Back in 1992, Bob Digby produced a video with John Spencer and Roy Rowlands for The British UFO Research Association. It was entitled BUFORA UFO Review: The Researchers. It was to present the viewer with an updated selection of the latest UFO research worldwide.
Just over an hour in duration, Digby introduces a number of well known researchers and experiencers to highlight various aspects of the subject. This includes Cynthia Hind (South Africa), Budd Hopkins (USA), Steve Gamble (UK), Kathryn Howard (Sweden), Odd-Gunnar Roed (Norway), Dr. J. Allen Hynek (USA), Walt Andrus (USA) and John Spencer (UK).
This video makes interesting viewing for those new to the subject, or for researchers studying the development of UFOlogy. This documentary might feel somewhat outdated, bearing in mind the negative affects of hypnotic regression on those reporting experiences that were labelled as ‘abductions’. BUFORA has a moratorium on such activity.
Archive Video – Shamanism and the Close Encounter Witness by Tony Eccles
In Newcastle 2011, Heather Dixon of the British UFO Research Association organised a 2-day UFO conference in that great city. I was one of the guest speakers and my lecture is presented here as an archive video. Its duration (which includes Q&As) is 1 hour 10 minutes.
My lecture is rather experimental and ‘out there’. I present a rarely explored concept in the subject of UFOlogy in that the UFO Close Encounter acts as an agent of change for the UFO witness. The observation creates an environment needed by the witness to undergo some form of change or transformation in their lives. The post-experience period is normally beneficial to the experiencer, likely to amend the existing status inconsistency. However, sometimes it can mark a period of suffering, such as a severe illness and then a full recovery, which is marked by a second sighting. I argue that the UFO experience is in some way shamanic in that it enables the experiencer to make a deep connection to an Other with intended consequences.
This research is linked to and expands upon The Anamnesis Project initiated by the late Ken Philips and Dr. Alex Keul in 1981.
The British UFO Research Association held its weekend 50th anniversary conference at the Holiday Inn on Kings Cross Road, London on 22 & 23 September 2012. One of the guest speakers was renowned researcher Clas Svahn, who, at the time, was the chair of an organisation called Archives for the Unexplained (AFU).
Clas Svahn giving his ghost rocket presentation to the audience, 23 September 2012 (Photo: Ole Jonny Braenne). On the Sunday, Lee Rawlings and Tony Eccles sat down with Clas, and asked him about ghost rockets, a phenomenon normally observed in the skies over Scandinavia and Russia. This mini discussion is free to listen to on - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Archive Audio - Jenny Randles - Rendlesham Forest
This lecture was recorded on 10 December 1983. Jenny was introduced by BUFORA chair Bob Digby. As part of the BUFORA’s London lecture series, Jenny Randles was asked to present her findings on strange event at Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk. This was the first public lecture about this iconic British mystery, and would lead to the publication of Sky Crash with fellow researchers Brenda Butler and Dot Street the following year.
Archive Audio - Interview with Dave Newton BUFORA Astronomy Consultant
British UFO Research Association 50th Anniversary conference 22-23 September 2012 held at the Holiday Inn, London,
Mini interview with Dave Newton, astronomy consultant. Interview conducted by Lee Rawlings.
Archive Audio - Albert K Bender Lectures 1962 Part 1 and Part 2
Many years ago, Denis Plunkett (BFSB) gave BUFORA his UFO-related reel recordings. These were digitised by the AFU in 2011 and then recently converted to mp4.
This recording was produced by WOR radio station, New York in 1962, and includes excerpts from UFOlogist Albert K Bender's appearances on the station, and from his lecture at the Henry George School of Social Science. Recordings were made in August, September and October 1962.
Archive Video - Philip Mantle 'The Alien Post Mortem and other related themes'
The Lancashire Anomalous Phenomena Investigation Society (or LAPIS) organise a conference each year on UFO and paranormal-related subjects.
On 16-17 November 1996, the CIA (Conspiracies, Implants & Abductions) conference was held at Lytham, St. Annes. One of the speakers at this infamous event was Philip Mantle. Philip's talk on the 17th was focused on the alleged Roswell film footage. His lecture was entitled 'The Alien Post Mortem and other related themes'.
This conference was reviewed by Andy Roberts in BUFORA's UFO Times Issue 44 Dec, Jan, Feb 1997, which is free to download on our website.