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The British UFO Research Association

Investigations & Research since 1962





East Dulwich sighting (1970's) 2011

East Dulwich, London: Mid-1970's Luminescent Ball of Mist                                                                  



Heather Dixon




I was contacted recently by a witness, who reported a curious sighting, which he observed from

Overhill Road, East Dulwich in the mid-seventies. He told me that this sighting had always puzzled

him and that there were other reports documented in the press during that time. Unfortunately he

cannot recall the exact date, but would be very interested for any feedback from anyone reading this

report, who may be aware of a similar sighting.



The witness’ account of his sighting follows below, as documented on the BUFORA Questionnaire:

"I lived in a large block of flats on the second floor. I came out of my friend’s flat that lived next

door. I rang my doorbell and then looked out at the view of London.


I noticed high up in the NW sky a luminous ball of mist. A small round pink light came slowly along

from the right and stopped dead in front of the mist.

I would guesstimate that the object was above SW London

The ball of mist started to reduce in size and appeared to be swirling/moving as it did so.

The mist enveloped the pink light, continuing to reduce in size as it did so. The ball of mist

eventually disappeared to nothing. There wasn't a trace of the mist or the pink object in the sky.

I do not mind this account being shared with others - hopefully someone will have had a similar

experience - I am still really intrigued by what I saw after all these years".


The witness went on to answer other questions on the questionnaire as documented below:

Brightness of objects (as compared to the full moon):

Object was dullish pink - Ball of mist was luminescent but not glaring

Sound of objects:


Smell of object(s):


Observation data and time:


Time object(s) were observed for in minutes:

One minute

How did you gauge the time duration?:

This is an estimate

Where were you at the time of the incident?:

Overhill Road. East Dulwich, London

Were there any other witnesses to the object(s) seen?:


How did the object(s) disappear from view?:

The pink light stopped dead in front of the mist. The mist grew smaller in size and enveloped the

pink object. The mist shrank to nothing - no trace of anything

Were the objects photographed or filmed?:


Did you, or the surrounding environment suffer any physical effects which you consider to be

attributable to the objects seen?:



Other than the reported events did anything else unusual occur around the time of the sighting:

Afterwards, I recall that there was some newspaper coverage in a local newspaper about an

unusual pink light being seen. I think this was The South London Press. I think a well known DJ may

have also seen a similar object?

I can recall the TV programme I had just watched with a friend and think that it had finished at

21.00hrs. Sky was dark at this time. I think it was either a Fri/Sat night.

Please note that I am unsure of the date/year but think it must of been 73/74/75



I asked the witness to try to draw what he saw in order to give some kind of a visual illustration for

this report. This follows below:


Should any reader feel they may have some more information to add to this report it would be

appreciated if you would please contact or Heather Dixon on