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The British UFO Research Association
Investigations & Research since 1962
| BUFORA Research Books and Pamphlets |
BUFORA to make available online all of its publications.
BUFORA RESEARCH BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS: (All produced separately from main journals). Late 1960s: Malcolm Bull, UFO Handbook No.1 1960sUFOHandbookNo.1MalcolmBull.pdf Malcolm Bull, UFO Handbook No.2 1960sUFOHandbookNo.2MalcolmBull.pdf 1975: A Challenge to Science: A preliminary report relating to a UFO event recorded on 16m cine film on 26th October 1971 near Banbury, Oxfordshire; Roger Stanway 1971AChallengetoScienceBanburyFilmCaseRogerStanway.pdf 1976:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Ted Bloecher 1976CloseEncountersofthe3rdKindTedBloecher.pdf
Science Paper 1, Instruments and Detection; David Viewing 1976SciencePaper1DavidViewingINSTRUMENTSDETECTION.pdf Science Paper 2, Investigation; Trevor Whitaker 1976SciencePaper2TrevorWhitakerINVESTIGATION.pdf Science Paper 3, Engineering and UFOs; Leonard Cramp 1976SciencePaper3LeonardCrampENGINEERINGUFOs.pdf
1979: UFO Investigation, a filed investigators handbook, revised from 1976 1976!979UFOInvestigationBUFORAManual.pdf 1982: Close encounter at Livingston; Stueart Campbell (Case History No.1) 1982EncounteratLivingstonBUFORAResearchPaperNo.1LockwoodandBayer.pdf 1985: Mystery of the Circles; Jenny Randles, Paul Fuller 1985MysteryoftheCirclesP.FullerJ.Randles.pdf 1986: The UFO World ‘86; Jenny Randles 1986UFOWorld86BUFORAJennyRandles.pdf 1987: The UFO World ‘87; Jenny Randles 1987UFOWorld87BUFORAJennyRandles.pdf 1989: Fire in the Sky; Jenny Randles (Case History No.2) 1989FireintheSkyJennyRandles.pdf The UFO World ’89; Jenny Randles 1989UFOWorld89BUFORAJennyRandles.pdf Controversy of the Circles; Paul Fuller and Jenny Randles 1989ControversyoftheCirclesP.FullerJ.Randles.pdf 1997: Cover Up, extensive press release with many documents; Richard Conway and Matthew Williams 1997CoverUpPressReleaseR.ConwayM.Williams.pdf Men in Black; Robert Bull 1997MeninBlackRobertBull.pdf 2001: UFOs and the Psi Interface: Manfred Cassirer, Steve Gamble, Elsie Oakensen, John Spencer 2001UFOsandthePsiInterfaceCassirerGambleOakensenSpencer.pdf A small selection of information sheets, 1990s