals. C.
J. , Clarke. D. and Roberts, A (2000) The UFOs That Never Were C
E.J (1956) The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects. H.
R (1981) The UFO Verdict. S.
J, & Evans, H. (ed) (1987) UFOs; 1947-1987 G.
K. & Evans, H . (ed) (1997) UFOs: 1947-1997 G.
R (ed) (1980) The Encyclopaedia Of UFOs. G.
R. (ed) (2001) The Mammoth Book of UFOS GCH.
W. (1987) Communion. A.
J. & J (1966) Challenge To Science. . G.
J. (1970) Passport To Magonia. T.